Celebridad Encounters (aka MOGworld Stalker)
Gustavo Cerati, eating a late afternoon lunch at the SoHo Silver Spurs with his two children.
OK. Internal debate continues. I have been able to prove to the doubters that Anus is not ME. Due to popular demand (and based on recent comments about HF), I have arranged it so that in order to comment on this very blog you must be a registered member of it. Therefore, you can Email me at FJ@hypefactor.com and I will grant you membership without hesitation. So, Anus, drop me a line. Really, guy. In the meantime, the following are my current round of suspects based on recent conversations I haven't had and investigations that I haven't made:
I pick Ash simply cause he used this forum to call me out as an Anus suspect. You douche. Anus used the word "Bleep" which leads suspcion to Mr. Hamilton. Also, quite tall, which is great if youre in a foreign country, but evil here on the blog. Anus' vicious directives towards Matt might be some of the homoerotic tension boiling over in the BK. Also, his recent interest in the aggression suggests insanity.
An obvious choice, perhaps too obvious. His recent stint living in NYC and current gig dealing with lunatics could possibly push him to vent his frustrations on this blog. Being southern doesnt help either, nor does his height. A long shot, but still.
Well, he HAD to hear the "You Fat Fuck" comments at least at one of the gigs.
Possibly the top choice above everyone ever. Funny. Handsome. Witty and internet savvy. Irish. However, it's hard to believe an icon like Sean would lower himself to hiding his true identity on a blog that celebrates him as a celebrity. It wouldn't be very ladylike. However much it reeks of Murray, and I believe Anus is a MOGworld insider, I don't want it to be him.
Everyone has that little sibling who just has to get under your skin no matter what. Seen here with the Kidd at Three of Cups, my younger sister could be plotting to gain some manner of revenge on me for some childhood abuse by posing as anus. Was it when I took her mattress and threw it into the hallway or was it when I used to take her by the back pockets of her jeans and throw her across the room. She's poontang, also, which is vicious in and of itself. Just ask Lurch. Speaking of which....
Just because.
Anyhow, back to NY tomorrow. News from home is that Danny G could have the mumps, which would give him AMPLE time to spend on the Kidd's computer dissing all of us. Convenient, eh?






Anyhow, back to NY tomorrow. News from home is that Danny G could have the mumps, which would give him AMPLE time to spend on the Kidd's computer dissing all of us. Convenient, eh?
Anus and Gentlemen, I give you out two choices to become the next President of the United States of America:
The not really big topic of discussion between NY and LA is the true identity of Anus Mcmanus. Who is this person? He, she or it posts often, mostly in a fashion that is mildly entertaining, yet totally yet never really annoying. While Matt Gentile probably loses sleep over these things, I see it as an opportunity to break out my Sherlock Homles cap and utilize my not really impressive skills of detection. And now for your amusement (and due to the fact that I'm taking a break from working on music), I present to you the findings of my not really in depth investigation into the true person behind this not really memorable blog spuzzing culprit. Ruling out ex-girlfriends, lazy former guitarists, the poontangers (who love themselves too much to post anonymously) and people who live too far out to have the internets, the following is my shortlist of those who may be the anus known as Anus:
Handome, witty, and not technically savvy, this Mogpacker could be the anus, as he often writes all in caps and can't go too long without mentioning his interest in sex with men. I also think he could have created this account because he lost his password to his regular blog account after spending time in Greece. He was my original choice.
Having recently become employed, this would give the Kidd constant access to the internets. Plus he is Irish, which would explain the McManus. Also, refers to or uses his anal region with disturbing regularity. While Matt Gentile believes the Kidd does not read this blog, I in fact know he does, simply cause I ask him to daily. He was my strongest choice until Anus made reference to Ian Brown having been in jail at one point, something the Kidd I doubt would be aware of. That simple comment shifted my focus to...
The "Ian Brown in Jail" comment and the way certain things are phrased have now made this small young boy my leading suspect. On the flipside, Brandt is usually funny in print, which is the total opposite of how he is in person, though he might be intentionally unfunny in the guise of anus to throw suspicion off. You can't underestimate his cleverness. However, often use of the word "nutsack" keeps the spotlight pointed in his direction. A close call between Summer Man and...
Part Gay, Part industrial, Todd Ryan is an archelogist in real life, thus feeling the need to create mysteries for us to solve. He's also very tall and is constantly harassing me sexually. Todd embodies the harsh nature and insecurity one needs to post insults on a board that about ten people read. Indiana Jones, he is not, but Anus he could be.
I just like this picture a lot.
In my heart of hearts, Anus is really ED WONG.
Anyhow, who do YOU think this douche is? Discuss.






