
Forged in Clay: Yet Another Comeback!

I forgot to add in my blog yesterday that despite the Cure appearing sluggish, the musicianship was solid as always, and Bob's voice was in AMAZING shape. He's an incredible singer...

Speaking of incredible singers, my pally Dan Neet (via my other pallyl TODD RYAN) sent some new Clay People tracks my way. Well I'm happy to report that so far, its another comeback worth salivating over. Dan is in TOP shape and the music is melodic, diverse and very very interesting. I like where this is going and I'm psyched to hear more. I believe he is working with some of the former members of Stabbing Westward, though the guitars are classic Clay. I think by now, many of you have heard the remix of the new song FAILURE, of which I have a fondness towards.

The Damage Manual remix album is also so far very very good. Maybe I'm a sucker for anything Connelly, but this CD is filled with very cool and different remixes. It doesnt really get boring and thats VERY tough on a remix album. This should be in the ipod for awhile (more than their previous releases).

Also, I acquired the VERY rare (so rare I literally got the last copies from a very random online store) of Leandro Fresco's CD's INVERNAL and VACACIONES. Both were released on the now defunct Fragil Discos label out of Argentina which also released Cerati's OCIO project some time ago. AMAZING ambient music. Impossible to get, but worth the month it took me to find it. Soundtracky and atmospheric and just kick ass. love it. I want to do something like this in the future.

It's a good time to love music...finally.


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