
Lemme Educate You

bloviate \BLOH-vee-ayt\, intransitive verb:
To speak or write at length in a pompous or boastful manner.

That sounds appropriate, yeah?



brandtgassman said...

To describe the general tone of this blog, yes, bloviate is entirely appropriate.

Oh, and good job! I knew you could work dictionary.com all by yourself.

F.J. said...

Actually, asshole, I checked Irene's copy of the OXFORD DICTIONARY and felt too lazy to copy it out of the book. That's the truth.

"And are these Boviations, trapped in the mind?"


ashley said...

Weird, I couldn't comment on Brandt's post, but I can enter commetns on this one. Weird. Anyway, Brandt has inspired me to do my own list and mix (again). Working on it...

F.J. said...

I think Soul Man rigged it so no one could bust his nutsack about his musical choices or his lack of work on the HF album. I hacked it so I could get that one comment in and then switched the settings back to protect him. Not that I saw anything on his list worth debating...


brandtgassman said...

Whoops... Ash is right... comments were off for some reason. Didn't even realize Blogger had that feature!

They've been turned back on.