Welcome back all. How are you doing? Was Santa kind to you? The old fucker is still sweet on me, bringing me the awesome shit, like the aforementioned Bacon Salt, and things like the long awaited BLADE RUNNER box set that people like Bob and I have been impatiently waiting for over the past seven years. Santa is good and looks slightly Korean these days, but we do live in a diverse world. Jared Claus was also kind enough to send a kick ass package which cements my return to Chemlab fanboydom. Such a pal. I was just exchanging E-mails with a friend of mine who saw him play on this tour and also had the same experience I had. I think that tour had some of the magic dust (and not the kind that used to be smoked on Chemlab tours).
Anyway, I am not exciting, intentionally of course. Without small man here, (he arrives today), I've been able to move at a slower pace and do things like go out to dinner, see movies, pick up Irene at work, see my folks, relax and sleep in. Since I came back from L.A., my career is "musician". I've been buying software and new gear, including a vintage clone theory pedal, same kind used by Hooky, so I am dead psyched to again continue the quest for the perfect sound. Also, been working on new tracks, remixes, etc. and going back and forth with B via IM while he in Chicago as we take stock of the HF catalog both present and future. Because B is always away during the holiday, I try to work on new things, while he works on the future songs we already have in progress (DESCRIPTIVE, MAGIC WORDS, etc.)that will be featured on future releases. Then when he returns, we will go back to the current project. It's like taking a break without ignoring the band. Sorta the opposite of most aggression members who ignored the band while never taking a break. Ponder that one, shithead.
Speaking of the big A, I'm also using the time to brush up on the aggression history to keep that going cause I know Matt and Ash like to read that shit. I am just about up to the part where Mark moves to LA and Ash and I bump into each other at the Cure gig at Irving Plaza, Halloween 1997, which leads to him coming back. Coincidentally, this is when the band goes from being promising (yet awesome) to really fucking awesome and too cool for industrial school. Which should tell you something. I'm starting to forget a fuck of a lot, which is unusual for me so I am glad I am doing this now. We can flesh it all out later I guess.
Been catching up on my cinema as well. The non-asian kind. Believe me I'd be watching Asian movies nonfuckingstop if my All Region pieceofshit was working. So this forces me to watch non-asian films. Also, caught up on my wrestling history watching the Shaw Michaels DVD as well as the History of World Class. Man that World Class DVD was depressing. The Von Erichs. You know? You probably don't know, but they were messed up.
Saw the very hyped JUNO, which is actually quite worthy of said hype. I thought it was simple, smart, cute, and unpretentious and I'm not just talking about the actress Ellen Page, who is extremely good, and is the future Mrs. Kidd. The whole cast is super, and the movie was a real joy to watch. I'll be curious to see how it does in the big awards season time.
Speaking of the big awards, just nominate the Viggo already. He fucking owns so hard in EASTERN PROMISES that it hurts. The movie is good, lotta curveballs, you gotta stay sharp watching, but Viggo is the centerpiece and man does he go all the way with this. It doesn't hurt that he's got the Cassel supporting him and we all know the Cassel is the greatest actor, nay, the greatest human being on the planet. I really dug this flick. It is ultra sick fucking violent, something I kept trying to explain to Danny via text cause he wants to see it too, but the guy walked outta TRAINSPOTTING, so I don't know how he will handle this, especially when Viggo is fighting thugs naked. Like I said, he's the real deal here, he also wears these awesome fucking sunglasses that I really want. Anyway, Best Actor. Right there.
Anyway, Happy New Year to you my Christmas Friends. I'm still gonna try to do some kinda best of thing, but I've no motivation to do so. Soon maybe.
Christmas Begins
Hello from New York. What a fucking year, you know? Huge highs (often documented here unless enforced by security for the time being) and the lowest lows (rarely documented here, mostly a byproduct of the world I work in and not worth boring you as I am here to entertain), and rarely anything in between.
Still in the bliss of the Chemlab gig, I spent most of the week in Los Angeles. Because it was the end of the year, my schedule was fierce but I had my own little hole to hide in where I did spend the evenings in front of Live 7 working on a new piece that I am excited about. The song is inspired by an Israeli I met. Seriously. As we speak now, the various loops and ideas from this song play on in the background. When not working in LA or on music, I found myself doing the usual things you all know about by now, an evening at Ca'brea (where Pizza N Brew of Westchester was discussed at length), a few trips to see Irene's mom (whos definition of "a snack" would feed most countries), a trip to Bob's Donuts, a visit to Meltdown, and a fun breakfast with Kyle and Jamie. Of course the highlight was a few hours spent with Bradley J Cramp and daughter, who is hilarious and quite the little diva! I tried to explain to her that her bedroom used to be Uncle Frank's but she could give a toss as she owns it now! Wait till her twin brothers come in 08! Anyhow, I was upset to learn that that my friend Rick, who runs the DRUNKEN MASTER video store is closing the shop down. That's a fucking epic shame. Thats sorta like my first piece of LA culture lost. I avoid places like Shabu for obvious reasons. Of course I had a fucking convertible and it fucking rains. LA. Oh and the IPOD didn't fucking work either. Hello, asshole?
I was able to grab a flight back to NY with both business affairs and Roberto, so it was nice to have some company to travel East with. I am very pro the Virgin America (not Virgin Pacific or Atlantic, Roberto), though JFK needs to get its shit together as an airport. Fucking blows. Gimme Newark any day. Ugh. I had a 7:30am flight going out, left the apartment at 5:45 and STILL was late for the plane cause JFK is so disorganized. If it was Newark, I would have had breakfast, read a wrestling magazine and listen go a Maserati song 10x and still have time to spare. Anyway, JFK, whatever. I flew the business class going out and it was very comfortable and I finally put a huge ass dent in the Bret Hart book, which I am getting close to finishing. That is an achievement in itself, friends.
OK, so here I am back in the city, racing to make Christmas dreams come true for small children and in-house divas. I think I am successful, I just worry I keep forgetting something, or someone. Miss B has been crazy as busy as fuck as well and we still don't have a Christmas tree in MOGworld, even though I cleared the space. Gotta get on that ASAP.
Anyway, I need to start thinking about my "best of" list, which seems quite difficult to do this year. I don't know. I gotta review. Later, smackass.
Still in the bliss of the Chemlab gig, I spent most of the week in Los Angeles. Because it was the end of the year, my schedule was fierce but I had my own little hole to hide in where I did spend the evenings in front of Live 7 working on a new piece that I am excited about. The song is inspired by an Israeli I met. Seriously. As we speak now, the various loops and ideas from this song play on in the background. When not working in LA or on music, I found myself doing the usual things you all know about by now, an evening at Ca'brea (where Pizza N Brew of Westchester was discussed at length), a few trips to see Irene's mom (whos definition of "a snack" would feed most countries), a trip to Bob's Donuts, a visit to Meltdown, and a fun breakfast with Kyle and Jamie. Of course the highlight was a few hours spent with Bradley J Cramp and daughter, who is hilarious and quite the little diva! I tried to explain to her that her bedroom used to be Uncle Frank's but she could give a toss as she owns it now! Wait till her twin brothers come in 08! Anyhow, I was upset to learn that that my friend Rick, who runs the DRUNKEN MASTER video store is closing the shop down. That's a fucking epic shame. Thats sorta like my first piece of LA culture lost. I avoid places like Shabu for obvious reasons. Of course I had a fucking convertible and it fucking rains. LA. Oh and the IPOD didn't fucking work either. Hello, asshole?
I was able to grab a flight back to NY with both business affairs and Roberto, so it was nice to have some company to travel East with. I am very pro the Virgin America (not Virgin Pacific or Atlantic, Roberto), though JFK needs to get its shit together as an airport. Fucking blows. Gimme Newark any day. Ugh. I had a 7:30am flight going out, left the apartment at 5:45 and STILL was late for the plane cause JFK is so disorganized. If it was Newark, I would have had breakfast, read a wrestling magazine and listen go a Maserati song 10x and still have time to spare. Anyway, JFK, whatever. I flew the business class going out and it was very comfortable and I finally put a huge ass dent in the Bret Hart book, which I am getting close to finishing. That is an achievement in itself, friends.
OK, so here I am back in the city, racing to make Christmas dreams come true for small children and in-house divas. I think I am successful, I just worry I keep forgetting something, or someone. Miss B has been crazy as busy as fuck as well and we still don't have a Christmas tree in MOGworld, even though I cleared the space. Gotta get on that ASAP.
Anyway, I need to start thinking about my "best of" list, which seems quite difficult to do this year. I don't know. I gotta review. Later, smackass.
H-BAR: Back in Business.
I am still a bit hungover, and trying to watch wrestling ppv while also packing for a 7:30am flight, so forgive me if this is erratic and without the usual charm found in most of my entires.
This was a fun weekend, though I am paying for it now. First off, on Friday, Evan and I, thanks to Michael and also thanks to Charlie B at Warners, got to see the DARK KNIGHT IMAX footage that is going on the IMAX screenings of I AM LEGEND. Ok, it's the introduction of The Joker in the movie and it is the shit your pants awesome. Smart. Clever. Scary. They filmed this particular section in IMAX and man did it own. As you smarter folks know, the trailer just went up tonight, and man I think we have the best of movie of 08 already determined. It just looks can't lose and believe me, you know I know these things. I'm so glad our other movie, the one that just finished shooting on Friday, I am happy to say, is coming out like 6 months after....The mistake was seeing I AM LEGEND after, cause it was all downhill. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie. Will Smith is a super actor and really keeps this thing together. Francis, who did a movie you may recall mentioned here called CONSTANTINE, is a helluva director. The whole thing kinda falls apart at the end and the CGI is surprisingly below par. Also I don't think seeing all this in IMAX was the best idea either. Evan likened it to something like seeing broadcast TV on a High Def screen cause it didn't look right and honestly, it gave me a freakin' headache. But the movie is a huge hit and Will Smith is the biggest star on the planet and should run for President of the United States, cause he could win that election.
Anyhow, Saturday I went super crazy and cleaned MOGworld and got it ready for Christmas. Irene was VERY impressed. I thought I was gonna be out of town, so I wasn't planning on seeing Jared bring his new version of Chemlab to The Knitting Factory. However, plans change and I was psyched to see Jared do his thing. A phone call from Sean Cyanotic made it so I was going early to see these kids play, so after having some Pizza with Irene, I made my way down to the old neighborhood, which has changed quite a bit.
I can't lie to you. Industrial music, machine rock, etc. is my past and going to these things always reminds me why I have never gone to any of my High School reunions. However, Jared wisely didn't book this at That Batcave or some wack goth shit, so the venue, with its separate bar, would create a more comfortable environment for me to watch the angry music. Sweetly, Jared, who didn't know if I was coming to the gig or not, made sure I was on the list. It's weird to be recognized by people especially all these years later, but one of the true highlights was time spent talking with Wade from Christ Analogue, who was very nice to the aggression 10 years ago when we opened for him, and is still just as nice today. Great guy and he was doing sound for Jared (which makes me hate him simply because I am massively deaf today!). Anyhow, the respect from the other musicians is nice and appreciated.
I checked out Cyanotic and was really impressed with the energy of the live show. They imported the drummer from Front Line and he kept it massively tight. Sean has a good stage presence and these kids are enthusiastic, especially Dave, who I remember as a kid from the Crack message boards who went and made a nice living for himself as an engineer. 15 years ago they would have been superstars, instead theyre the sole flagbearers. I'd like to see these guys work on the songwriting a bit cause they have all the other elements needed to make good machine rock.
So finally, after a bunch of drinks with B and The Kidd, Jared took to the stage with his crew, now augmented with Jason from SMP on drums. And what I tell you is no joke, but they started with EXILE and from the first note, we knew that this gig was gonna be the goddammned best thing I have seen in ages. I can't tell you how much I loved every fucking second of Jared owning this fucking audience like a superstar. He ran through the crowd, got them moving and gave 3000 percent on stage. Great setlist. The band was awesome, the drummer was the missing ingredient cause he's brought everyone's game up to a new level. The joy I feel watching Jared up there, healthy, happy, looking fucking amazing just put a smile on my face. For one night, it was literally everything I loved about Chemlab right in front of me. We were dead into it. I truly never thought this could happen and it did. I love being wrong, Bob.
Despite being asked to comment on these things every so often, I honestly was going through a rough patch because certain suburban douchebags making vanilla midget music that no one gives a shit about had robbed me of what I loved about this music. In a single night Jared and company restored my faith and made it fun for me to love machine rock again. Now mind you, Mark Mohtashemi's not getting a phone call asking to dust off his teal green SG to bring the hate back, but now I can at least enjoy the music I spent my twenties making and listening to. Everything has its place, and this music now has that nice chapter in the book of Frank that we can look back on and say "that was fun!". And as always, Chemlab is still my favourite industrial band ever. Hugging and laughing with a sweaty Jared after the gig just topped it off. He was so happy and I was happy for him. He's amazing. A true star.
The vibe was good and since it was the last night of the tour, the band/crew were not exactly interested in going out, so B, Kidd and I brought it to the Lodge. And thank fuck Vincent himself was working. Thus we started OFF with free drinks. Then it was downhill. B didnt last long. He couldn't even walk straight so off he went into a cab, Connelly book in hand, off into the unknown. The Kidd and I had our beers, had our whiskey, did our drunk dailing, and kept it real to the wee hours.
All I remember after this is coming home while Irene and her friends, at 330am were watching ALMOST FAMOUS. I think she made me some soup and I was running around yelling I AM A GOLDEN DOUCHE! or something like that. I remember calling Danny a lot.
Today was painful. Now I have to go to LA. See you there.
This was a fun weekend, though I am paying for it now. First off, on Friday, Evan and I, thanks to Michael and also thanks to Charlie B at Warners, got to see the DARK KNIGHT IMAX footage that is going on the IMAX screenings of I AM LEGEND. Ok, it's the introduction of The Joker in the movie and it is the shit your pants awesome. Smart. Clever. Scary. They filmed this particular section in IMAX and man did it own. As you smarter folks know, the trailer just went up tonight, and man I think we have the best of movie of 08 already determined. It just looks can't lose and believe me, you know I know these things. I'm so glad our other movie, the one that just finished shooting on Friday, I am happy to say, is coming out like 6 months after....The mistake was seeing I AM LEGEND after, cause it was all downhill. Don't get me wrong, its a good movie. Will Smith is a super actor and really keeps this thing together. Francis, who did a movie you may recall mentioned here called CONSTANTINE, is a helluva director. The whole thing kinda falls apart at the end and the CGI is surprisingly below par. Also I don't think seeing all this in IMAX was the best idea either. Evan likened it to something like seeing broadcast TV on a High Def screen cause it didn't look right and honestly, it gave me a freakin' headache. But the movie is a huge hit and Will Smith is the biggest star on the planet and should run for President of the United States, cause he could win that election.
Anyhow, Saturday I went super crazy and cleaned MOGworld and got it ready for Christmas. Irene was VERY impressed. I thought I was gonna be out of town, so I wasn't planning on seeing Jared bring his new version of Chemlab to The Knitting Factory. However, plans change and I was psyched to see Jared do his thing. A phone call from Sean Cyanotic made it so I was going early to see these kids play, so after having some Pizza with Irene, I made my way down to the old neighborhood, which has changed quite a bit.
I can't lie to you. Industrial music, machine rock, etc. is my past and going to these things always reminds me why I have never gone to any of my High School reunions. However, Jared wisely didn't book this at That Batcave or some wack goth shit, so the venue, with its separate bar, would create a more comfortable environment for me to watch the angry music. Sweetly, Jared, who didn't know if I was coming to the gig or not, made sure I was on the list. It's weird to be recognized by people especially all these years later, but one of the true highlights was time spent talking with Wade from Christ Analogue, who was very nice to the aggression 10 years ago when we opened for him, and is still just as nice today. Great guy and he was doing sound for Jared (which makes me hate him simply because I am massively deaf today!). Anyhow, the respect from the other musicians is nice and appreciated.
I checked out Cyanotic and was really impressed with the energy of the live show. They imported the drummer from Front Line and he kept it massively tight. Sean has a good stage presence and these kids are enthusiastic, especially Dave, who I remember as a kid from the Crack message boards who went and made a nice living for himself as an engineer. 15 years ago they would have been superstars, instead theyre the sole flagbearers. I'd like to see these guys work on the songwriting a bit cause they have all the other elements needed to make good machine rock.
So finally, after a bunch of drinks with B and The Kidd, Jared took to the stage with his crew, now augmented with Jason from SMP on drums. And what I tell you is no joke, but they started with EXILE and from the first note, we knew that this gig was gonna be the goddammned best thing I have seen in ages. I can't tell you how much I loved every fucking second of Jared owning this fucking audience like a superstar. He ran through the crowd, got them moving and gave 3000 percent on stage. Great setlist. The band was awesome, the drummer was the missing ingredient cause he's brought everyone's game up to a new level. The joy I feel watching Jared up there, healthy, happy, looking fucking amazing just put a smile on my face. For one night, it was literally everything I loved about Chemlab right in front of me. We were dead into it. I truly never thought this could happen and it did. I love being wrong, Bob.
Despite being asked to comment on these things every so often, I honestly was going through a rough patch because certain suburban douchebags making vanilla midget music that no one gives a shit about had robbed me of what I loved about this music. In a single night Jared and company restored my faith and made it fun for me to love machine rock again. Now mind you, Mark Mohtashemi's not getting a phone call asking to dust off his teal green SG to bring the hate back, but now I can at least enjoy the music I spent my twenties making and listening to. Everything has its place, and this music now has that nice chapter in the book of Frank that we can look back on and say "that was fun!". And as always, Chemlab is still my favourite industrial band ever. Hugging and laughing with a sweaty Jared after the gig just topped it off. He was so happy and I was happy for him. He's amazing. A true star.
The vibe was good and since it was the last night of the tour, the band/crew were not exactly interested in going out, so B, Kidd and I brought it to the Lodge. And thank fuck Vincent himself was working. Thus we started OFF with free drinks. Then it was downhill. B didnt last long. He couldn't even walk straight so off he went into a cab, Connelly book in hand, off into the unknown. The Kidd and I had our beers, had our whiskey, did our drunk dailing, and kept it real to the wee hours.
All I remember after this is coming home while Irene and her friends, at 330am were watching ALMOST FAMOUS. I think she made me some soup and I was running around yelling I AM A GOLDEN DOUCHE! or something like that. I remember calling Danny a lot.
Today was painful. Now I have to go to LA. See you there.
Tramps Like Us
It's been a long week. Stressful workwise, fun Uncle wise. Sister In Law and Nephew decided to stay a little longer which was good as the ladies were getting along and the little man and I had a lot on the agenda of things to do that men do (buy comics, play videogames, eat candy).
On Friday night though, Danny, Lurch, B, and I went to some pretentious "theatre space" on Bleeker to check out the pretentious new band from Vincent Gallo, called RRIICCEE. Ok so this is supposed to be an "improv" band, and you know how much we all love Gallo. I don't have to get into that. Irene was going to go, but bailed to hang with sister and nephew. After eating some Indian with them, I met Danny and Lurch at Cameron's fave bar, Tom and Jerry's for a pre gig drink. I had a really stressful day before this (which i think is why I am home sick now typing this to you), so Danny, being Danny, tried to get me to do a shot of Jaeg. We've been over this, and as Laura will tell you, I know how to Just Say No to Jaeg. However, that doesnt mean I am anti shot, so while queens and Harlem drank their Jaeg, your hero kept it Grandpa Al style and had him some Whiskey. It was just enough to take the edge off, and believe me, I sure was about to need that edge off.
Let me state for the record, that Lurch and Danny had a few drinks prior to the few drinks with me. Danny, in particular was in the rare form. Luckily for Gallo and company, there were no drinks served at this place, because then there would have been real trouble. The first sign of RFK (meaning, get the fuck out of here) was when Michael Pitt was sitting two rows in front of us. Then, the "band" came out (Gallo wearing KARATE KID style headband) and were met by a polite round of applause and Danny cheering "RRIIICCEEEEEEEEEE" like he was at Summerslam. And then the "band" picked up their instruments. And I can't even begin to tell you how fucking terrible this was. This is what I imagine ex-aggression members are doing with loopmaking half asses somewhere on Long Island, except any ex-aggression member could do something better than this turgid pile of shit. Literally, I cannot describe it to you, so I will let these excerpts from a post off Brooklyn Vegan explain it to you (and they are being VERY kind here):
"RRIICCEE were absolutely godawful.
What an absolute disaster. These were long, drawn-out, excruciatingly boring post-rock improvisations. It seemed like one lame "intro" track after another, no one seemed to enjoy it. Not the band, not the crowd, no one.
Complete and utter waste of time and money, and such pretentiousness from every angle. I left after 45 minutes because I just couldn't take their boring crap anymore.
Best way to describe the music: imagine if Sigur Ros had a lobotomy, ridding them of any sort of style, emotion, or direction in their music. (Not an insult to Sigur Ros, I think they're awesome) But this lame post-rocky shit has got to stop. PROGRESS DAMN YOU!
As I was leaving I caught a glimpse of the merch table:
This show should have cost no more than $7 for what it was. Now I can join the chorus of people everywhere and say "Fuck you Vincent Gallo"."
OK one thing I did fail to mention was Danny laughing at the merch guy before the gig started for those insane prices. Hilarious. Within minutes of them "performing", Brandt was texting his girlfriend, Danny and I were texting each other things such as "DDOOMMIINNOO" (see earlier blog entry titled WORST NIGHT EVER to learn with that means) and Lurch was asleep. All I could hear was the sound of Gallo's head going further up his own ass.
This was unfuckingbearable. And then Danny, via text, declared something that hasn't been declared since we were 14: "We Should WALL STREET". Now even you diehards don't even know what the fuck that means, but let me explain. As young men, we and some young ladies went to go see the movie WALL STREET and decided this movie was the worst movie ever made (we were young), and we thought we were cool ass to have walked out right in the middle and declared this movie a failure to everyone in the theatre. It's the absolute last resort in all things MOGpac and only Gallo could bring us to this point. I then turned to Danny and said "OK, you're right, at the end of this song, we Wall Street" Brandt and Lurch had no idea what the fuck that meant, but seemed to catch on pretty quick as we got our shit and walked the fuck out. Danny of course turned to everyone and said something like "GOOOD NIGHT RIIIIICEEE!!!!!" very loudly. We found the dude with the afro from The Strokes (who is at all things Gallo in NYC) sneaking out as well and of course danny called him out with a very loud "SEE YOU LATER STROKES!!" or "HEY STROKES, DON'T FORGET YOUR RRIICCEE". Something like that...
And then we went to Swifts for a drink. I only stayed for one as I had to take nephew and Sister in Law to the train at 7am, but man I needed that drink. Then we discussed the latest internet sensation: 2girls1cup. Danny's reaction is priceless.
The next morning, I got the Montreal crew off on their train and found myself feeling ill and unable to go back to bed. Thus, I read the entirety of Chris Connelly's memoir CONCRETE, BULLETPROOF, INVISIBLE & FRIED: MY LIFE AS A REVOLTING COCK. This is a fun and breezy read. Not as in depth as I would like, but again my knowledge of this stuff, along with Brandt, is already pretty in depth. I always love Connelly's writing and this was no exception. I would like to have had a little more insight into the people I have admired over the years, and I felt he short shifted his own solo career (of which I am a big fan) but this book is a great read if you have some knowledge of the cast of characters. Someone needs to write a definitive book of the time period when they're not working on the HF album.
And here I am now, home sick, reading manga nonstop, trying to get through Bret Hart's wayyyyy to deep book, working on a tune or two and listening to the wealth of CD's I have purchased or stolen as of late. I was supposed to be traveling tonight, but that is now pushed a week so I can enjoy NY a bit more and hopefully see Jared and co on Saturday.
On Friday night though, Danny, Lurch, B, and I went to some pretentious "theatre space" on Bleeker to check out the pretentious new band from Vincent Gallo, called RRIICCEE. Ok so this is supposed to be an "improv" band, and you know how much we all love Gallo. I don't have to get into that. Irene was going to go, but bailed to hang with sister and nephew. After eating some Indian with them, I met Danny and Lurch at Cameron's fave bar, Tom and Jerry's for a pre gig drink. I had a really stressful day before this (which i think is why I am home sick now typing this to you), so Danny, being Danny, tried to get me to do a shot of Jaeg. We've been over this, and as Laura will tell you, I know how to Just Say No to Jaeg. However, that doesnt mean I am anti shot, so while queens and Harlem drank their Jaeg, your hero kept it Grandpa Al style and had him some Whiskey. It was just enough to take the edge off, and believe me, I sure was about to need that edge off.
Let me state for the record, that Lurch and Danny had a few drinks prior to the few drinks with me. Danny, in particular was in the rare form. Luckily for Gallo and company, there were no drinks served at this place, because then there would have been real trouble. The first sign of RFK (meaning, get the fuck out of here) was when Michael Pitt was sitting two rows in front of us. Then, the "band" came out (Gallo wearing KARATE KID style headband) and were met by a polite round of applause and Danny cheering "RRIIICCEEEEEEEEEE" like he was at Summerslam. And then the "band" picked up their instruments. And I can't even begin to tell you how fucking terrible this was. This is what I imagine ex-aggression members are doing with loopmaking half asses somewhere on Long Island, except any ex-aggression member could do something better than this turgid pile of shit. Literally, I cannot describe it to you, so I will let these excerpts from a post off Brooklyn Vegan explain it to you (and they are being VERY kind here):
"RRIICCEE were absolutely godawful.
What an absolute disaster. These were long, drawn-out, excruciatingly boring post-rock improvisations. It seemed like one lame "intro" track after another, no one seemed to enjoy it. Not the band, not the crowd, no one.
Complete and utter waste of time and money, and such pretentiousness from every angle. I left after 45 minutes because I just couldn't take their boring crap anymore.
Best way to describe the music: imagine if Sigur Ros had a lobotomy, ridding them of any sort of style, emotion, or direction in their music. (Not an insult to Sigur Ros, I think they're awesome) But this lame post-rocky shit has got to stop. PROGRESS DAMN YOU!
As I was leaving I caught a glimpse of the merch table:
This show should have cost no more than $7 for what it was. Now I can join the chorus of people everywhere and say "Fuck you Vincent Gallo"."
OK one thing I did fail to mention was Danny laughing at the merch guy before the gig started for those insane prices. Hilarious. Within minutes of them "performing", Brandt was texting his girlfriend, Danny and I were texting each other things such as "DDOOMMIINNOO" (see earlier blog entry titled WORST NIGHT EVER to learn with that means) and Lurch was asleep. All I could hear was the sound of Gallo's head going further up his own ass.
This was unfuckingbearable. And then Danny, via text, declared something that hasn't been declared since we were 14: "We Should WALL STREET". Now even you diehards don't even know what the fuck that means, but let me explain. As young men, we and some young ladies went to go see the movie WALL STREET and decided this movie was the worst movie ever made (we were young), and we thought we were cool ass to have walked out right in the middle and declared this movie a failure to everyone in the theatre. It's the absolute last resort in all things MOGpac and only Gallo could bring us to this point. I then turned to Danny and said "OK, you're right, at the end of this song, we Wall Street" Brandt and Lurch had no idea what the fuck that meant, but seemed to catch on pretty quick as we got our shit and walked the fuck out. Danny of course turned to everyone and said something like "GOOOD NIGHT RIIIIICEEE!!!!!" very loudly. We found the dude with the afro from The Strokes (who is at all things Gallo in NYC) sneaking out as well and of course danny called him out with a very loud "SEE YOU LATER STROKES!!" or "HEY STROKES, DON'T FORGET YOUR RRIICCEE". Something like that...
And then we went to Swifts for a drink. I only stayed for one as I had to take nephew and Sister in Law to the train at 7am, but man I needed that drink. Then we discussed the latest internet sensation: 2girls1cup. Danny's reaction is priceless.
The next morning, I got the Montreal crew off on their train and found myself feeling ill and unable to go back to bed. Thus, I read the entirety of Chris Connelly's memoir CONCRETE, BULLETPROOF, INVISIBLE & FRIED: MY LIFE AS A REVOLTING COCK. This is a fun and breezy read. Not as in depth as I would like, but again my knowledge of this stuff, along with Brandt, is already pretty in depth. I always love Connelly's writing and this was no exception. I would like to have had a little more insight into the people I have admired over the years, and I felt he short shifted his own solo career (of which I am a big fan) but this book is a great read if you have some knowledge of the cast of characters. Someone needs to write a definitive book of the time period when they're not working on the HF album.
And here I am now, home sick, reading manga nonstop, trying to get through Bret Hart's wayyyyy to deep book, working on a tune or two and listening to the wealth of CD's I have purchased or stolen as of late. I was supposed to be traveling tonight, but that is now pushed a week so I can enjoy NY a bit more and hopefully see Jared and co on Saturday.
guten tag!
quick post from Munich. My flight to krakow was fortunately delayed as we left newark almost two hours late. I forgot how much I love this country. Highlight so far: two fresh stamps for my new passport...for smoking a cigarette.
And the itouch rules too.
more to come soon.
And the itouch rules too.
more to come soon.
Hello All:
Greetings from NY, the longest stretch on home turf in years. That's about to change, I believe, but you never know by the minute, the hour, etc. Let's get caught up to speed:
Thanksgiving was a quiet affair at my Aunts on Long Island. It was brief and quiet and delicious. The next morning, I hopped in my newly rented Ford Escape and took the trek up North to the great Montreal to visit the little man, who's toys have been in our house since August. It was a good trip, my first drive up there solo, so it was fun just rolling albums I haven't had a chance to give proper attention to, etc. Its hilarious how cold it is up there. It was literally in the high 50's and sunny and then suddenly, an hour before the border, shit turns grey and snow in full effect.

