Halloween was fun and the first time I've dressed up since the very famous Captain' Lou Albano gimmick. This year was easier. I took those preppie ass beige pans and white dress shirt Ash made me get for his wedding, put on an old brown leather jacket, some boots and my officially licensed Lucasfilm headgear and boom, I was once again Indiana Jones for probably the 12th time in my young lifetime. Thanks, Ash!
We then caught up with some friends and went to the huge ass Flavorpill party which was in the upstairs ballroom at the Hammserstein Ballroom, where our Danny and I saw the ROSES so many years ago. I had no idea the other Ballroom was still there. I had assumed it had been converted to the larger once we now know. Huge place. Anyhow, it was fun, but it was a mistake after a few drinks to think I could get outside to get a pretzel and come back just as my neighbor, Ryan Adams, was wrapping up his gig. So you had a thousand hipsters leaving the building and another thousand trying to get into the party. Clusterfucking. Anyway, way too much to drink and then a failed attempt at watching part 3 of the brilliant South Park IMAGINATION story. This is easily one of the best things the South Park guys have ever done and another reason why Family Guy sucks balls.
Thursday was the actual attempt to watch the show. Success. We did little else.
After a busy Friday, Danny boy and I caught up and sizzled some rice. We did this like men do, and then enjoy a long walk on a fall evening keepintg things as hetro as humanly possible. Then Danny made his way back to Queens while your hero found I found my lovely other half and we again tried to relax. This is rare.
Saturday was supposed to be the usual trip out to B's to work on the tunes. Somehow, for some reason, I was catching up with Ash, who informed me that he was planning on heading up to the 'Chest to see Carlos B. After much discussion, and organizing, sure enough I found myself in Ash's car with B, ash, my Thunderbird and a whole lotta gear riding up to The 'Chest., there we loaded everything into Bob's Basement (tm). This was a fun, beer fueled afternoon/evening (despite the scary neighbor)that saw us all tackle that still puzzling "Last Song For The Album". Well, we made a big fucking dent int this bad boy. We all took turns, really made some serious contributions to the tune and now it's a new and exciting animal. We eventually took a break and convinced poor Laura to join us at the PIZZA AND BREW (where there were small children sans pants outside)for a serial good meal. Then it was back to work. All in all a successful and fun adventure.
Sunday, was the first day in 13 years Irene and I were both off, so we swung it down to Tribeca and hit the Yaffa, our fave brunch place of many years. We ran into the always entertaining Tom Meggs and he and his friend Harry joined us. Then we just walked around and kept it lazy. Good times.
Up Next: Red Carpet Massacre!
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