
Topic: Techno

Once again, the former aggression siblings find themselves lonely without a band or a Danny around (he's in Newport for 2 weeks with the kids).

F: Its all techno, but euro…

K: Techno is a racket

F: Ash was onto something

K: I mean Ash was like going to England to play his 8 level shit. 4 wall? What was it?

F: He was so ahead of his time he had to make it 4th level

K: He's not even talented

F: It was gonna be 8th level, but people couldnt keep up. So he cut it in half.

K: Hahah

F: You know how it is

K: You know what? I can't remember...

F: Cause you're only like at the 3rd level

Also, this is not Ash: http://www.michaelvenezia.com/


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