
"Famke Can't Dance? That must be ADORABLE"

Quick Pit Stop in the studio yesterday for some bass overdubs and retracking some older parts to fit the current scheme of things. Quite frankly, it was too nice out to sit in the studio too long. We did some stuff, fixed some tracks and went CD shopping at Rebel Rebel. Of course we spent too much money (Brandt in particular), but it was worth the hit as the purchases between both of us (new UNKLE, Hybrid featuring Peter Hook, and Muse's new one) were all winners and now blasting loud on the Ipod.

The vision for the rest of the album becomes clearer. A track written in the aggression camp might defect to HF2 if I can get Ash to sign off on it. If so, we're going into Primals territory. More when I know.

S.O. and I spent last night at college galpal turned publicist to the stars 30th birthday party last night. Though these things are normally not my scene and despite the former TV star turned Batman pulling a no show even though he RSVP'd (and much to the relief of S.O. and the birthday girl who are afraid of that combo), it was fun to see my estranged pal Amidala dancing in the same room with Jean Gray and Chuck Barris (who can dance like a mother). The title of this entry says it all and you can credit that quote to Danny Boy.

Though we did make it to San Genarro this afternoon, I am sad to miss beer fest today though I enjoy the company of my very small relatives (and should be home in time for some PPV).


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