I was poorly dressed for the Canadians, but Col, Cam, and Yan, indulged me and let me be a lazy fuck. Nephew of course felt the need to wake me up at the early hours, and at one point even put a small dog on my head. Uncle limits were tested right there, but I got tons of rest, ate like a champ, played videogames and just clowned around. They have a sweet new pad as well, which made it fun. I knew going home on Sunday would be a huge error as I would be stuck at the border for hours and hours, so I took Cam to the schoolbus on Monday and then drove my ass back that morning. Smooth sailing.
Since then, I have been working and doing the usual (which means, waking up and not knowing what the fuck will happen by the time the day is over). Work is stressful, but the movie is looking awesome. I am so excited about it.
I went to B's one night this week, but my head wasn't totally in the game cause Cam was home alone and calling me nonstop. But B wisely turned the evening into a night of Dumont Burgers and album review. We got through a lot of stuff and the progress is insane. He worked with Bob while I was in Montreal and they had a super productive time. The tracks are huge and fierce, and even got Flatbread to play on the long gestating Sweetest Soul Remix. Flipping awesome work from Hartsdale's Own. He's brought it to the big time.
Friday night Irene took me to one of those Flavorpill museum things. It was classy. We had a few drinks and apps with Roger and his friend Rich, a student of good martial arts movies. This led to much conversation and me jotting down tons of titles for this guy to watch. He's gonna be dreaming of Johnnie f'n To. Anyway, at the event, Juan McClean DJ'd. No Jerry in sight, but the set was good. It was a chill evening and a good time. We were home mildly late.
Saturday was the highlight. Irene was home in the morning so we kept it lazy, ordered some brunch and cleaned the apt up for our incoming houseguests from the great north. Then she went to work while your hero brought it to B's and played what is just about my last round of bass for the album (minus the remaining song we need to finish writing). This was much more enjoyable than the trip earlier in the week where I was distracted. We got our shit done and then looked ahead to another song for a future release that we're dead excited about.

