Here we are at the end of a topsy turvey fucking year. I mean really. Lotta big changes went down, both personally and professionally. Things change, things remain the same, but luckily, we move ahead. Obviously, getting engaged was the highlight of 08, and I'm sure by now you all know the story with THAT.
The Best of lists aren't going to happen this year, it requires too much effort and time, neither of which I have at the moment. I just went back and looked at my best of list LAST year and see I had the same dilemma. I thought I was being bad ass and shit. I will tell you though, The Joy Division Doc and The Dark Knight was my fave movies this year I'm pretty sure. Maybe one of the best movies ever. No movie made me feel like that. The Wrestler came mad close. It was fun to see Indy, but I'm a Lucas apologist so I couldn't tell you if it was good or not. I loved my own movie. I'll love it more someday when it's a cult classic.
Music wise, I'm hard pressed to think of my fave album this year, though Peka's album probably got the most play and I truly think he is a mad genius. The Brits: Oasis, Verve, and Primals all put out good albums, but they all seemed like 3/4 good and the rest were bsides. But I can't complain. The Verve's Love is Noise is by far my anthem of 08. Amazing tune. The Verve were almost my gig of the year, but then Trent Reznor decided to show up on my birthday around here and clubbed me over the head to remind me of his relevance. Thus, NIN is gig of the year. The New Order reissue drama was fun to watch unfold, so I give the reissue awards to Mr. Johnny Marr for his work on the Smiths best of the singles box which sits here on my desk. I think Screen Vinyl Image and The December Sound record was my big surprises for great new bands, and I am of course following The Dossier very closely. Maybe too closely ;-)
I'm sure you people will remind me of shit I missed above and this will be updated frequently.
I wrote a LOT this year, much to the detriment of this blog. I finally officially became a comic book writer this year, thanks to the folks at Tokyopop and DC Comics. You'll see the fruits of said labour very soon. I hope to get more work in that field. Lord knows I'm trying. I miss writing about the great sport, but the economy has put a halt to that. Hopefully that will change. I really enjoyed that.
I also officially became a movie producer, but you knew about that.
I think 09 is gonna be one of those years that will stand out. Lotta potential. Gonna get married, gonna finish Hypefactor, gonna make shit HAPPEN. I actually can't wait to tell you about the next musical MOG project, which is gonna turn some heads. I think the movie I am most excited for in 09 is STAR TREK, for obvious reasons, and we have albums from Cerati, Kasabian, Telefon Tel Aviv, Jarvis and a slew of others coming up. Maybe I'll finally see Oasis in 09 and the question is: Freebass?
I wish you all nothing but wonderful things in the 09. Both friends and frenemies.
Oh. And the beard stays.
The Spirit of Failure
I'm not gonna do some autopsy about the movie, which is not doing well critically and commercially. I'm almost done with suicide watch, though I'm sure I'll be feeling the effects of this long into 2009. Like most things in my business, insane highs and crippling lows. Right now, with nephew here, it's a lot easier to ignore the reality of it, and honestly, watching the movie in a packed matinee with him and people that liked it a lot will be my best memory of this week perhaps. Someday, when I write the book, I'll tell you all the ups and downs of living in Central City for a few years. It was a fun place, I just think the timing was wrong. But it made me officially a "producer" legit and it was something my folks were able to see in their lifetime, so again, the idea is to take the good from the bad and move ahead. It's not easy, but it's the only way to survive.
LA recap
Well the hope of coming back to NY to race 2 hours south to Jersey to catch Oasis didn't happen. The weather crucified all hope. Its all gross and shit here, but I'm told the snow is a nightmare and would have prevented this from happening in any reasonable time. Thus, the idea of seeing them in June in the UK is back on. Who knows.
LA was brief. Maybe fun. I'll need months before I figure it out. Honestly, I stressed myself into such oblivion, that I have yet to fully recover. The reviews didn't help. Upon arriving in LA, we went straight to the newly revealed (to me) airport in and out burger, which had i fucking known about 8 years ago, would have saved me tons of time and energy in that town. That evening we had ourselves the long awaited trip to Cabrea, a first for my folks. Joined by Irene's mom, Vik, and Roberto, this was a highlight. Before that, Irene got to meet Emmy and her babysitter for the evening, Robin Glowski, who designed all the early aggression albums, now a mom of two awesome boys yet looking exactly the same.
