Greetings from NY, the longest stretch on home turf in years. That's about to change, I believe, but you never know by the minute, the hour, etc. Let's get caught up to speed:
Thanksgiving was a quiet affair at my Aunts on Long Island. It was brief and quiet and delicious. The next morning, I hopped in my newly rented Ford Escape and took the trek up North to the great Montreal to visit the little man, who's toys have been in our house since August. It was a good trip, my first drive up there solo, so it was fun just rolling albums I haven't had a chance to give proper attention to, etc. Its hilarious how cold it is up there. It was literally in the high 50's and sunny and then suddenly, an hour before the border, shit turns grey and snow in full effect.
I was poorly dressed for the Canadians, but Col, Cam, and Yan, indulged me and let me be a lazy fuck. Nephew of course felt the need to wake me up at the early hours, and at one point even put a small dog on my head. Uncle limits were tested right there, but I got tons of rest, ate like a champ, played videogames and just clowned around. They have a sweet new pad as well, which made it fun. I knew going home on Sunday would be a huge error as I would be stuck at the border for hours and hours, so I took Cam to the schoolbus on Monday and then drove my ass back that morning. Smooth sailing.
Since then, I have been working and doing the usual (which means, waking up and not knowing what the fuck will happen by the time the day is over). Work is stressful, but the movie is looking awesome. I am so excited about it.
I went to B's one night this week, but my head wasn't totally in the game cause Cam was home alone and calling me nonstop. But B wisely turned the evening into a night of Dumont Burgers and album review. We got through a lot of stuff and the progress is insane. He worked with Bob while I was in Montreal and they had a super productive time. The tracks are huge and fierce, and even got Flatbread to play on the long gestating Sweetest Soul Remix. Flipping awesome work from Hartsdale's Own. He's brought it to the big time.
Friday night Irene took me to one of those Flavorpill museum things. It was classy. We had a few drinks and apps with Roger and his friend Rich, a student of good martial arts movies. This led to much conversation and me jotting down tons of titles for this guy to watch. He's gonna be dreaming of Johnnie f'n To. Anyway, at the event, Juan McClean DJ'd. No Jerry in sight, but the set was good. It was a chill evening and a good time. We were home mildly late.
Saturday was the highlight. Irene was home in the morning so we kept it lazy, ordered some brunch and cleaned the apt up for our incoming houseguests from the great north. Then she went to work while your hero brought it to B's and played what is just about my last round of bass for the album (minus the remaining song we need to finish writing). This was much more enjoyable than the trip earlier in the week where I was distracted. We got our shit done and then looked ahead to another song for a future release that we're dead excited about.
From there, I ran back to the city to get some food with my long-missed idiot convention. All are back from their respective travels and Danny-Boy (aka Penis Wrincle, yes that is how it is spelled), chose the Cambodian awesomeness of Kampuchea (78 Rivington St, New York 10002 At Allen St) for us to dine at. Danny described this as "Irene level Awesome" and man he was not kidding. I strongly urge you to get your ass there. Who the hell knew there was food this awesome in the Alcoholic Playground. I thought it was just a bunch of cunts and shit bars for assholes. Well even that couldn't last forever. Thankfully.
Why were we in this area? Well, asshole, it is because we had to get to the Bowery to see the styling of MR. Richard Hawley. He being formerly of Longpigs and Pulp and being currently an awesome fucking solo artist, I slipped his new album to the lads a few months ago and we all universally agreed amongst us idiots that this guy is the awesome we like. Danny nicely got my ass a ticket despite not knowing if my ass would be in town. Luckily it was, and luckily I went to this gig, cause it was fucking great. Hawley is funny in a dulli way but with less angst. He even called someone "gay". He played a super set that we witnessed along with 3/4 of the former Saintface (with whom I had enjoyable summits with).
Needless to say, everyone was impressed. Beers, Whiskey and Hawley makes for a kind evening. His band is quite tight and it was really really enjoyable. I ran out and bought his other albums cause there were a bunch of songs I liked, especially the set closing track, THE OCEAN, which is a killer and one of those tunes the Kidd would have wept to had his trip to France gone in a different direction. Hawley is worth the price of admission. Check it out.
Then, your hero RAN, yet again back to MOGworld to find sister in law and small nephew fully of energy after having spent 10 hours on the Amtrak. Then girlfriend came home from work and suddenly I had a whole lot of Bradish energy going on in my small apartment. I passed out.
Today the girls went shopping and drinking while the lads watched Nickelodeon, Christmas shopped, bought cds, and hit the Wii. Good times. Then we met up with the girls, ate some Korean, as they are Koreans supposedly, and now here we are chilling at home.
And the week begins.
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