From there, I ran back to the city to get some food with my long-missed idiot convention. All are back from their respective travels and Danny-Boy (aka Penis Wrincle, yes that is how it is spelled), chose the Cambodian awesomeness of Kampuchea (78 Rivington St, New York 10002 At Allen St) for us to dine at. Danny described this as "Irene level Awesome" and man he was not kidding. I strongly urge you to get your ass there. Who the hell knew there was food this awesome in the Alcoholic Playground. I thought it was just a bunch of cunts and shit bars for assholes. Well even that couldn't last forever. Thankfully.
Why were we in this area? Well, asshole, it is because we had to get to the Bowery to see the styling of MR. Richard Hawley. He being formerly of Longpigs and Pulp and being currently an awesome fucking solo artist, I slipped his new album to the lads a few months ago and we all universally agreed amongst us idiots that this guy is the awesome we like. Danny nicely got my ass a ticket despite not knowing if my ass would be in town. Luckily it was, and luckily I went to this gig, cause it was fucking great. Hawley is funny in a dulli way but with less angst. He even called someone "gay". He played a super set that we witnessed along with 3/4 of the former Saintface (with whom I had enjoyable summits with).
Needless to say, everyone was impressed. Beers, Whiskey and Hawley makes for a kind evening. His band is quite tight and it was really really enjoyable. I ran out and bought his other albums cause there were a bunch of songs I liked, especially the set closing track, THE OCEAN, which is a killer and one of those tunes the Kidd would have wept to had his trip to France gone in a different direction. Hawley is worth the price of admission. Check it out.
Then, your hero RAN, yet again back to MOGworld to find sister in law and small nephew fully of energy after having spent 10 hours on the Amtrak. Then girlfriend came home from work and suddenly I had a whole lot of Bradish energy going on in my small apartment. I passed out.

