I have little to report from Tokyo, simply because it was all work and no play. However, again the food was insane, and I must report to you Iron Chef fans that I was fortunate to be taken to the legendary Morimoto's, and it was quite possibly one of the best meals I have ever eaten. Part of this meal included me eating crab brains and it was simply delicious. I also had the most insane Shabu Shabu meal. Our hosts took very good care of us. There was lots of drinking, occasional singing, and believe it or not, mutual bonding over our love of 24 (though they haven't seen season 5 yet and it was very difficult for me to refrain from telling them what was going to happen).

Spending Friday night just walking through Shibuya, and then just staring at the city from the 40th floor bar in the hotel made realize how much I love it there. Tokyo is now officially on my "places I can live" list. Also on the list is Paris, London, and San Francisco.
I came back hope to find a food poisioned girlfriend and lots of wrestling DVD's and by god, thats how I spent Saturday. Just out of it, catching up on my great sport. I haven't watched that much wrestling since the day's of Mikie's basement. With Irene's stomach out of whack and my body clock askew, that meant a 1am trip to Mcdonalds. It must be a sign of either being a grown up or being very tired when I miss NIN/Bauhaus and the Pig gig all in the same night and not be upset about it.
Today was the lazy day. some record shopping, so clothes shopping and then some Father's Day celebrating. Then we caught up with the lads to check out NACHO LIBRE, which came highly reccommended by two reliable sources: Mr. Kruger and Young Nephew, who both loved it. And I did too. It's more of a kid's movie than I thought and that's not a bad thing. Jack Black is hilarious and of course it involves wrestling, so it won me over. There are some really funny bits here and it's pretty funny for a PG movie, something that's rare these days.
Honestly, all this rest is necessary and nice, but goddammit i want to work on some music....it's in the blood. And remember always....

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