Meanwhile, I have caught up on some more movies. LORD OF WAR, Executive Produced by MOGworld old-schooler Bradley J. Fox is an interesting and thought provoking look at the world of arms-dealing by writer/director/producer Andrew Niccol. It's his most complete film to date (I feel). This was my second time seeing it and I liked it more the second time. It's a really clever story and I'm told Niccol went and met with 5 or so arms dealers and used their real stories to create his main character (played by Nic Cage). It's very smart and occasionally very funny, especially since it's all based on real events. Check it out.
Also saw CORPSE BRIDE which is nowhere near as great ast NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, but is cute and fun nonetheless. It's plagued by the usual problems I have with Burton (inability to wrap things up, characters disappear), but no one is doing this kind of thing and if anyone was, I doubt it would be this original. This is more Irene's territory (she of course loved it).
In the world of music, Brandt and I returned to our roots and checked out the reunited Die Warzau as they played their CMJ showcase. Jim Marcus, what can I say, along with Dan Neet and Jared, is one of the best vocalists of this genre ever. Certainly one of my favourites. They have a really super band, including the always entertaining Van strapped to a guitar. They focused a lot on the new album, CONVENIENCE, which is excellent and played some scattered hits as well. I would like to have seen a few more diverse older tracks from their BASSFACE era, but I'm more happy these guys are out and playing. It's a shame it was at fucking Don Hills, which is fine if you're a local hipster band, but not a 6 piece Industrial funk band with great production values. Anyway, this was the hot shit and despite feeling like I was at a high school reunion, a good time.
Anyhow, I'm hard at work on some things that should make it to your sweet ears sooner than later before heading off to LA next week. However I leave you with a great quote relayed to me by my lovely and talented LA friend Jenni Wren. It comes from Tom Kasabian (yes I am mentioning them) who proceeded to tell the crowd at their Hollywood Bowl gig this week "And Remember...Life is NOT Planet Hollywood". I can appreciate that (and need to remember that).
frank - and remember...life is NOT Planet Kasabian
I wanted to know what he ate but you upset me too much by saying he looked like crap.
uh huh...get your facts straight, jack. on an somewhat related sidenote, the not-so-sexually-ambiguous frontman for AFI made some blatent homosexual comments in the latest issue of their official band zine, under the rose. one such comment included mr havok talking about how much he enjoyed being home so that he could relax in his hot tub with "sexy, straight-edge boys". developing...
Did those boys all have Devilocks? I mean, assuming the humidity of the hot tub didn't mess them up.
Believe me, just based on what I saw it was obvious he totally is into the man side of things
Who is THAT?
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