Today the girls went shopping and drinking while the lads watched Nickelodeon, Christmas shopped, bought cds, and hit the Wii. Good times. Then we met up with the girls, ate some Korean, as they are Koreans supposedly, and now here we are chilling at home.
And the week begins.
Greetings from NY, the longest stretch on home turf in years. That's about to change, I believe, but you never know by the minute, the hour, etc. Let's get caught up to speed:
Thanksgiving was a quiet affair at my Aunts on Long Island. It was brief and quiet and delicious. The next morning, I hopped in my newly rented Ford Escape and took the trek up North to the great Montreal to visit the little man, who's toys have been in our house since August. It was a good trip, my first drive up there solo, so it was fun just rolling albums I haven't had a chance to give proper attention to, etc. Its hilarious how cold it is up there. It was literally in the high 50's and sunny and then suddenly, an hour before the border, shit turns grey and snow in full effect.
I was poorly dressed for the Canadians, but Col, Cam, and Yan, indulged me and let me be a lazy fuck. Nephew of course felt the need to wake me up at the early hours, and at one point even put a small dog on my head. Uncle limits were tested right there, but I got tons of rest, ate like a champ, played videogames and just clowned around. They have a sweet new pad as well, which made it fun. I knew going home on Sunday would be a huge error as I would be stuck at the border for hours and hours, so I took Cam to the schoolbus on Monday and then drove my ass back that morning. Smooth sailing.
Since then, I have been working and doing the usual (which means, waking up and not knowing what the fuck will happen by the time the day is over). Work is stressful, but the movie is looking awesome. I am so excited about it.
I went to B's one night this week, but my head wasn't totally in the game cause Cam was home alone and calling me nonstop. But B wisely turned the evening into a night of Dumont Burgers and album review. We got through a lot of stuff and the progress is insane. He worked with Bob while I was in Montreal and they had a super productive time. The tracks are huge and fierce, and even got Flatbread to play on the long gestating Sweetest Soul Remix. Flipping awesome work from Hartsdale's Own. He's brought it to the big time.
Friday night Irene took me to one of those Flavorpill museum things. It was classy. We had a few drinks and apps with Roger and his friend Rich, a student of good martial arts movies. This led to much conversation and me jotting down tons of titles for this guy to watch. He's gonna be dreaming of Johnnie f'n To. Anyway, at the event, Juan McClean DJ'd. No Jerry in sight, but the set was good. It was a chill evening and a good time. We were home mildly late.
Saturday was the highlight. Irene was home in the morning so we kept it lazy, ordered some brunch and cleaned the apt up for our incoming houseguests from the great north. Then she went to work while your hero brought it to B's and played what is just about my last round of bass for the album (minus the remaining song we need to finish writing). This was much more enjoyable than the trip earlier in the week where I was distracted. We got our shit done and then looked ahead to another song for a future release that we're dead excited about.
From there, I ran back to the city to get some food with my long-missed idiot convention. All are back from their respective travels and Danny-Boy (aka Penis Wrincle, yes that is how it is spelled), chose the Cambodian awesomeness of Kampuchea (78 Rivington St, New York 10002 At Allen St) for us to dine at. Danny described this as "Irene level Awesome" and man he was not kidding. I strongly urge you to get your ass there. Who the hell knew there was food this awesome in the Alcoholic Playground. I thought it was just a bunch of cunts and shit bars for assholes. Well even that couldn't last forever. Thankfully.
Why were we in this area? Well, asshole, it is because we had to get to the Bowery to see the styling of MR. Richard Hawley. He being formerly of Longpigs and Pulp and being currently an awesome fucking solo artist, I slipped his new album to the lads a few months ago and we all universally agreed amongst us idiots that this guy is the awesome we like. Danny nicely got my ass a ticket despite not knowing if my ass would be in town. Luckily it was, and luckily I went to this gig, cause it was fucking great. Hawley is funny in a dulli way but with less angst. He even called someone "gay". He played a super set that we witnessed along with 3/4 of the former Saintface (with whom I had enjoyable summits with).
Needless to say, everyone was impressed. Beers, Whiskey and Hawley makes for a kind evening. His band is quite tight and it was really really enjoyable. I ran out and bought his other albums cause there were a bunch of songs I liked, especially the set closing track, THE OCEAN, which is a killer and one of those tunes the Kidd would have wept to had his trip to France gone in a different direction. Hawley is worth the price of admission. Check it out.
Then, your hero RAN, yet again back to MOGworld to find sister in law and small nephew fully of energy after having spent 10 hours on the Amtrak. Then girlfriend came home from work and suddenly I had a whole lot of Bradish energy going on in my small apartment. I passed out.
Today the girls went shopping and drinking while the lads watched Nickelodeon, Christmas shopped, bought cds, and hit the Wii. Good times. Then we met up with the girls, ate some Korean, as they are Koreans supposedly, and now here we are chilling at home.
And the week begins.
Birthday Bitch
Where have I been? Asshole where have YOU been.
Me? Well, I've been enjoying my longest stretch in NY in a year and goddamn I love this city. Been catching up with the lads, the family and the other half, who is working like a maniac. It's funny cause now when I am not traveling, everyone else is, Brandt is in Berlin, Danny is in Rhode Island, and The Kidd, lucky child, is off to France for a spell. I respect all three of these men for their travel destinations, except maybe Danny, but he's eating well and hanging with "just a little guy" (aka his nephew).
I'm trying to remember the order of events, but I think Friday night was spent celebrating Roger's birthday, which was a blast cause a. he is a good guy and b. Anj and Brian hosted, which means the awesome cooking and the fun guest list. This night was no exception. A first class evening and I think Roger enjoyed his birthday, (aka Rog-uukuh).
Saturday, Irene was working so I caught up with the guys to check out the new Cohen Brothers movie, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. What an awesome movie! It has a really weird ending, but the more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Everyone in this movie is great, especially Javier Bardem who is a scary ass motherfucker! He is so scary sick it hurt. You sit through this whole movie coiled up like you're going to be attacked at any second. It is all tension and it is all awesome. With the exception of this ending, which I thought was a bit jarring, I might be calling this my movie of the year. Big props to Josh Brolin who will no longer be aka Older Brother From Goonies after this.
That night, Irene was working till midnight but wanted to go to yet another birthday party. Is February some kind of horny month cause everyone is born in fucking November. Honestly, I was really tired and anti, but the gentlemen who's party it was is a big comic fan and asked Irene to bring me. So we didn't get out till like 1am cause it was fucking freezing and every fuck was out. But apparently , I can go out whenever I want however late I want. Don't need no Day Of Rest (tm BOB) . Anyway, I'm dreading being bored at one in the fucking morning at this thing, and within 2 seconds who grabs me but none other than Bryan Black (who has recently moved to NY) and Mike Doyle (in from Detroit)! Thank GOD. This ends up being a great evening of hanging with the Motor and Burnlab crew and despite some douches tweaking around the crowd, I ended up having a great time. As you can see here, being totally tired and having a few drinks in me, I was having a better time than my girl, (aka Irene), who was quite tired:

What a total surprise seeing this crew. We talked music, both old and new, and it was great finding someone from the old days who is thinking and moving forward. Doyle's girl Bethany is also quite cool as well and knows her shit big time. Top girl. It was like a High School Reunion where no one was living in the past or making you feel like shit for having a life beyond where you came from. And Doyle, we'll get around to that HF cover art in the 08. (I stole these pix from Doyle's Flickr)

While I didn't really get too drunk, I was really tired, and now I can't remember what I did on Sunday. Usually it is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB) , but I think we saw my family. Irene confirms we did! I saw my little cousins, who are now not so little, and happily they still like STAR WARS and all the cool stuff. We met my cool cousin Josh's new girlfriend, aka Diamond Lil (long story, but nicknames are cool, you know) and she fit in real good when she called my other cousin Anti-Social. I loved it. I hope she stays around a long time .
Since these events, it's been the usual busy. Sneaking in the music when I can, and just overall enjoying being in NY for a stretch. We did the Frank Sr. (aka my Dad) Birthday celebration the other night and retirement finally looks to be on the horizon for the big man. God help us. Irene's pal Lynnell has her moms in town so we have been wining, dining and wiiing with them. Now I am trying to settle into a nice Saturday afternoon viewing the HK TV series WING CHUNG starring Nick Tse, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. So far so good. I have an childhood love of Sammo and Yuen and this actually a sequel to one of my early 80's fave Kung Fu movies, PRODIGAL SON, which, no suprise, starred Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. Go figure.
Tomorrow is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB). Enjoy!
Me? Well, I've been enjoying my longest stretch in NY in a year and goddamn I love this city. Been catching up with the lads, the family and the other half, who is working like a maniac. It's funny cause now when I am not traveling, everyone else is, Brandt is in Berlin, Danny is in Rhode Island, and The Kidd, lucky child, is off to France for a spell. I respect all three of these men for their travel destinations, except maybe Danny, but he's eating well and hanging with "just a little guy" (aka his nephew).
I'm trying to remember the order of events, but I think Friday night was spent celebrating Roger's birthday, which was a blast cause a. he is a good guy and b. Anj and Brian hosted, which means the awesome cooking and the fun guest list. This night was no exception. A first class evening and I think Roger enjoyed his birthday, (aka Rog-uukuh).
Saturday, Irene was working so I caught up with the guys to check out the new Cohen Brothers movie, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. What an awesome movie! It has a really weird ending, but the more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Everyone in this movie is great, especially Javier Bardem who is a scary ass motherfucker! He is so scary sick it hurt. You sit through this whole movie coiled up like you're going to be attacked at any second. It is all tension and it is all awesome. With the exception of this ending, which I thought was a bit jarring, I might be calling this my movie of the year. Big props to Josh Brolin who will no longer be aka Older Brother From Goonies after this.
That night, Irene was working till midnight but wanted to go to yet another birthday party. Is February some kind of horny month cause everyone is born in fucking November. Honestly, I was really tired and anti, but the gentlemen who's party it was is a big comic fan and asked Irene to bring me. So we didn't get out till like 1am cause it was fucking freezing and every fuck was out. But apparently , I can go out whenever I want however late I want. Don't need no Day Of Rest (tm BOB) . Anyway, I'm dreading being bored at one in the fucking morning at this thing, and within 2 seconds who grabs me but none other than Bryan Black (who has recently moved to NY) and Mike Doyle (in from Detroit)! Thank GOD. This ends up being a great evening of hanging with the Motor and Burnlab crew and despite some douches tweaking around the crowd, I ended up having a great time. As you can see here, being totally tired and having a few drinks in me, I was having a better time than my girl, (aka Irene), who was quite tired:

What a total surprise seeing this crew. We talked music, both old and new, and it was great finding someone from the old days who is thinking and moving forward. Doyle's girl Bethany is also quite cool as well and knows her shit big time. Top girl. It was like a High School Reunion where no one was living in the past or making you feel like shit for having a life beyond where you came from. And Doyle, we'll get around to that HF cover art in the 08. (I stole these pix from Doyle's Flickr)

While I didn't really get too drunk, I was really tired, and now I can't remember what I did on Sunday. Usually it is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB) , but I think we saw my family. Irene confirms we did! I saw my little cousins, who are now not so little, and happily they still like STAR WARS and all the cool stuff. We met my cool cousin Josh's new girlfriend, aka Diamond Lil (long story, but nicknames are cool, you know) and she fit in real good when she called my other cousin Anti-Social. I loved it. I hope she stays around a long time .
Since these events, it's been the usual busy. Sneaking in the music when I can, and just overall enjoying being in NY for a stretch. We did the Frank Sr. (aka my Dad) Birthday celebration the other night and retirement finally looks to be on the horizon for the big man. God help us. Irene's pal Lynnell has her moms in town so we have been wining, dining and wiiing with them. Now I am trying to settle into a nice Saturday afternoon viewing the HK TV series WING CHUNG starring Nick Tse, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. So far so good. I have an childhood love of Sammo and Yuen and this actually a sequel to one of my early 80's fave Kung Fu movies, PRODIGAL SON, which, no suprise, starred Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. Go figure.
Tomorrow is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB). Enjoy!
Topic: Techno
Once again, the former aggression siblings find themselves lonely without a band or a Danny around (he's in Newport for 2 weeks with the kids).
F: Its all techno, but euro…
K: Techno is a racket
F: Ash was onto something
K: I mean Ash was like going to England to play his 8 level shit. 4 wall? What was it?
F: He was so ahead of his time he had to make it 4th level
K: He's not even talented
F: It was gonna be 8th level, but people couldnt keep up. So he cut it in half.
K: Hahah
F: You know how it is
K: You know what? I can't remember...
F: Cause you're only like at the 3rd level
Also, this is not Ash: http://www.michaelvenezia.com/
F: Its all techno, but euro…
K: Techno is a racket
F: Ash was onto something
K: I mean Ash was like going to England to play his 8 level shit. 4 wall? What was it?
F: He was so ahead of his time he had to make it 4th level
K: He's not even talented
F: It was gonna be 8th level, but people couldnt keep up. So he cut it in half.
K: Hahah
F: You know how it is
K: You know what? I can't remember...
F: Cause you're only like at the 3rd level
Also, this is not Ash: http://www.michaelvenezia.com/
So, once again our attention turns the Durans. I don't have to get into the history, the dozens of gigs we've attended, and how I have stuck by them through and through the last few decades, etc. You know this. So lets get into it.
The Comeback 5 or so years ago was awesome. The gigs were amazing, the band were super, and then ASTRONAUT came out. And it was kind of a let down. It felt flat, overproduced, etc. Again, I've been through this. If I learned anything about the Durans was how much in their later years its about the show and not the albums themselves. Webster Hall, MSG, and ASTRONAUT proved that. In my mind, it was a comeback that had super momentum and then had the rug pulled out from under them.
Since then, they've gone and done their thing. They lost Andy Taylor yet again (and supposedly did a whole album with him that will hopefully leak eventually) Played the world, awesome gigs, large places, Diana concert, Live 8 or whatever it was called, and their place in history at this point is pretty much sealed. Kudos to the lads. Anyone should be happy with that legacy. But we're talking about Duran Duran here.
When I heard the first leaked tracks from their collaboration with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake (of whom I am a big fan, almost at the level of Ash), my first reaction was that of dread. Mind you, I didn't hate the songs as much as I didn't like Timbaland rapping over some parts. Big problem. Immediately, my expectations for this new album, frighteningly called RED CARPET MASSACRE. The whole collaboration thing seemed like a very obvious attempt at being "relevant" and get back onto the charts, and guess what, in typical Duran style, they made no bones about this and were quite upfront about it. I sorta respected it. Kinda. Sorta. You know me, if the music is good, then who the fuck cares...
So then they announce a 10 night residency on Broadway to promote this new album. Clever, I thought, until I read they were performing the entire new album and "some hits". For the price they were charging for this, and with my unpredictable schedule, I had convinced myself that this was a pass. Even while in New Mexico, my beloved Aunt (who had taken me to see them literally 20 years ago), called me seeing if she wanted to get me tickets. I passed. However, in a moment of weakness in Newport, I found myself lying around a hotel room pondering the value of family (long story and nothing to do with my own family), and grabbed three tickets. One for me, one for Irene,and one for my Aunt. Man was she excited when I told her about this!!
My excitement for this gig lay more in doing something nice for my aunt, who always been the "cool" aunt and with whom my relationship is similar to that between Irene and Cameron (My aunt has babysat Cam a few times). Also, this made me a hero to my mom, who is my aunts older sister.
Anyhow, we were going a few nights into the series of gigs and I started to follow the reviews, articles etc. about the band, the show and the album. Surprisingly, a lot of was positive. I at least knew we were going to see a good gig cause honestly, they never suck live and to see them in a tiny Bway theatre would be something to brag about to the likes of Vikki, et al. I had planned an evening. I took Irene and my aunt to my fave midtown Italian eatery, cause it was right by the theatre and we had ourselves a very nice dinner. We then proceeded to walk up the block and when I turned the corner and saw the big billboard of them at the theatre, I was officially psyched. Oh and they had a really fucking funny Playbill!
Long story short, they come out and the look awesome, the stage set is great and we have awesome seats. They then play the whole new album in order. And it doesn't suck, again proving my point that them playing live always suits the songs that much better. The stuff I didn't like seemed to make more sense in the context of the album. Oh, and let me reiterate that they play like champs and with the energy of men half their age.

My aunt literally made me google Simon LeBon on my Blackberry just because we couldn't believe this energetic guy is 49 years old. And again, they can PLAY. The fountain of youth is in full effect, but wisely, they are not TRYING to be 25 year olds. The new material is also aided by an excellent multimedia show that took good advantage of the venue without distracting from the music. I didn't love all the new songs but goddammit I respected their playing the whole thing and presenting it this way. 12 songs later and they were off.
If they didn't come back, I wouldn't have been too upset, but these guys are smart. And gutsy. They come back for the second part of the show and it's an ell electronic, Kraftwork-style set. Played live. I want to be clear on that . And what do they do? They open with Kraftworks SHOWROOM DUMMIES and then proceed to play an awesome fucking set up older songs like SKIN TRADE, ALL SHE WANTS IS, LAST CHANCE ON THE STAIRWAY and I DON'T WANT YOUR LOVE. They even slipped in a cover of WARM LEATHERETTE and added a fucking horn section somwhere in there. This literally was one of the coolest Duran things I have ever seen and this set was worth the price of admission. This is what it looked like (Thank you, Irene)

