It's a well deserved Lazy Sunday here that involves ordering take away, reading the paper (The Times for Irene, the NME for me obviously), and catching up on wrestling and HBO randomness. Earlier this weekend, on Friday night, the Stewart Manor All-Stars aka The Gold Street boys (depending on how long you've known us) made our way to the hipster playground Piano's to check out Baby Dayliner, of whom I have written about here before. Piano's is a fucking mess of hipsters and jackasses and to make it worse, they don't seem to have a capacity limit in this place. Sardine central. It was wack. It was so crowded that Brandt and Al (who got me turned onto Dayliner long before we made the Baby Show connection) couldn't even get in the place. Anyway, G was curious because of Dayliner's Baby Show connection, and about halfway into his set we figured out which guy he was in the show (he was the "You must stop sweatin me guy". I know, you dont know what the fuck that means, its ok), and we could not believe it. I gotta dig up the tapes. Anyhow, he was really good and the stuff from his new album (out in March) is more disco flavoured, which I like a lot.
Happy to get out out of Piano's, G and I caught up with B and Al for some drinks at upstairs portion of 2A, which was nice and a helluva a lot less crowded. It kinda ended bad as Al's jacket was stolen, complete with cel phone in the pocket, but Al, being Al, didn't get too upset about it. Total Champ though it might have been the booze ;-) Brandt, being young, had to go home early cause he had a big day the next day with yours truly working on the tunes you will be loving to death someday. The Gold Street Boys then kept it real and brokeback till the wee hours and justifying 27 years of friendship. MOG.
Saturday so my unshowered still semi drunk ass bringing the stench back to the HF experionce which was muy caliente as we worked prepping the soon to be classic OUR FAITH, which is our spanish language debut with our special guest Leo. Per usual, the song is the hot shit and with some more tweaking and an appearance from Chaz himself, this is going to be a realy defining HF track. We're moving at a nice clip finally.

The evening was low key, though it featured a shower, finally and a nice dinner at Poetessa. We made a pit stop at Toy Tokyo and Irene blew a large cash sum on one of my dream Star Wars toys: the 400% HAN SOLO STORMTROOPER KUBRICK. Don't let this photo fool you, this is 400x larger than the average Kubrick, thus making it small statue. It owns. Then we went home and passed out and slept for a really long time.
Though I had a good weekend, it would have been a lot better had I been at this:
Tonight is the Royal Rumble, which sadly I will not be watching with G as his small nephew has arrived from San Diego, so Uncle time is in effect. We'll try and get some pix of G and the clone later this week.
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