As for the rest of the trip, the cool part was the super rock star style treatment, courtesy of Lionsgate. Private cars, the hotel (The London), the limo, etc. fun. I might have impressed my family, I'm not sure. Like I said, I trapped myself in my own little ball of stupid anxiety. But if you're going to sit around and sulk, it's nice to have a studio pay for it. One morning, I accidentally drank a glass of Saline Solution containing Irene's contacts while brushing my teeth. Lovely. I was in that frame of mind, friends.
Of course after all the bitching from the studio about not having the premiere in NYC cause of the weather, what happens? It rains like a motherfucker. My gut was this was Will Eisner setting the scene. Lets hope he ticklets the box office a bit. Anyway, it was quite the event at the chinese and it was a big class reunion with all the wonderful friends I made on the movie. Some are here:

I'll post more pix eventually and get caught up with your ass shortly. Stay warm.
LA was brief. Maybe fun. I'll need months before I figure it out. Honestly, I stressed myself into such oblivion, that I have yet to fully recover. The reviews didn't help. Upon arriving in LA, we went straight to the newly revealed (to me) airport in and out burger, which had i fucking known about 8 years ago, would have saved me tons of time and energy in that town. That evening we had ourselves the long awaited trip to Cabrea, a first for my folks. Joined by Irene's mom, Vik, and Roberto, this was a highlight. Before that, Irene got to meet Emmy and her babysitter for the evening, Robin Glowski, who designed all the early aggression albums, now a mom of two awesome boys yet looking exactly the same.
As for the rest of the trip, the cool part was the super rock star style treatment, courtesy of Lionsgate. Private cars, the hotel (The London), the limo, etc. fun. I might have impressed my family, I'm not sure. Like I said, I trapped myself in my own little ball of stupid anxiety. But if you're going to sit around and sulk, it's nice to have a studio pay for it. One morning, I accidentally drank a glass of Saline Solution containing Irene's contacts while brushing my teeth. Lovely. I was in that frame of mind, friends.
Of course after all the bitching from the studio about not having the premiere in NYC cause of the weather, what happens? It rains like a motherfucker. My gut was this was Will Eisner setting the scene. Lets hope he ticklets the box office a bit. Anyway, it was quite the event at the chinese and it was a big class reunion with all the wonderful friends I made on the movie. Some are here:

I'll post more pix eventually and get caught up with your ass shortly. Stay warm.
The week ahead
I'm trying to be a little more regular about writing here. I'd love to think next year I will get back to this a little more regularly. Honestly, I'm just stressed out with the movie and all that. Yesterday, I went to the press junket and they had a fun press conference where a lot of reporters came and actually asked decent questions. I thought the cast and their director came across very well. It was actually enjoyable to check out and fun to catch up with the folks involved. But again, stressful. Sure, I play a minor role in the show, but this projects been a part of my life for more than a decade and it's my name up there amongst the others, so I take great pride and great fear in that. All at the same time. It's slightly weird and exciting all at the same time. Obviously, I want the movie to be loved and successful. At this point, I'll take one or the other, but not neither. I can't explain it right I guess. I would pin a lot of this anxiety on my own shoulders for reading message boards and all that bullshit. It's kinda my own fault.
Tomorrow, I'll see it on the big screen for the first time. Mind you, I've seen the movie in various stages over the last year, but this will be the first time finished with the all the sound mixed, etc. I feel like Irene won't like it for sure. Then on Tuesday it's off to LA for the premiere, which I dread. I don't know why. I hate all premieres, and I usually end up having a good time, but it's a weird mixture of work and social and trying to find a middle ground. Irene's usually very helpful with me at these things. This time, included in this will be my folks and Irene's mom, all of whom I want to have a good time and enjoy the experience with Irene and I. Thus, there's kinda double, maybe triple the usual stress. I also wish we had a little extra time in LA to decompress, which we do not thanks to Irene and my mom's insane work schedules and my desire to catch Oasis on this tour, which should happen on Friday. After that, I'm pretty much done for the year. I've been pretty dilligent about Christmas shopping, so I think we're in good shape. I'll be happy to have #1 nephew for the holidays for a good 10 days or so, which I know will be good.