And they come back for the third part of the show, which was the 'hits". And man were the fans rewarded. It's what you expect: RELFEX, NOTORIOUS, PLANET EARTH and even the rarely played DO YOU BELIEVE IN SHAME. massive. There are more, and the crowd goes mental. Total, the whole evening was an amazing, one of a kind, 2 hours plus of the Durans showing that they can be relevant. They didn't need the rapping for that.
I've since gotten my hands on the album and It's a much more spirited affair than ASTRONAUT. Yep there's some good, there's some not so good, but damn they are still here and still impressive and their legacy is intact. Look, they aren't gonna chart in this country, but they still got it.
Well done lads, and thanks to Irene and my Aunt for a fun evening!
The Comeback 5 or so years ago was awesome. The gigs were amazing, the band were super, and then ASTRONAUT came out. And it was kind of a let down. It felt flat, overproduced, etc. Again, I've been through this. If I learned anything about the Durans was how much in their later years its about the show and not the albums themselves. Webster Hall, MSG, and ASTRONAUT proved that. In my mind, it was a comeback that had super momentum and then had the rug pulled out from under them.
Since then, they've gone and done their thing. They lost Andy Taylor yet again (and supposedly did a whole album with him that will hopefully leak eventually) Played the world, awesome gigs, large places, Diana concert, Live 8 or whatever it was called, and their place in history at this point is pretty much sealed. Kudos to the lads. Anyone should be happy with that legacy. But we're talking about Duran Duran here.
When I heard the first leaked tracks from their collaboration with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake (of whom I am a big fan, almost at the level of Ash), my first reaction was that of dread. Mind you, I didn't hate the songs as much as I didn't like Timbaland rapping over some parts. Big problem. Immediately, my expectations for this new album, frighteningly called RED CARPET MASSACRE. The whole collaboration thing seemed like a very obvious attempt at being "relevant" and get back onto the charts, and guess what, in typical Duran style, they made no bones about this and were quite upfront about it. I sorta respected it. Kinda. Sorta. You know me, if the music is good, then who the fuck cares...
So then they announce a 10 night residency on Broadway to promote this new album. Clever, I thought, until I read they were performing the entire new album and "some hits". For the price they were charging for this, and with my unpredictable schedule, I had convinced myself that this was a pass. Even while in New Mexico, my beloved Aunt (who had taken me to see them literally 20 years ago), called me seeing if she wanted to get me tickets. I passed. However, in a moment of weakness in Newport, I found myself lying around a hotel room pondering the value of family (long story and nothing to do with my own family), and grabbed three tickets. One for me, one for Irene,and one for my Aunt. Man was she excited when I told her about this!!
My excitement for this gig lay more in doing something nice for my aunt, who always been the "cool" aunt and with whom my relationship is similar to that between Irene and Cameron (My aunt has babysat Cam a few times). Also, this made me a hero to my mom, who is my aunts older sister.
Anyhow, we were going a few nights into the series of gigs and I started to follow the reviews, articles etc. about the band, the show and the album. Surprisingly, a lot of was positive. I at least knew we were going to see a good gig cause honestly, they never suck live and to see them in a tiny Bway theatre would be something to brag about to the likes of Vikki, et al. I had planned an evening. I took Irene and my aunt to my fave midtown Italian eatery, cause it was right by the theatre and we had ourselves a very nice dinner. We then proceeded to walk up the block and when I turned the corner and saw the big billboard of them at the theatre, I was officially psyched. Oh and they had a really fucking funny Playbill!
Long story short, they come out and the look awesome, the stage set is great and we have awesome seats. They then play the whole new album in order. And it doesn't suck, again proving my point that them playing live always suits the songs that much better. The stuff I didn't like seemed to make more sense in the context of the album. Oh, and let me reiterate that they play like champs and with the energy of men half their age.
My aunt literally made me google Simon LeBon on my Blackberry just because we couldn't believe this energetic guy is 49 years old. And again, they can PLAY. The fountain of youth is in full effect, but wisely, they are not TRYING to be 25 year olds. The new material is also aided by an excellent multimedia show that took good advantage of the venue without distracting from the music. I didn't love all the new songs but goddammit I respected their playing the whole thing and presenting it this way. 12 songs later and they were off.
If they didn't come back, I wouldn't have been too upset, but these guys are smart. And gutsy. They come back for the second part of the show and it's an ell electronic, Kraftwork-style set. Played live. I want to be clear on that . And what do they do? They open with Kraftworks SHOWROOM DUMMIES and then proceed to play an awesome fucking set up older songs like SKIN TRADE, ALL SHE WANTS IS, LAST CHANCE ON THE STAIRWAY and I DON'T WANT YOUR LOVE. They even slipped in a cover of WARM LEATHERETTE and added a fucking horn section somwhere in there. This literally was one of the coolest Duran things I have ever seen and this set was worth the price of admission. This is what it looked like (Thank you, Irene)
And they come back for the third part of the show, which was the 'hits". And man were the fans rewarded. It's what you expect: RELFEX, NOTORIOUS, PLANET EARTH and even the rarely played DO YOU BELIEVE IN SHAME. massive. There are more, and the crowd goes mental. Total, the whole evening was an amazing, one of a kind, 2 hours plus of the Durans showing that they can be relevant. They didn't need the rapping for that.
I've since gotten my hands on the album and It's a much more spirited affair than ASTRONAUT. Yep there's some good, there's some not so good, but damn they are still here and still impressive and their legacy is intact. Look, they aren't gonna chart in this country, but they still got it.
Well done lads, and thanks to Irene and my Aunt for a fun evening!
From Pitchfork:
If my occasional glances at "Dr. Phil" have taught me anything-- and they haven't-- certain personalities are attracted to volatility in others. Given the company he sometimes chooses to keep, former Hole guitarist Eric Erlandson might suffer from that particular affliction. Erlandson has joined with actor, filmmaker, occasional musician, Paris Hilton fan, and creepily intense human-like vessel Vincent Gallo to form RRIICCEE, an all-improv group who will tour North America next month.
So what can a brave attendee expect from a RRIICCEE gig? We're not sure, and we're starting to think Gallo and Erlandson aren't sure, either. According to a press release, "For all appearances, the outfit does not perform pre-written music and is not limited to the boundaries of one specific musical genre." And you thought that dinner scene in Buffalo 66 was awkward. Indeed, Vincent and Eric are quite literally coming to these tables empty-handed, with no recorded music at the moment and no plans for a commercially available release.
Gallo had a few (okay, more than a few) words about RRIICCEE's unorthodox methods, in a press release:
"Improvisation is not a good word for what we're doing. It's more a gesture of composing and performing at the same time, always hoping to avoid musical cliché or jamming. We've chosen not to go into a studio in a traditional way like other bands have done in the past: to make recordings, cut them up, dub on them, fine tune and mix them, and then release them as an album, then later, go on tour, pantomiming those recordings over and over each night as a form of cabaret. Instead, for a long time now, we've chosen to remain open, to grow and change more naturally, and when we play live, the music is often created during the performance. If we choose to record a performance, the recording itself is only evidence of that creative moment. The purpose of recording then, is to listen back for enjoyment."
In other Vincent Gallo news just in time for the gift-giving season, he is still offering his services as both a sperm donor and a sperm dispenser on his website.
12-01 Tucson, AZ - Solar Culture
12-03 Austin, TX - Alamo Drafthouse
12-05 Atlanta, GA - Eyedrum Gallery
12-07 New York, NY - Green Room @ 45 Bleecker
12-08 Washington, DC - Rock N' Roll Hotel
12-09 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's
12-11 Buffalo, NY - Soundlab
12-12 Montreal, Quebec - Club Lambi
12-13 Toronto, Ontario - Music Gallery
12-15 Chicago, IL - Schubas
12-16 Kansas City, MO - Record Bar
12-17 Denver, CO The Walnut Room
12-19 Portland, OR Mission Theater
12-21 San Francisco, CA - Red Devil Lounge
12-22 Los Angeles, CA - Rec Center Studios
If my occasional glances at "Dr. Phil" have taught me anything-- and they haven't-- certain personalities are attracted to volatility in others. Given the company he sometimes chooses to keep, former Hole guitarist Eric Erlandson might suffer from that particular affliction. Erlandson has joined with actor, filmmaker, occasional musician, Paris Hilton fan, and creepily intense human-like vessel Vincent Gallo to form RRIICCEE, an all-improv group who will tour North America next month.
So what can a brave attendee expect from a RRIICCEE gig? We're not sure, and we're starting to think Gallo and Erlandson aren't sure, either. According to a press release, "For all appearances, the outfit does not perform pre-written music and is not limited to the boundaries of one specific musical genre." And you thought that dinner scene in Buffalo 66 was awkward. Indeed, Vincent and Eric are quite literally coming to these tables empty-handed, with no recorded music at the moment and no plans for a commercially available release.
Gallo had a few (okay, more than a few) words about RRIICCEE's unorthodox methods, in a press release:
"Improvisation is not a good word for what we're doing. It's more a gesture of composing and performing at the same time, always hoping to avoid musical cliché or jamming. We've chosen not to go into a studio in a traditional way like other bands have done in the past: to make recordings, cut them up, dub on them, fine tune and mix them, and then release them as an album, then later, go on tour, pantomiming those recordings over and over each night as a form of cabaret. Instead, for a long time now, we've chosen to remain open, to grow and change more naturally, and when we play live, the music is often created during the performance. If we choose to record a performance, the recording itself is only evidence of that creative moment. The purpose of recording then, is to listen back for enjoyment."
In other Vincent Gallo news just in time for the gift-giving season, he is still offering his services as both a sperm donor and a sperm dispenser on his website.
12-01 Tucson, AZ - Solar Culture
12-03 Austin, TX - Alamo Drafthouse
12-05 Atlanta, GA - Eyedrum Gallery
12-07 New York, NY - Green Room @ 45 Bleecker
12-08 Washington, DC - Rock N' Roll Hotel
12-09 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's
12-11 Buffalo, NY - Soundlab
12-12 Montreal, Quebec - Club Lambi
12-13 Toronto, Ontario - Music Gallery
12-15 Chicago, IL - Schubas
12-16 Kansas City, MO - Record Bar
12-17 Denver, CO The Walnut Room
12-19 Portland, OR Mission Theater
12-21 San Francisco, CA - Red Devil Lounge
12-22 Los Angeles, CA - Rec Center Studios
I'm in the usual busy shitstorm, but allow me to pop in for a bit to tell you about the recent events...
Halloween was fun and the first time I've dressed up since the very famous Captain' Lou Albano gimmick. This year was easier. I took those preppie ass beige pans and white dress shirt Ash made me get for his wedding, put on an old brown leather jacket, some boots and my officially licensed Lucasfilm headgear and boom, I was once again Indiana Jones for probably the 12th time in my young lifetime. Thanks, Ash!

We then caught up with some friends and went to the huge ass Flavorpill party which was in the upstairs ballroom at the Hammserstein Ballroom, where our Danny and I saw the ROSES so many years ago. I had no idea the other Ballroom was still there. I had assumed it had been converted to the larger once we now know. Huge place. Anyhow, it was fun, but it was a mistake after a few drinks to think I could get outside to get a pretzel and come back just as my neighbor, Ryan Adams, was wrapping up his gig. So you had a thousand hipsters leaving the building and another thousand trying to get into the party. Clusterfucking. Anyway, way too much to drink and then a failed attempt at watching part 3 of the brilliant South Park IMAGINATION story. This is easily one of the best things the South Park guys have ever done and another reason why Family Guy sucks balls.

Thursday was the actual attempt to watch the show. Success. We did little else.
After a busy Friday, Danny boy and I caught up and sizzled some rice. We did this like men do, and then enjoy a long walk on a fall evening keepintg things as hetro as humanly possible. Then Danny made his way back to Queens while your hero found I found my lovely other half and we again tried to relax. This is rare.
Saturday was supposed to be the usual trip out to B's to work on the tunes. Somehow, for some reason, I was catching up with Ash, who informed me that he was planning on heading up to the 'Chest to see Carlos B. After much discussion, and organizing, sure enough I found myself in Ash's car with B, ash, my Thunderbird and a whole lotta gear riding up to The 'Chest., there we loaded everything into Bob's Basement (tm). This was a fun, beer fueled afternoon/evening (despite the scary neighbor)that saw us all tackle that still puzzling "Last Song For The Album". Well, we made a big fucking dent int this bad boy. We all took turns, really made some serious contributions to the tune and now it's a new and exciting animal. We eventually took a break and convinced poor Laura to join us at the PIZZA AND BREW (where there were small children sans pants outside)for a serial good meal. Then it was back to work. All in all a successful and fun adventure.
Sunday, was the first day in 13 years Irene and I were both off, so we swung it down to Tribeca and hit the Yaffa, our fave brunch place of many years. We ran into the always entertaining Tom Meggs and he and his friend Harry joined us. Then we just walked around and kept it lazy. Good times.
Up Next: Red Carpet Massacre!
Halloween was fun and the first time I've dressed up since the very famous Captain' Lou Albano gimmick. This year was easier. I took those preppie ass beige pans and white dress shirt Ash made me get for his wedding, put on an old brown leather jacket, some boots and my officially licensed Lucasfilm headgear and boom, I was once again Indiana Jones for probably the 12th time in my young lifetime. Thanks, Ash!
We then caught up with some friends and went to the huge ass Flavorpill party which was in the upstairs ballroom at the Hammserstein Ballroom, where our Danny and I saw the ROSES so many years ago. I had no idea the other Ballroom was still there. I had assumed it had been converted to the larger once we now know. Huge place. Anyhow, it was fun, but it was a mistake after a few drinks to think I could get outside to get a pretzel and come back just as my neighbor, Ryan Adams, was wrapping up his gig. So you had a thousand hipsters leaving the building and another thousand trying to get into the party. Clusterfucking. Anyway, way too much to drink and then a failed attempt at watching part 3 of the brilliant South Park IMAGINATION story. This is easily one of the best things the South Park guys have ever done and another reason why Family Guy sucks balls.
Thursday was the actual attempt to watch the show. Success. We did little else.
After a busy Friday, Danny boy and I caught up and sizzled some rice. We did this like men do, and then enjoy a long walk on a fall evening keepintg things as hetro as humanly possible. Then Danny made his way back to Queens while your hero found I found my lovely other half and we again tried to relax. This is rare.
Saturday was supposed to be the usual trip out to B's to work on the tunes. Somehow, for some reason, I was catching up with Ash, who informed me that he was planning on heading up to the 'Chest to see Carlos B. After much discussion, and organizing, sure enough I found myself in Ash's car with B, ash, my Thunderbird and a whole lotta gear riding up to The 'Chest., there we loaded everything into Bob's Basement (tm). This was a fun, beer fueled afternoon/evening (despite the scary neighbor)that saw us all tackle that still puzzling "Last Song For The Album". Well, we made a big fucking dent int this bad boy. We all took turns, really made some serious contributions to the tune and now it's a new and exciting animal. We eventually took a break and convinced poor Laura to join us at the PIZZA AND BREW (where there were small children sans pants outside)for a serial good meal. Then it was back to work. All in all a successful and fun adventure.
Sunday, was the first day in 13 years Irene and I were both off, so we swung it down to Tribeca and hit the Yaffa, our fave brunch place of many years. We ran into the always entertaining Tom Meggs and he and his friend Harry joined us. Then we just walked around and kept it lazy. Good times.
Up Next: Red Carpet Massacre!
Kidd Stuff
As you know I occasionally post my lunchtime IM chats with G, but today we have a special guest, The Kidd. Pictured here..