Anyhow, who do YOU think this douche is? Discuss.
The Greatest

One thing I did notice is that Ian Brown is never better than when he is collaborating or remixed by UNKLE's James Lavelle, who's material on this hits package really stands out. Confirming that is Lavelle's upcoming work with Mr. Noel Gallagher for the soundtrack to the film GOAL, which contains a Lavelle/Noel remake of Oasis' CAST NO SHADOW, which is blowaway and the new song WHO PUT THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON MY SHOULDERS which is really good Oasis by numbers and claimed by G himself to be "better than anything on the new album". Why in the hell did Lavelle NOT do the new Oasis album and someone at Big Brother better make sure Lavelle is locked in and given control of the next record. As he did with the band SOUTH, he knows how to make the typical rock set up sound fresh. He doesn't force his style on it, yet, like Flood (my all time favourite producer) is able to bring something new out of a band. In fact, someone get me his number.
"The Kobayashi Maru" aka The Emmys....

As James T. Kirk once said "I don't like to lose". Shove that Emmy up the West Wing ass, MASH bitch!

Anyhow, it was overcrowded, the beer was too expensive, it was too damn hot out, but as always the potato pancakes were the hot shit and this year they had Pretzels (supposedly requested by Mattagement). I grew up where this all goes down, so it takes a lot for me to get out there. So what does it take? Fucking MOGpac, kids. That's what its about. I had a super good time just sitting around with my mates, taking the piss and discussing things friends of many years discuss. So, spending time shooting the shit with Ash, Matt, Danny Boy, Charles and his lovely wife Laura is quality (sadly, the Kidd remained home on couch nursing a hangover and his peepee). Plus, HEY, look at these two handsome devils, they got free tshirts!! So it was worth it. Also worth it was Danny, the guy to your right, giving a half empty pitcher of beer to an elderly couple. I wish I saw that, but Mattagement's reaction was all I needed. Sometimes, you don't need to travel around the world to have a laugh with your pallys, though you might have to go home every now and then.
However, can't we just all go that place on Avenue C next time? They have good potato pancakes.
"I just wanna go home, I'll pay you double!"


Meanwhile, I have caught up on some more movies. LORD OF WAR, Executive Produced by MOGworld old-schooler Bradley J. Fox is an interesting and thought provoking look at the world of arms-dealing by writer/director/producer Andrew Niccol. It's his most complete film to date (I feel). This was my second time seeing it and I liked it more the second time. It's a really clever story and I'm told Niccol went and met with 5 or so arms dealers and used their real stories to create his main character (played by Nic Cage). It's very smart and occasionally very funny, especially since it's all based on real events. Check it out.
Also saw CORPSE BRIDE which is nowhere near as great ast NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, but is cute and fun nonetheless. It's plagued by the usual problems I have with Burton (inability to wrap things up, characters disappear), but no one is doing this kind of thing and if anyone was, I doubt it would be this original. This is more Irene's territory (she of course loved it).
In the world of music, Brandt and I returned to our roots and checked out the reunited Die Warzau as they played their CMJ showcase. Jim Marcus, what can I say, along with Dan Neet and Jared, is one of the best vocalists of this genre ever. Certainly one of my favourites. They have a really super band, including the always entertaining Van strapped to a guitar. They focused a lot on the new album, CONVENIENCE, which is excellent and played some scattered hits as well. I would like to have seen a few more diverse older tracks from their BASSFACE era, but I'm more happy these guys are out and playing. It's a shame it was at fucking Don Hills, which is fine if you're a local hipster band, but not a 6 piece Industrial funk band with great production values. Anyway, this was the hot shit and despite feeling like I was at a high school reunion, a good time.
Anyhow, I'm hard at work on some things that should make it to your sweet ears sooner than later before heading off to LA next week. However I leave you with a great quote relayed to me by my lovely and talented LA friend Jenni Wren. It comes from Tom Kasabian (yes I am mentioning them) who proceeded to tell the crowd at their Hollywood Bowl gig this week "And Remember...Life is NOT Planet Hollywood". I can appreciate that (and need to remember that).

