And so it ended in front of a packed, receptive house, complete with lots of techincal problems and the beautiful chaos that to me has always been and was the aggression. I don't think I can blog in detail about it. I think I want it to exist romantically in my head forever. The club, especially Ben, were exceptionally nice to us, and what can I say about Maja and of course Jared, my brother, my hero, alive, healthy, well happy and all these years later, still a supporter of the aggression. I love it. The gig was Dan Hamill approved, and in the end, that's enough for me.

It was a total pleasure seeing many old face and meeting some new ones (Hydra, Wade, Burton, Gabriel, so many Hbar and Sick City kids), especially the folks from other bands I have liked over the years. Special thank you to our friends and family who came out to celebrate the end of everything and kudos to Rob and Todd from our label DBR, who presented us with our new album REVISIONIST HISTORY, which came out super and is totally worth your time.

Finally, above, the aggression cast and crew assemble for what will be known as "the last photo ever" from "the last gig ever"

One of the hightlights of the show was reuniting with my dear friend El from Acumen and his lovely girlfriend, Adora, who I hadn't see in years. These are classy fucking Chicagoans and Irene and I enjoyed our late night meal with them. Good friends, good times and it was nice to have some of the crack family back in my life.
As I wrote to the crew last night before I left for San Francisco: I can vividly remember saying a decade ago that the only person who would give a shit about the aggression 10 years later would be just me. I'm very happy that you guys have proven me wrong. I appreciate that, and I appreciate you guys for busting your asses for this gig. It was a fun ride and it was a great band, certainly my favourite band ever. I look forward to our arguing the tracklisting for "the best of" (which already has a title), later this year.
And now, onward to the future. To Hypefactor and ILM and beyond.
PS: I will continue to add photos from the gig on here as they come in, I have very few so far so I apologize...