
Sith Happens...

The Rollercoaster I am on called ComicCon continues to run me ragged. I won't bore you with my true reasons for being here, thats part of my OTHER life, but I will tell you that it is exciting and exhausting to the extreme. I wouldn't trade the opportunity to be here for anything, its that much fun!

First off: Irene is down in DC, but is a winner here in SD as I have not only gotten her a rare NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS item (Kubrick related, of course) but she about to be the proud owner of a personally autographed lithograph by her fave artist, Mr. Michael Turner. I don't know Mr. Turner very well, but I appreciate his going to the extra step to personalize the autograph for my significant other. I think she's gonna be happy...

While working as well as searching for gifts for the nephew, cousin, and girlfriend, I took the opportunity, as I do every year here, to make some time for myself and attend the annual STAR WARS presentation along with 6,999 other people. This is always a highlight, especially when there is a new movie on the horizon. I'll skip over the details, you can always find them on the SW website, but being there for the first announcement of the new movie title, REVENGE OF THE SITH, at the end of the presentation, was something special for a diehard like myself. However, this is just where the fun begins...

Immediately after announcing said title, Steve Sansweet, the Lucas "guy" who gives these presentations, displayed a new tshirt with the new movie title/logo on it and announced the shirt would be onsale in "Five minutes at the Star Wars Pavillion" (which is huge, fyi). Well, you dont say that kinda of thing to 7,000 insane fans, who all then RAN, and I mean RAN to get the tshirt. I didnt rush as I had calls to return, but when I made it to the line, there were literally THOUSANDS of people in front of me. In fact, Con security had to cut the line for safety reasons and of course, I was part of the line that was cut. RRRRR.

Frustrated, I went on my way, not realizing I was walking past the back of the pavillion where said shirts were being sold. The securtiy people were so busy forcing people against the wall that they basically left the SW salespeople/cash registered unblocked, so yours truly had no problem walking RIGHT UP and buying a tshirt within 3 minutes and before they even let anyone get there!! In my perverted mind, I am the first person to ever buy a REVENGE shirt, but I know its not true, but ALLOW me the moment, ok? I got lucky here and was so scared that they were gonna bust me that I ran off as soon as I purchased the shirt. Within seconds, someone from Lucasfilm had grabbed me. I was ready to give the shirt back, but it was actually the girl working the register giving me my change!! I was so excited that I split before getting my money. While I am a sith badass for cutting thousands of people on line, she would make an honorable jedi for bringing me my change. Cheers to Lucascashregisterchick.

My other highlight of the evening: While on my way to dinner with a wonderful TV actress who I grew up watching and having a major crush on, I was stung by a bee for the first time in my life. It SUCKED. I don't recommend it. Especially when dining with TV stars. However, it was a great conversation piece, especially when putting a bag of ice on my swelling neck. Fortunately, no allergic reaction. Yet. Pray.

So its back to the Con for a bit tomorrow, then off to LA again for the week. I'm tired, but I have seen the wookie planet and thats enough to make me happy and sleep well.

Goodnight, all!


1 comment:

mjg. said...

i would like to go on record (where's my pen?) as saying that i think the title for episode 3 is WHACK ASS. honestly, i'd be more into if they hadn't originally slated REVENGE OF THE JEDI as the title of episode 6 (aka RETURN OF THE JEDI). i don't know what it is with lucas and the REVENGE theme of the third installment - but he's gotta get over it.

whack ass - that's my assessment.