From Jared's post at H-Bar: "I haven’t seen The Aggression in many years and this was their last show ever. Yet another bittersweet fleck of the whole weekend. Seeing them reminded me of so many little flash-segments of evenings across the city, the shutter lightening-snapping, my sweaty arm draped over FJ as I streamed drunken 1’s and 0’s in his ear so many cycles ago. The band were tight and mean tonight and meant every word of it, and then they were gone for good."

From The Sick City boards: "also of note was hype's very own aggression who played a tight set. 30 min of down and dirty rock. snagged a aggression shirt which everyone should contact FJ about obtaining. Its a sweet design. ill post my pics from the spoken word and hotel debauchry later on tonight. also buy the new remix cd"

Thanks to Dorg and XE for the pix.
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