Continue on and see what ex-bandmates and current siblings discuss long after the band has broken up and discover things they never knew or cared to know...
K: 'I'm listening to Trent Reznor's new album
F: What new album? The Saul Williams thing or the remixes?
K: Saul Williams, have you heard?
F: Some, not moved.
K: You don't like spoken word. That's why you wouldn't let me do it on the aggression album
F: Liar…fucking liar. I asked you and you didn’t show and then Tom wrote those lyrics for 131and after that forget it…
K: wordist, that's what you are
F: I used more of your shit than you ever did. MY WHITE NOVA, yeah it’s so deep!
F: What the fuck does that even mean, is a code for ejaculate?
K: yes, no, it's our answer to the best suede song ever
F: no that was BEAUTIFUL LOSERS, which they ended up stealing
F: Wow i didnt even realize that…youre a fucking hack
K: hahahha
F: and by nature of association i am a bigger hack, cause i sang your shit
K: hahah, what's Fj Jorgensen…listen, we were famous for a while. Let's not get at each other now, let's get back together for the wedding
F: What wedding?
K: Tom's
F: We better start rehearsing…I gotta sing your hack lyrics
K: hahaha
F: I might post this conversation
K: post away, Dan
F: ok Ash
K: ha
F: We WERE famous. For awhile. Weren't we?
K: Yes. We were something. But our ego's were our downfall
The Kidd, BTW, holds a place in aggression history for being the first person to actually announce he was quitting the band (everyone else sorta drifted off or moved to LA). He did this and then 9/11 happened down the block from where he announced it. I still feel the two are connected.

Continue on and see what ex-bandmates and current siblings discuss long after the band has broken up and discover things they never knew or cared to know...
K: 'I'm listening to Trent Reznor's new album
F: What new album? The Saul Williams thing or the remixes?
K: Saul Williams, have you heard?
F: Some, not moved.
K: You don't like spoken word. That's why you wouldn't let me do it on the aggression album
F: Liar…fucking liar. I asked you and you didn’t show and then Tom wrote those lyrics for 131and after that forget it…
K: wordist, that's what you are
F: I used more of your shit than you ever did. MY WHITE NOVA, yeah it’s so deep!
F: What the fuck does that even mean, is a code for ejaculate?
K: yes, no, it's our answer to the best suede song ever
F: no that was BEAUTIFUL LOSERS, which they ended up stealing
F: Wow i didnt even realize that…youre a fucking hack
K: hahahha
F: and by nature of association i am a bigger hack, cause i sang your shit
K: hahah, what's Fj Jorgensen…listen, we were famous for a while. Let's not get at each other now, let's get back together for the wedding
F: What wedding?
K: Tom's
F: We better start rehearsing…I gotta sing your hack lyrics
K: hahaha
F: I might post this conversation
K: post away, Dan
F: ok Ash
K: ha
F: We WERE famous. For awhile. Weren't we?
K: Yes. We were something. But our ego's were our downfall
The Kidd, BTW, holds a place in aggression history for being the first person to actually announce he was quitting the band (everyone else sorta drifted off or moved to LA). He did this and then 9/11 happened down the block from where he announced it. I still feel the two are connected.
The Single Greatest Thing I Have Ever Seen On the Internet
Tonight, even though he wasn't here to watch wrestling, I have learned so much about my friend Evan. We went to High School toghether, lived together for a short period at NYU, and have remained freinds for much of our adult lives. He is a freelancer nowadays, you know what that means, but he, being a good friend picks up my comics for me when I am away, and is very good to my nephew. However, I have just learned that he, being a freelancer participated in some dating bullshit for Essence Magazine. I have never cried laughing this hard to anything I have ever seen on the internet. Ever. Thank you Lurch for pointing all this out to me. Also I have just learned that Evan has a blog that I am not mentioned on: http://freedomsuite.blogspot.com/ enjoy
Here is his dating profile. I have added my comments in caps...
Should She Go Out With Him?

DATING HISTORY: He had a live-in girlfriend from a five-year relationship, but they parted ways a few years ago. (I COULD DO A BLOG JUST ON THIS PART, INCLUDING HOW HE INVENTED THE LEGENDARY "FAKE WEDDING" GIMMICK THAT DAN HAMILL HOLDS IN HIGH ESTEEM)
WHAT HE'S LOOKING FOR: An intelligent and funny woman with "nerdy tendencies" who is passionate about arts and culture. "Somebody who's so passionate that they can't always keep their composure about it." (THAT'S NEWS TO ME, AND PROBABLY TO HIM)
FOR A FIRST DATE: "We'd go to a book reading for one of my favorite authors, head to a hip-hop concert for an artist such as De La Soul or Tribe Called Quest." Dinner would follow. (DIDN'T ALL THOSE BANDS BREAK UP? GO SEE BJORK AGAIN OR SOMETHING. TAKE HER TO FUCKING NOODLETOWN, THAT WILL GET YOU LOADS OF PUSSY)
HOW YOU'LL KNOW IT'S GOING WELL: "I'll be laughing (LIKE FRANK GORSHIN) a lot and cracking a lot of jokes (I HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS MAN CRACK A JOKE IN 15 YEARS)."
TRUE CONFESSION: Other than playing younger brother to his fraternal twin brother he's currently working on a book about black culture with Mos Def (OK THOSE ARE BOTH KINDA TRUE).
HE'S A GOOD BLACK MAN BECAUSE: "I can recognize the challenges facing us as a people and rejoice in what we bring to the world." (AS LONG AS HE DOESN'T DANCE OR SCRATCH A TURNTABLE LIKE JACK FROM WILL AND GRACE, WE'RE COOL)
WHAT HE LOVES ABOUT BLACK WOMEN: "They have individuality, and yet they balance that with a groundedness that helps the people in their lives keep a sense of perspective." (HENCE, HE DATES AN ASIAN)
Ok so now , watch the video of him dating this chick here: http://www.essence.com/essence/30datesin30days/vg_michelle.html His date is the first one. Sadly you can't embed the video, but make sure you look at the comments to see the raping he gets from all the women of NYC. Youll never work in this town again, son! Stick to the videogames and the backseat of the minivan!
God Bless You Lurch.
Here is his dating profile. I have added my comments in caps...
Should She Go Out With Him?

DATING HISTORY: He had a live-in girlfriend from a five-year relationship, but they parted ways a few years ago. (I COULD DO A BLOG JUST ON THIS PART, INCLUDING HOW HE INVENTED THE LEGENDARY "FAKE WEDDING" GIMMICK THAT DAN HAMILL HOLDS IN HIGH ESTEEM)
WHAT HE'S LOOKING FOR: An intelligent and funny woman with "nerdy tendencies" who is passionate about arts and culture. "Somebody who's so passionate that they can't always keep their composure about it." (THAT'S NEWS TO ME, AND PROBABLY TO HIM)
FOR A FIRST DATE: "We'd go to a book reading for one of my favorite authors, head to a hip-hop concert for an artist such as De La Soul or Tribe Called Quest." Dinner would follow. (DIDN'T ALL THOSE BANDS BREAK UP? GO SEE BJORK AGAIN OR SOMETHING. TAKE HER TO FUCKING NOODLETOWN, THAT WILL GET YOU LOADS OF PUSSY)
HOW YOU'LL KNOW IT'S GOING WELL: "I'll be laughing (LIKE FRANK GORSHIN) a lot and cracking a lot of jokes (I HAVE NEVER HEARD THIS MAN CRACK A JOKE IN 15 YEARS)."
TRUE CONFESSION: Other than playing younger brother to his fraternal twin brother he's currently working on a book about black culture with Mos Def (OK THOSE ARE BOTH KINDA TRUE).
HE'S A GOOD BLACK MAN BECAUSE: "I can recognize the challenges facing us as a people and rejoice in what we bring to the world." (AS LONG AS HE DOESN'T DANCE OR SCRATCH A TURNTABLE LIKE JACK FROM WILL AND GRACE, WE'RE COOL)
WHAT HE LOVES ABOUT BLACK WOMEN: "They have individuality, and yet they balance that with a groundedness that helps the people in their lives keep a sense of perspective." (HENCE, HE DATES AN ASIAN)
Ok so now , watch the video of him dating this chick here: http://www.essence.com/essence/30datesin30days/vg_michelle.html His date is the first one. Sadly you can't embed the video, but make sure you look at the comments to see the raping he gets from all the women of NYC. Youll never work in this town again, son! Stick to the videogames and the backseat of the minivan!
God Bless You Lurch.
Where to start, where to start. I've been back in NY, and longer than expected. Which is not neccessarily a bad thing. While no less busy than usual, it's nice to not be on a plane for a change and in one place longer than 5 days. So lets try and catch up.
Before I last left for New Mexico, Peter Saintface came in and was the first to use the new vocal both, which is the upstairs bathroom in an empty apartment B's building. And it's awesome. And Peter came in and tackled the first of his two songs for the album, CLEAN UP. It's the third track on the album and contains what B calls my "best bassline ever". To me, this is a massive single. I could listen to this fucking guy sing all day. Literally. He never delivers a bad take and gives you tons of good material to work with. If you see him, tell him I said that. Anyhow, it was fun to catch up as well. I've been enjoying the fruits of Peter's musical labour ever since as he left me with some music, finally, at last. We still have more work to do with Peter, sooner than later, I hope. I could write songs for him for the rest of my life.
Anyhow, my chronology is way the fuck off, but I am certain I have been to Brandt's house quite a bit as of late, I think I was there Friday working on the album in question. We rocked out the instrumental SHIODOME (named after a section in Tokyo I stayed in, and formerly known as THEY'VE JUST). I played a lot of bass (over and over and over again till I got it right), and expanded the arrangement to accomodate some sweet new guitars B had done. Oh, B, by the way, song is DONE. Awesome.
I saw some movies, the first was the prequel to Donnie Yen's amazing SPL, which is called FLASH POINT. On paper, this movie should be fucking awesome, same star and director as SPL, and co-starrting Louis Koo no less. Sadly, story wise and character wise, it's nowhere near as good as SPL, but goddamn it's got some sick action. It was worth it just for that. They need to go back and watch SPL to see why it worked so well. But it did remind me of the old days of Jackie when stuntguys took sick bumps and we were like what the fuck how is this guy alive? Anyway, Donnie Yen should be named Donnie Ham, cause man he loves the camera. This movie made me eat Ramen.
OK, so then we saw The Darjeeling Limited. As some of you may know, I am a big Wes Anderson fan, but I was very let down by LIFE AQUATIC, which I felt was simply TENNENBAUMS AT SEA. Anyway, the new movie just didn't do it for me. I was very upset about it. Unlike the last movie, I was incredibly intruiged by the characters, the set up and Adrian Brody is a great addition the Andersonverse, but the movie hurt me. There was a lot I did like, but overall I felt it went nowhere and in the end, it failed. Irene disagrees, but shes not the Anderson fan I am. Anyhow, I liked the short movie with our Nat better and thought that was a more interesting story that needed be told. Oh well...
I did a lot of hanging around the house. Grabbed some sizzling rice, talked to the nephew, read some comics, bought some toys (including a Nightwing figure that looks like Xander Crews) and got drunk. Not all in that order, but it at least gets you up to speed.
Yesterday was the best day I had in awhile. Grabbed the Dim Sum with Irene and the lads and then just walked around the city, shopping. Bought some new addidas and then we all came back here, watch SOUTH PARK, ate some homemade Quesadillas and then Irene went house and made the first monkey bread of the season. Thats big success. Then straight from there, we met up with B and Al and Liz and we checked out the last of the 5 Morrissey shows at Hammerstien. Ok, no joke, this was the best gig I've ever seen Moz do. He was in a good mood the band was fierce and the setlist was top fucking notch. I had a blast. Then we went home and I watched the PPV. Yes, yesterday was awesome. Saw friends, ate well, watched wrestling and the music was good. Ace.
I'll try to update regularly so you all stop bitching. Adios. Amigos.
Before I last left for New Mexico, Peter Saintface came in and was the first to use the new vocal both, which is the upstairs bathroom in an empty apartment B's building. And it's awesome. And Peter came in and tackled the first of his two songs for the album, CLEAN UP. It's the third track on the album and contains what B calls my "best bassline ever". To me, this is a massive single. I could listen to this fucking guy sing all day. Literally. He never delivers a bad take and gives you tons of good material to work with. If you see him, tell him I said that. Anyhow, it was fun to catch up as well. I've been enjoying the fruits of Peter's musical labour ever since as he left me with some music, finally, at last. We still have more work to do with Peter, sooner than later, I hope. I could write songs for him for the rest of my life.
Anyhow, my chronology is way the fuck off, but I am certain I have been to Brandt's house quite a bit as of late, I think I was there Friday working on the album in question. We rocked out the instrumental SHIODOME (named after a section in Tokyo I stayed in, and formerly known as THEY'VE JUST). I played a lot of bass (over and over and over again till I got it right), and expanded the arrangement to accomodate some sweet new guitars B had done. Oh, B, by the way, song is DONE. Awesome.
I saw some movies, the first was the prequel to Donnie Yen's amazing SPL, which is called FLASH POINT. On paper, this movie should be fucking awesome, same star and director as SPL, and co-starrting Louis Koo no less. Sadly, story wise and character wise, it's nowhere near as good as SPL, but goddamn it's got some sick action. It was worth it just for that. They need to go back and watch SPL to see why it worked so well. But it did remind me of the old days of Jackie when stuntguys took sick bumps and we were like what the fuck how is this guy alive? Anyway, Donnie Yen should be named Donnie Ham, cause man he loves the camera. This movie made me eat Ramen.
OK, so then we saw The Darjeeling Limited. As some of you may know, I am a big Wes Anderson fan, but I was very let down by LIFE AQUATIC, which I felt was simply TENNENBAUMS AT SEA. Anyway, the new movie just didn't do it for me. I was very upset about it. Unlike the last movie, I was incredibly intruiged by the characters, the set up and Adrian Brody is a great addition the Andersonverse, but the movie hurt me. There was a lot I did like, but overall I felt it went nowhere and in the end, it failed. Irene disagrees, but shes not the Anderson fan I am. Anyhow, I liked the short movie with our Nat better and thought that was a more interesting story that needed be told. Oh well...
I did a lot of hanging around the house. Grabbed some sizzling rice, talked to the nephew, read some comics, bought some toys (including a Nightwing figure that looks like Xander Crews) and got drunk. Not all in that order, but it at least gets you up to speed.
Yesterday was the best day I had in awhile. Grabbed the Dim Sum with Irene and the lads and then just walked around the city, shopping. Bought some new addidas and then we all came back here, watch SOUTH PARK, ate some homemade Quesadillas and then Irene went house and made the first monkey bread of the season. Thats big success. Then straight from there, we met up with B and Al and Liz and we checked out the last of the 5 Morrissey shows at Hammerstien. Ok, no joke, this was the best gig I've ever seen Moz do. He was in a good mood the band was fierce and the setlist was top fucking notch. I had a blast. Then we went home and I watched the PPV. Yes, yesterday was awesome. Saw friends, ate well, watched wrestling and the music was good. Ace.
I'll try to update regularly so you all stop bitching. Adios. Amigos.

