Ian Brown sponsors a footie team. Class. He also releases the most egomaniacal greatest hits package I have ever seen in my life, titled THE GREATEST, that contains a very solid overview of his very solid solo career. It's a very well put together package that took me forever yesterday in Los Angeles to find just ONE copy of. But how necessary is a 48 page book with quotes from everyone from Bobby Gillespie to the kid who plays Henry Porter claiming the Monkey King, to be, well, a Monkey God? Seriously, from this book, you would think his 3 second cameo in the last Henry Porter movie was going to get him an Oscar. Personally I love the audacity of it, and the music itself, but the Roses never even got this treatment, which of course, they should. And as recent interviews have revealed, this has all gone to the King Monkey's head. Damn you people who bought all his CD's and screamed like lunatics at his recent gigs, cause now the Roses will never reunite. Wait...Damn US. So a big fuck you to me and my friends for feeding this ego. However, wasn't it me who didn't want a Roses reunion? I can't make up my fucking mind I guess.
One thing I did notice is that Ian Brown is never better than when he is collaborating or remixed by UNKLE's James Lavelle, who's material on this hits package really stands out. Confirming that is Lavelle's upcoming work with Mr. Noel Gallagher for the soundtrack to the film GOAL, which contains a Lavelle/Noel remake of Oasis' CAST NO SHADOW, which is blowaway and the new song WHO PUT THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON MY SHOULDERS which is really good Oasis by numbers and claimed by G himself to be "better than anything on the new album". Why in the hell did Lavelle NOT do the new Oasis album and someone at Big Brother better make sure Lavelle is locked in and given control of the next record. As he did with the band SOUTH, he knows how to make the typical rock set up sound fresh. He doesn't force his style on it, yet, like Flood (my all time favourite producer) is able to bring something new out of a band. In fact, someone get me his number.
this is the best photo ever. at first I thought the mogpac had put together a team..
He may have a big head, but Ian Brown is pretty fucking funny:
Through those years, he says, he was always sure the Roses would make it. Why? "Because I knew we loved music and I knew what time of day it was, and I knew Bono was faking. He's such a fake, isn't he? When he did Live Aid which made them a worldwide group and he looked out and seen that black girl in the middle of all them people, and she's from Hackney or something, and he was like, 'Here's a great shot for me around the world to show I'm Mr Africa'. It's like colonialist times with a big white hat."
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