Now, I sound like a downer. A year ago, a friend said to me, "no matter what happens, you've done something many dream of doing yet few will ever do, and no one can take that away from you". I do understand that this is a special moment in my life that I'll have forever, I think I just need some perspective and maybe a lil time to get clear of it to balance the mixed emotions of the last year caused by work stuff beyond the movie. I think I will enjoy this a lot more after the fact. Yes, it's crazy, but it's better than letting it all go to my head. That happens if we get a sequel.
Tomorrow, I'll see it on the big screen for the first time. Mind you, I've seen the movie in various stages over the last year, but this will be the first time finished with the all the sound mixed, etc. I feel like Irene won't like it for sure. Then on Tuesday it's off to LA for the premiere, which I dread. I don't know why. I hate all premieres, and I usually end up having a good time, but it's a weird mixture of work and social and trying to find a middle ground. Irene's usually very helpful with me at these things. This time, included in this will be my folks and Irene's mom, all of whom I want to have a good time and enjoy the experience with Irene and I. Thus, there's kinda double, maybe triple the usual stress. I also wish we had a little extra time in LA to decompress, which we do not thanks to Irene and my mom's insane work schedules and my desire to catch Oasis on this tour, which should happen on Friday. After that, I'm pretty much done for the year. I've been pretty dilligent about Christmas shopping, so I think we're in good shape. I'll be happy to have #1 nephew for the holidays for a good 10 days or so, which I know will be good.
Now, I sound like a downer. A year ago, a friend said to me, "no matter what happens, you've done something many dream of doing yet few will ever do, and no one can take that away from you". I do understand that this is a special moment in my life that I'll have forever, I think I just need some perspective and maybe a lil time to get clear of it to balance the mixed emotions of the last year caused by work stuff beyond the movie. I think I will enjoy this a lot more after the fact. Yes, it's crazy, but it's better than letting it all go to my head. That happens if we get a sequel.
Here We Go...
God, I know. SHUT up. What have you been doing? I don't see you telling me about your exploits. Where to start, I have no idea. I have a good life. Movies, music, weddings, wrestling, everything a lad like me needs.
Last week, sister in law was in town. Luckily she was very busy, but her company was fun. She took us to Ippudo. We ate well, hung out, discussed life, etc. FLYING back and forth from Montreal is AWESOME, I must tell you. Right now they flights are cheaper than renting the car. The best. It helps that family doesn't live far from the airport in Montreal. My nephew is hilarious. We're gonna have a fun Christmas.
Last week, thanks to the Kidd, I saw a motion picture called THE WRESTLER, directed by Aronofsky and starring my childhood fallen idol, Mickey Rourke. Man, what a movie. Insane. Dark. Depressing. The great sport. So real. I got choked up. Rourke should NOT win the Oscar, I must say, simply cause I am not sure he is acting. I was really moved by this movie for obvious reasons, but even if you don't love the great sport, you will love this film. Last night, Evan and I went to the NY Times Times Talk series to see the director and star discuss the movie. They were good, but the woman hosting it, the alleged Editor at Large, was a nightmare and more interested in claiming to be friends with Tarantino than she was in interviewing these guys. What an assclown. then me and Ev at at Osteria and he took this pic:

Over the weekend, I want to a, yes Lasgana cook off, hosted by our friend Barbara. It was pretty freaking awesome, especially after a long day of productive beat making. Our Jessie made a sweet ass veg lasagna that might have been my favourites, AND she made Creme Puffs that own your fucking soul. Shes like the new Auntie Cake. For reals.
Saturday saw the conclusion of the writing portion of the 5 year waiting Hypefactor album. This was very exciting. Wrote some synths and some beats and man this album is going to be awesome. Now its up to B to lay down some guitars, Bob to do one more bassline and your hero to sing. Fuck. Seriously. Close.
