Me? Well, I've been enjoying my longest stretch in NY in a year and goddamn I love this city. Been catching up with the lads, the family and the other half, who is working like a maniac. It's funny cause now when I am not traveling, everyone else is, Brandt is in Berlin, Danny is in Rhode Island, and The Kidd, lucky child, is off to France for a spell. I respect all three of these men for their travel destinations, except maybe Danny, but he's eating well and hanging with "just a little guy" (aka his nephew).
I'm trying to remember the order of events, but I think Friday night was spent celebrating Roger's birthday, which was a blast cause a. he is a good guy and b. Anj and Brian hosted, which means the awesome cooking and the fun guest list. This night was no exception. A first class evening and I think Roger enjoyed his birthday, (aka Rog-uukuh).
Saturday, Irene was working so I caught up with the guys to check out the new Cohen Brothers movie, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. What an awesome movie! It has a really weird ending, but the more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Everyone in this movie is great, especially Javier Bardem who is a scary ass motherfucker! He is so scary sick it hurt. You sit through this whole movie coiled up like you're going to be attacked at any second. It is all tension and it is all awesome. With the exception of this ending, which I thought was a bit jarring, I might be calling this my movie of the year. Big props to Josh Brolin who will no longer be aka Older Brother From Goonies after this.
That night, Irene was working till midnight but wanted to go to yet another birthday party. Is February some kind of horny month cause everyone is born in fucking November. Honestly, I was really tired and anti, but the gentlemen who's party it was is a big comic fan and asked Irene to bring me. So we didn't get out till like 1am cause it was fucking freezing and every fuck was out. But apparently , I can go out whenever I want however late I want. Don't need no Day Of Rest (tm BOB) . Anyway, I'm dreading being bored at one in the fucking morning at this thing, and within 2 seconds who grabs me but none other than Bryan Black (who has recently moved to NY) and Mike Doyle (in from Detroit)! Thank GOD. This ends up being a great evening of hanging with the Motor and Burnlab crew and despite some douches tweaking around the crowd, I ended up having a great time. As you can see here, being totally tired and having a few drinks in me, I was having a better time than my girl, (aka Irene), who was quite tired:

What a total surprise seeing this crew. We talked music, both old and new, and it was great finding someone from the old days who is thinking and moving forward. Doyle's girl Bethany is also quite cool as well and knows her shit big time. Top girl. It was like a High School Reunion where no one was living in the past or making you feel like shit for having a life beyond where you came from. And Doyle, we'll get around to that HF cover art in the 08. (I stole these pix from Doyle's Flickr)

While I didn't really get too drunk, I was really tired, and now I can't remember what I did on Sunday. Usually it is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB) , but I think we saw my family. Irene confirms we did! I saw my little cousins, who are now not so little, and happily they still like STAR WARS and all the cool stuff. We met my cool cousin Josh's new girlfriend, aka Diamond Lil (long story, but nicknames are cool, you know) and she fit in real good when she called my other cousin Anti-Social. I loved it. I hope she stays around a long time .
Since these events, it's been the usual busy. Sneaking in the music when I can, and just overall enjoying being in NY for a stretch. We did the Frank Sr. (aka my Dad) Birthday celebration the other night and retirement finally looks to be on the horizon for the big man. God help us. Irene's pal Lynnell has her moms in town so we have been wining, dining and wiiing with them. Now I am trying to settle into a nice Saturday afternoon viewing the HK TV series WING CHUNG starring Nick Tse, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. So far so good. I have an childhood love of Sammo and Yuen and this actually a sequel to one of my early 80's fave Kung Fu movies, PRODIGAL SON, which, no suprise, starred Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. Go figure.
Tomorrow is the Day Of Rest (tm BOB). Enjoy!
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