Was this ok, Matt?
Dusty Reznor

However, once again being proven the "luckiest bastard on the planet" (quote (c) 2005 Frank DeSanto Senior) and having a life second to none, I would like to lighten the mood by telling you all how impressed I am that Trent Reznor has perfected the Dusty Elbow and should be appearing on Raw when it moves to USA Network next month. I know this is only funny to a select few, but it's early and I don't see YOU blogging, bitch. Seriously, though, doesn't he scare you a bit? I've seen the guy onstage for something like 15 years and to see this scrawny midwesterner (now living in LA, which is scary enough) transform into the next cruiserweight champion of the world. If he can do a moonsault, he might have potential. Anyhow.
Striaght From MOGworld, alive and well and entertaining you daily.
Frank Jeffrey DeSanto


I'm an early riser today, despite sleeping very little as of late mostly because I'm enjoying my new toys (all music related gear) and getting the home set-up into shape. My apartment is covered in guitar cables, FX thingys, keyboards and other assorted gear. However, I should really be programming some drums for an HF track, which I think will occupy my afternoon and pre and post wrestling evening. However, I'm very excited by the leaps and bounds recording tech has made lately and how easily my gimp ass has been able to adjust to it thus far ;-)
For the record, I would like to address two items brought to my attention by readers of this blog:
1. During my blog entries from Tokyo, I refer to my "Thunderbird", which is NOT a car, but in fact the Gibson bass guitar I have played for the last decade plus. This was my dream bass and I worked quite a bit to save up for this fucker. It's been all over the world with me (except Russia) and has never failed me. When I last met Peter Hook, he had just bought a vintage Thunderbird (mine is an anniversary reissue). Until I have Hooky's guys make me a bass (and I have actually spoken with them about this), there's nothing better than this bass. You can see it here in this aggression rehearsal photo, circa 2001. Please note that the sunglasses were not an attempt to be "rock 'n roll" but in fact my insecurity about being photograph in later stages of my bells palsy (that's a true story). Anyhow, No car. Only bass.
2. Someone reminded me that I would later address the big thing that pissed me off about Episode 3. I bet you won't believe this, but the scene I wanted to see more than ANYTHING in this film was cut. That scene was when Qui Gon Jinn commuincates to Yoda via the Force at the end of the movie, this finally explaining the theory of Force Ghosts, etc. I could go on and on about this, but I was so fucking furious that this scene (which, by the way was addressed in almost every offical Ep3 book including the script, novel, movie program, etc. as being part of the movie) was cut that I was near tears. Cutting the scene renders Yoda's conversation with Obi-Wan at the end the film totally useless. I have explained this scene 10 million times to people, so I won't bore you with it, however, I refer the curious fan to check out this site, which explains everything perfectly and has the dialogue in question: http://www.qui-gonline.org/faq.htm#ep3 There is hope that it appears on the DVD, and I know a bit more to the story than I'm allowed to talk about in public, so my fingers are crossed.
OK enjoy your holiday, back to work here.
Time For Breakfast...
The Big Catch Up
September has thankfully started and I've started to get back in the loop here in the "real" world (as real as someone who lives in a fantasy world like me could). To that extent, my nose has been pressed to the powerbook and musical acitivity abounds in many ways, hopefuly in ways you will hear someday in the future. There's also a great new Echo and The Bunnymen single that I urge you to check out and the brilliant Halloween Alaska have a second album that might just rival the excellent first (it's certainly going to find a slot on my "Best of 2005" list.
I've really been behind on my movie going, so Irene and I made a serious effort to go to the movies this past week and we did 4 movies in 5 days, which I think is pretty impressive. She hadn't seen 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN which held up incredibly well on the second viewing for me. It's a much smarter movie than I gave it credit for and Mr. Apatow himself this week aannounced he will do a romantic comedy starring the brilliant Seth Rogan, who could be the next big comedy star (something G and I were saying while watching UNDECLARED years back).