Back in NY and saddened to learn of the passing og Paul Raven, whom I had met a few times casually during the aggression years. The first time I met him, while he was playing bass for Pigface, my friend Michel Costes was recording radio intros from NYU. He got all the Pigface members (when it was fucking COOL to be in Pigface, meaning, Connely, Ogre, Rieflin, Trent, etc) to do an intro and then we approached Raven who was scary as fuck and of course ended up being the sweetest dude. He then proceeded to say on tape "this is Raven saying all you (insert N word here) kill the president". It didn't up on radio, but I popped like a a little bitch. Anyway, that's my memory of the guy. Sad.
Bound For Evan
Evan reports in from TNA's Bound For Glory, where he was flown down to check out their new videogame. This is of note:
"last night, AJ used the word backyard as a verb, "I backyarded it until I got it right" while talking about perfecting his flips"
Man, I love wrestling.
"last night, AJ used the word backyard as a verb, "I backyarded it until I got it right" while talking about perfecting his flips"
Man, I love wrestling.
Beer, Donuts, and Party Bombs
It's Sunday, friends. How are you all doing? I can't tell you how nice it is to wake up for one morning without an alarm waking my ass up to be somewhere. Of course this is the only day I get that. It's off to New Mexico tomorrow, which I am very excited about. I'll report from there, but this will give you an idea of what it was like last time:

Now I just need a car.
Even more exciting was having Carlos B come in yesterday to finish off his bass for a few songs for the long-awaited HF album. It was a fun day. Beer and donuts were in full supply, the bass sounded sweet and rocky. I bet you're wondering why we keep recording these parts, its mostly cause shit keeps getting rocky. Which is good. Which I love. So Bob had to come in and use and pick to keep it, as we used to say in the old days, loud, fast and nasty. Well, you know, it's rock.
B is actually DONE on some songs (he says). The progress is sick. Not just on the album, but on the future material as well. We're always thinking ahead. Future songs were reviewed, as was a remix I've been working on in various hotel rooms, airports and airplanes. Everything was positive and Bob was in good form. We're slowly coming full circle as the focus on finishing the recording is going to fall flat on the shoulders of your hero, who has some F-Bass to finish on the opener track and a lotta vocals to do. Ahi Vamos. Oy Vey. Then Bob treated us to an epic dinner at Bozu, which was too goddamn awesome. Philip, the waiter, is a friend of B's and also the biggest mark ever for this place, makes it fucking happen. Party BOMB.
Today the guest star weekend continues as Peter Saintface makes his first trip to whatever we call this studio now. This is gonna be good.
More later.

Now I just need a car.
Even more exciting was having Carlos B come in yesterday to finish off his bass for a few songs for the long-awaited HF album. It was a fun day. Beer and donuts were in full supply, the bass sounded sweet and rocky. I bet you're wondering why we keep recording these parts, its mostly cause shit keeps getting rocky. Which is good. Which I love. So Bob had to come in and use and pick to keep it, as we used to say in the old days, loud, fast and nasty. Well, you know, it's rock.
B is actually DONE on some songs (he says). The progress is sick. Not just on the album, but on the future material as well. We're always thinking ahead. Future songs were reviewed, as was a remix I've been working on in various hotel rooms, airports and airplanes. Everything was positive and Bob was in good form. We're slowly coming full circle as the focus on finishing the recording is going to fall flat on the shoulders of your hero, who has some F-Bass to finish on the opener track and a lotta vocals to do. Ahi Vamos. Oy Vey. Then Bob treated us to an epic dinner at Bozu, which was too goddamn awesome. Philip, the waiter, is a friend of B's and also the biggest mark ever for this place, makes it fucking happen. Party BOMB.
Today the guest star weekend continues as Peter Saintface makes his first trip to whatever we call this studio now. This is gonna be good.
More later.
As you can see, communications are few and far between. Travels between NYC, New Mexico, Rhode Island and back to NY have left me little time to write you. Forgive me.
Where am I writing from today? The now sunny New York City. Man I love it here. I miss it. However, I miss New Mexico right now for the obvious reasons. You'll see 1/16/09 what its all about. I'm back to that part of the world come Monday and will be going back and forth for the rest of the 07. Sadly, due to legal reasons, there's not much I can show you from New Mexico except this:

Sadly, I can't show you the Baconator evening. That's for the book.
I came back from New Mexico last Thursday and by Saturday, Irene and I were off to Newport Rhode Island for the Chad/Sarah wedding. This was a first class event, but I do have to say the highlight was the one morning/afternoon Irene and I got to hang out and get some good food. Oh My Lord will rock Newport when he moves here this month. Honestly, OML and Molly are the only folks that would get me to go back there. We had some damn good food there, though. Here, you can see a little naughty humor from your hero (rolling in the tux) gets the bride poppin':

Now we are back in NY, as I mentioned, and I've been staying up til the wee hours catching up on the great sport. last night we celebrated the birthday of Mom DeSanto at Fresco, which has nothing to do with Leandro. Good place. 52nd and Madison. Ace. Tonight, however, is, as Bob pointed out in the post below, is Blade Runner night. At last. This weekend will be the good music. And don't get me wrong kids, been working on the tunes. Remixing. Arranging. any possible free second is spent on music and not on facebook. Lot's of great things brewing like a good pot o tea,
See you soon.
Where am I writing from today? The now sunny New York City. Man I love it here. I miss it. However, I miss New Mexico right now for the obvious reasons. You'll see 1/16/09 what its all about. I'm back to that part of the world come Monday and will be going back and forth for the rest of the 07. Sadly, due to legal reasons, there's not much I can show you from New Mexico except this:

Sadly, I can't show you the Baconator evening. That's for the book.
I came back from New Mexico last Thursday and by Saturday, Irene and I were off to Newport Rhode Island for the Chad/Sarah wedding. This was a first class event, but I do have to say the highlight was the one morning/afternoon Irene and I got to hang out and get some good food. Oh My Lord will rock Newport when he moves here this month. Honestly, OML and Molly are the only folks that would get me to go back there. We had some damn good food there, though. Here, you can see a little naughty humor from your hero (rolling in the tux) gets the bride poppin':

Now we are back in NY, as I mentioned, and I've been staying up til the wee hours catching up on the great sport. last night we celebrated the birthday of Mom DeSanto at Fresco, which has nothing to do with Leandro. Good place. 52nd and Madison. Ace. Tonight, however, is, as Bob pointed out in the post below, is Blade Runner night. At last. This weekend will be the good music. And don't get me wrong kids, been working on the tunes. Remixing. Arranging. any possible free second is spent on music and not on facebook. Lot's of great things brewing like a good pot o tea,
See you soon.