
Thirty Three

Uncle Duty officially ended as I turned 33 yet again in another country, this time in Montreal. I slept in (having driven up the night before), I worked on music literally all day, and then of course, I watched STAR WARS. It's a rare day when I can sit poolside listening to a working Ipod without interruption (other than a splashing nephew, which of course is no bother). Then it was a nice family dinner at La Prunelle, the shockingly excellent place G, Lurch, The Kidd and I dined at on our last night during our now-legendary Montreal trip in May. All in all, a damn fine way to spend a birthday. Thanks to all who remembered and called or texted or E-mailed or in some scarier cases, sang. Special thanks to significant other who served up birthday cinnamon rolls with candles.

We're now back in NYC in less crowded and much quieter house. What a month. Tiring, yet rewarding. The nephew is nothing but a joy and I hope his next August is spent with us. I miss him already. I have new respect for parents and a new realization that MOGworld homegrown kids are still a good long ways off. There are albums to finish and get out for fucks sake.

Special birthday greetings to my other male half or 25 years, Mr. Danny Hamill, who gets more handsome with age...Hopefully we will do the mutual birthday celebration this week at some point as we have done for many years and hopefully I will DJ for your listening pleasure.

I want to talk to you about how much I love ENTOURAGE, which I shouldn't and originally refused to watch, but am now addicted to. Whoever can create a show that makes me love Jeremy Piven and hate Mandy Moore should be paid lots of money. Great show. Watch it. I just caught up on the last three weeks of episodes I couldn't watch in front of a 7 year old and I'm still laughing. Awesome.



mjg. said...

dude...does canada REALLY count as another country?

Junkée said...

Happy burfday.

ashley said...

Happy B-days, F and G. Sorry that I was mia...

mjg. said...

is Mia your stage name?

dangerdorge said...

Happy birthday boyz!!!!!