As some of you may know, a certain screenwriter used to front a little band you may have read about here called the aggression. He has two movies out at the moment, which is very freaking impressive. Three movies this year and he made a very cute new baby. This man is not human. Anyhow, here are my short reviews of his two films:
THE BROTHERS GRIMM: I have mixed feelings about what I saw. For the record, I was a big fan of the script. I'm also a fan of Gilliam. However, I felt his directing was inconsistant. What I was looking forward to was seeing how the usually insane Gilliam would take the material and put his own visual and theatrical spin on it. There are some great "Gilliam" moments where I felt he took good advantage of the written words, mostly with the the supporting characters (Pryce and Satan himself), but then it seems at times that he forgets to be Gilliam in other scenes and just directs in a way that I feel was too straight to match the clever script. I feel like he softened a lot of the edge that made thescript scary and I wouldnt mind that if the "Gilliam" tone had been consistant. The special effects at times seemed unfinished and that took me out of it occasionally. It just didn't feel REALLY scary till the third act, which I felt was very strong and enjoyed a lot. I particularly liked how the arc between the brothers developed and Jacob became the real hero. That progressed nicely. I liked Matt Damon a lot, he was very funny and Heath was good as well. Dr. Fury's script was scary, clever and bizarre and I wanted to see some more surreal directing from GIlliam to match your awesome script.
SKELETON KEY: Now, I hadn't read this script, so I was going into it without any idea how it would end, though I kept hearing and reading about a bit twist at the end....I REALLY enjoyed this film. I thought the director did a really good job. It was smart and really built up the momentum as it progressed. It's a really cool od school thriller and it was told really well. I really liked the actors as well. She's really good and really carried the show. I liked how Fury dropped little pieces of the backstory and various clues as it moves on, never giving too much away, yet enough to make the ending kick serious ass. I thought the twist was one thing, but it was actually another, so the ending was a very cool twist. Awesome. The whole audience gasped. Sweet. This is a really smart film and I had a good time and really didn't realize how caught up in it I was until the shit started to hit the fan. Subtle. Cool as shit. G's only complaint that Fury didn't write enough scenes of her in her underwear, and I've sent in that complaint to the writer directly.
Then last night I had the honor of seeing what is CERTAINLY going on my "best of" list this year and that is the excellent action movie TRANSPORTER 2. You may laugh, but the TRANSPORTER movies are good, simple fun action movies with extremely well designed action set pieces and fights. But that's not what makes them special, it's the star Jason Statham, who is a charismatic powerhouse. I know a few years ago there was a lot of debate as to who the next big action star is and I'm telling you here, now, that this guy is IT. He and The Rock can carry action films to a whole new level. if you haven't seen his movies, Statham can ACT, and has an extremely wide range. I truly believe he could do a romantic comedy if he wanted to. I'm hoping we'll some more of his dynamic rangein the upcoming Guy Ritchie movie, REVOLVER, where he steps up to the lead spot after being second-banana (and scene stealer) in Ritchie's other movies and throws down with Andrew 3000 and Ray Liotta. Anyhow, TRANSPORTER 2 is a fun as fuck movie witch great action though, like the last movie, the final set piece is too FX driven to be convincing but as Lurch pointed out, thats now the tradition. Anyhow, possibly the best action star in the world is here and should he blow up, you read it here first.