I've been doing press as of late. Some for movie. Some for comic and some for the band. It's fun. I'll post all those things on here as they happen. Or on the Facebook. I'm pretty sure most of you here have access to FB. Irene's addicted. Officially.
I'm warning in advance that I am probably not going to do my usual Best Of's this year. Between all the work, music, and writing, just having to put any more thought into something we all end up arguing over anyways, just might not be worth it. Right now, I am listening to Dennis Wilson, The Hours, some new Oasis remixes, and of course Hypefactor. I'm REALLY excited that a new Cerati album is in progress. He's been listening to Fleetwood Mac and Devo and all kinds of weird shit. Awesome. I played some stuff from the last album for B the other night in the studio and sure enough, as I predicted ages ago, B responded kindly. He's the new Ash. Yaye.
So what's going with you, man? Did you know that ZO claps?
Last week, sister in law was in town. Luckily she was very busy, but her company was fun. She took us to Ippudo. We ate well, hung out, discussed life, etc. FLYING back and forth from Montreal is AWESOME, I must tell you. Right now they flights are cheaper than renting the car. The best. It helps that family doesn't live far from the airport in Montreal. My nephew is hilarious. We're gonna have a fun Christmas.
Last week, thanks to the Kidd, I saw a motion picture called THE WRESTLER, directed by Aronofsky and starring my childhood fallen idol, Mickey Rourke. Man, what a movie. Insane. Dark. Depressing. The great sport. So real. I got choked up. Rourke should NOT win the Oscar, I must say, simply cause I am not sure he is acting. I was really moved by this movie for obvious reasons, but even if you don't love the great sport, you will love this film. Last night, Evan and I went to the NY Times Times Talk series to see the director and star discuss the movie. They were good, but the woman hosting it, the alleged Editor at Large, was a nightmare and more interested in claiming to be friends with Tarantino than she was in interviewing these guys. What an assclown. then me and Ev at at Osteria and he took this pic:
Over the weekend, I want to a, yes Lasgana cook off, hosted by our friend Barbara. It was pretty freaking awesome, especially after a long day of productive beat making. Our Jessie made a sweet ass veg lasagna that might have been my favourites, AND she made Creme Puffs that own your fucking soul. Shes like the new Auntie Cake. For reals.
Saturday saw the conclusion of the writing portion of the 5 year waiting Hypefactor album. This was very exciting. Wrote some synths and some beats and man this album is going to be awesome. Now its up to B to lay down some guitars, Bob to do one more bassline and your hero to sing. Fuck. Seriously. Close.
I've been doing press as of late. Some for movie. Some for comic and some for the band. It's fun. I'll post all those things on here as they happen. Or on the Facebook. I'm pretty sure most of you here have access to FB. Irene's addicted. Officially.
I'm warning in advance that I am probably not going to do my usual Best Of's this year. Between all the work, music, and writing, just having to put any more thought into something we all end up arguing over anyways, just might not be worth it. Right now, I am listening to Dennis Wilson, The Hours, some new Oasis remixes, and of course Hypefactor. I'm REALLY excited that a new Cerati album is in progress. He's been listening to Fleetwood Mac and Devo and all kinds of weird shit. Awesome. I played some stuff from the last album for B the other night in the studio and sure enough, as I predicted ages ago, B responded kindly. He's the new Ash. Yaye.
So what's going with you, man? Did you know that ZO claps?

G and I went to see the first Boss Hog show in 8 years last night in Hoboken. It was awesome. FYI, pre blog, we were at said last Boss Hog show. I don't remember that gig other than we discovered Saphin (when he was awesome) around the corner at Luna.Nowadays, I see Spencer at Duane Reade all the time cause they live near us I guess. Christina is an icon, just pure awesome. I have no idea how old she is, I think they have a teenage son, and she looks like the hottest mom in town. And she can sing. Like a champ. I stole this next photo from Brooklyn. Find Frank:

Paintball Killah
This was me helping with a shoot at the office where they wanted to film someone being shot by a paintball rifle. Why, I have no idea, but I got drafted into being the trigger man, and quite frankly (i say that cause the dude in the picture and I are both named Frank), it was awesome. I felt bad shooting the guy, but man he was a champ and a half.
I miss Laser Tag!