Anyhow, it was overcrowded, the beer was too expensive, it was too damn hot out, but as always the potato pancakes were the hot shit and this year they had Pretzels (supposedly requested by Mattagement). I grew up where this all goes down, so it takes a lot for me to get out there. So what does it take? Fucking MOGpac, kids. That's what its about. I had a super good time just sitting around with my mates, taking the piss and discussing things friends of many years discuss. So, spending time shooting the shit with Ash, Matt, Danny Boy, Charles and his lovely wife Laura is quality (sadly, the Kidd remained home on couch nursing a hangover and his peepee). Plus, HEY, look at these two handsome devils, they got free tshirts!! So it was worth it. Also worth it was Danny, the guy to your right, giving a half empty pitcher of beer to an elderly couple. I wish I saw that, but Mattagement's reaction was all I needed. Sometimes, you don't need to travel around the world to have a laugh with your pallys, though you might have to go home every now and then.
However, can't we just all go that place on Avenue C next time? They have good potato pancakes.
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"here ya go...ENJOY!!!" *exit stage left*
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