I've really been behind on my movie going, so Irene and I made a serious effort to go to the movies this past week and we did 4 movies in 5 days, which I think is pretty impressive. She hadn't seen 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN which held up incredibly well on the second viewing for me. It's a much smarter movie than I gave it credit for and Mr. Apatow himself this week aannounced he will do a romantic comedy starring the brilliant Seth Rogan, who could be the next big comedy star (something G and I were saying while watching UNDECLARED years back).
As some of you may know, a certain screenwriter used to front a little band you may have read about here called the aggression. He has two movies out at the moment, which is very freaking impressive. Three movies this year and he made a very cute new baby. This man is not human. Anyhow, here are my short reviews of his two films:
THE BROTHERS GRIMM: I have mixed feelings about what I saw. For the record, I was a big fan of the script. I'm also a fan of Gilliam. However, I felt his directing was inconsistant. What I was looking forward to was seeing how the usually insane Gilliam would take the material and put his own visual and theatrical spin on it. There are some great "Gilliam" moments where I felt he took good advantage of the written words, mostly with the the supporting characters (Pryce and Satan himself), but then it seems at times that he forgets to be Gilliam in other scenes and just directs in a way that I feel was too straight to match the clever script. I feel like he softened a lot of the edge that made thescript scary and I wouldnt mind that if the "Gilliam" tone had been consistant. The special effects at times seemed unfinished and that took me out of it occasionally. It just didn't feel REALLY scary till the third act, which I felt was very strong and enjoyed a lot. I particularly liked how the arc between the brothers developed and Jacob became the real hero. That progressed nicely. I liked Matt Damon a lot, he was very funny and Heath was good as well. Dr. Fury's script was scary, clever and bizarre and I wanted to see some more surreal directing from GIlliam to match your awesome script.
SKELETON KEY: Now, I hadn't read this script, so I was going into it without any idea how it would end, though I kept hearing and reading about a bit twist at the end....I REALLY enjoyed this film. I thought the director did a really good job. It was smart and really built up the momentum as it progressed. It's a really cool od school thriller and it was told really well. I really liked the actors as well. She's really good and really carried the show. I liked how Fury dropped little pieces of the backstory and various clues as it moves on, never giving too much away, yet enough to make the ending kick serious ass. I thought the twist was one thing, but it was actually another, so the ending was a very cool twist. Awesome. The whole audience gasped. Sweet. This is a really smart film and I had a good time and really didn't realize how caught up in it I was until the shit started to hit the fan. Subtle. Cool as shit. G's only complaint that Fury didn't write enough scenes of her in her underwear, and I've sent in that complaint to the writer directly.
Then last night I had the honor of seeing what is CERTAINLY going on my "best of" list this year and that is the excellent action movie TRANSPORTER 2. You may laugh, but the TRANSPORTER movies are good, simple fun action movies with extremely well designed action set pieces and fights. But that's not what makes them special, it's the star Jason Statham, who is a charismatic powerhouse. I know a few years ago there was a lot of debate as to who the next big action star is and I'm telling you here, now, that this guy is IT. He and The Rock can carry action films to a whole new level. if you haven't seen his movies, Statham can ACT, and has an extremely wide range. I truly believe he could do a romantic comedy if he wanted to. I'm hoping we'll some more of his dynamic rangein the upcoming Guy Ritchie movie, REVOLVER, where he steps up to the lead spot after being second-banana (and scene stealer) in Ritchie's other movies and throws down with Andrew 3000 and Ray Liotta. Anyhow, TRANSPORTER 2 is a fun as fuck movie witch great action though, like the last movie, the final set piece is too FX driven to be convincing but as Lurch pointed out, thats now the tradition. Anyhow, possibly the best action star in the world is here and should he blow up, you read it here first.