We were at that German place on Avenue C where Matt was dumped from Ass Cobra before Wrestlemania 20 (see previous entries from like years ago). You know this place is cool when these two came in:

I thought Ash would pop harder, especially since the composer was in full gimmick. Particularly funny was that Matt knew the dog by name. What was cute though was that a girl at the bar, completely by coincidence (and coincidences are the BEST), had the same dog and there was love at first sight. Also, Danny ate his dessert. The service sucked, but the food was good, the beer was fresh and the time was good.
Then, Matt and I parted ways with our mates and go to Webster Hall at 8:58, per Matt's scheduling genius. For the uninitiated, if something involves planning, etc. I will blindly follow Matt Gentile anywhere. I will do this with Danny also, but only in the booking of trips to foreign countires. Once he gets you there, forget it, youre fucked or on your own.
Anyway, JAMC came on and blasted out NEVER UNDERSTAND. Honestly, it was sluggish. It felt like everyone was trying to get their bearings with this tune. The sound was crappy at first. I've seen them a bunch of times over the years and I realized very quickly wheres the fucking dry ice and video shit cause they aint gonna move. I think for Matt and others who hadn't seen them back in the day, they were expecting a violent mess, but JAMC was about the mystery within the dry ice, not in your face punk. Spending some money on some dry ice would have helped here. They did lack the "mystery", but the tunes are solid, and they picked a really solid setlist that went through the whole career. The first half was good, but the second half through the rest of the night was GREAT. They just clicked at a certain point. The sound was right, the guitars were up, and Jim sang like a (bored) champ. JUST LIKE HONEY and REVERENCE were particularly fierce. I stole these from Matt's fave site, Brooklyn vegan, named after him:

All in all a satisfying return and a good avoidance of the Sisters Syndrome (soon to be called The Puppy Syndrome by Ash and matt) by a band that no one expected to see, least of all the band themselves it seems. But nothing was more enjoyable than watching Matt Gentile 2007. He's like the fucking MOGpac equivalent of Sick Boy from TRAINSPOTTING with his fucking contacts. In 1997, you walk into a club with him, everyone knows the guy, and he was christened Club Superstar. in 2007, you walk into a club with him, everyone knows the guy, and suddenly he knows who's got the motherfucking expense account so we can drink for free through the entire gig. I'm literally double fisting beers during this gig and when im half way through a beer, the guy is fucking pouring his beer into mine cause his contacts keep em coming at a furious rate! This guy is the fucking MAYOR of MOGworld, man. Then the gig's over and people are walking up to him, wanting a piece, and he apologizes to ME for being so social? Fuck that, man, do your thing, you're the star!! I was impressed.
All in all, a fun evening all around! MOGpac. Always. Cheese it.
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