
Vacation Diary Day 10

This was the best day so far. Woke up. Skip work out while Irene was at a business thing. Watch more of THE OFFICE (Matt is right...genius). Listen to Ass Cobra. MORE Sith pix leaked (controversy amongst the fan geeks goes big time). Share with Matt. Nice Day out. Wes Anderson is today's celeb sighting as we see him hail a cab. Irene and I meet Brandt for lunch at spurs. Discuss music, upcoming gigs (reminder: Kasabian tix go onsale on the 8th) and people who are making us crazy. Go for eye exam (prescription hasn't changed) to get new contacts. Went to Irene's eye doctor who is basically Gary Cole from Office Space. Hit Virgin, get remaining DVD's: GARDEN STATE (top movie this year possibly), ANCHORMAN (unrated), and the now classic NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. Finally make it to Myers of Keswick. Tons of goodies. Home. Not feeling good, might have caught irene's flu. More OFFICE (already on second series). Shopping with Irene (girly shit). Movies, finally, see CLOSER...brief review: CLOSER is a very good film, though not the great movie I was hoping it to be. I had some issues with the story (things happened too quickly, not enough info about the character's lives before all this shit goes down), and when discussing it with Irene after, she brought up some good points that countered a lot of my other problems. She's been hanging out with film people way too much. Anyway, I finally get Clive Owen now, as he is a superstar and Nat really holds the whole movie together. Jude was a pussy (that was the character), and Jules was dressed weird and was good until she became Julia Roberts about 3/4 of the way in. Clive deserves an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. After, spend some time with Peter Saintface (who is also a big fan of the Manics album, thus finally something for us to agree on). Then off to get a couple of slices of Pizza, hit the pub for a few pints. Ian Brown's SOLARIZED is on constant rotation in the pub and it just makes a pint that much better. Home. Office. Really not feeling good. Bed.

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