Been spending the usual few days a week at Brandt's. We've been armed with the four essentials, bass, guitar, sintes, and beats and that again is proving to be a sweet combination as the results are quite solid. Again, many conversations internally about how to release albums, get the stuff out there, etc. I've been spending a lot of time researching different ways of reaching people in this day and age and how people can get the music, etc. It's a whole new world out there since the days when Caroline distributed Whiteline to the entire USA. I just feel like after spending 4 years on an album, you want the CD, you want to hold it, you want to hand it to someone. But let's face it, maybe, what, 100 people will actually buy it? It's almost better for us to give it away. So I think we do a limited pressing of this one and then do digital releases for the subsequent EP's (with an eventual CD that compiles said material). I mean, I am interested in a lot of new young bands and out of respect, I order the CD's and I am getting fucking CD-R's that some "label" burned for me. I don't mind it, but it represents a new mindset to me that I embrace yet have qualitative issues with. It's not a bad thing and I am trying to move forward. Its challenging yet fun. Let's see how this all evolves.
Thursday night, Irene and I made our first trip to the new venue, Terminal 5, to check out Editors once again. This venue is pretty quality. I haven't seen a fucking place here this big in ages (it's all the way on the west side in the upper 50's). It's actually rather comfortable, with another bars so you can get a (overpriced) drink pretty easily, and the sound is quite good. As B pointed out to me, it's the Bowery people, and they usually do a good job. No exception here.
The gig was really good, as always. The band is awesome, I thought they played better here than last time at Webster and I am shocked at the size of the crowd they draw. They packed this place. My only geniune complaint is that I felt their setlist was pretty safe. When we saw them around this time for the first album, they were playing a gutsier set that had B-sides, new tracks etc. mixed with the hits in the right place. Well, I guess that they have a record to promote here. In this fucked up day and age, I wonder what kind of sales a band like this does. Does it matter to tour everywhere in the US anymore if youre a band from the UK? Who knows. Anyway, the band is still, in my opinion, underrated and they put on a fucking great show. The third album, like Kasabian, is gonna be the trick. They have an interesting future ahead. Fun night.
Friday, the Monday night idiot convention got together to eat some awesome fucking Momofuku. Lurch made it happen and got us in and I will let the pictures speak for themselves:
Yumtastic, mamafucka.
During this meal, the Kidd described my beard as "Pacino On Vacation":
Then we went to see CLOVERFIELD. I have to admit, I got sucked in by the viral marketing and despite having a weird 9/11 related aversion to the film, I was kinda pysched to see it. I like JJ Abrams. I think he is a smart dude and a good filmmaker with a lot of good ideas. I admit to never having seen LOST, but I know Abrams comes up with some original stuff. With CLOVERFIELD, we knew we had to see it ASAP or it would be impossible to see it without some contamination from fanboys or assholes who will have seen it before us. So we saw it and the mistake was sitting between the Kidd, who hated it, and Irene, who was bored by it. And honestly, I sit directly in between their positions. I love the idea of this film more than the execution. I dig the set up, and I think this was very clever filmmaking. However, there's so much stuff in it, having been through 9/11 first hand and knowing the NYC geography is all off (i know, but fuck you with the suspension of disbelief, if this is supposed to be "found footage" then at least be accurate with where these people are going how things lay out), I couldn't help but finding myself less and less interested as it progressed. I feel like New Yorkers can't take this movie seriously as we have been through much worse and much more real. One guy yelled when the movie was suddenly over DON'T EXPECT ME TO CLAP FOR THIS. Agreed.
I was actually more interested in the STAR TREK trailer, which I am excited about. That's a huge fucking crapshoot, that movie and I am obsessed with how they are going to pull this off. We shall see.
Then we tried to go to KGB, but it was too crowded and we ended up at some kiddie bar, which was mildly funny because young girls started dancing with Evan. Observe.
After awhile it got tired, especially when this silly bitch yelled at me for "Judging" her (I was trying to encourage her to dance more because she was so couche) when all I wanted was the party keep going. OK I was judging the dumb bitch...
G was slightly entertained...
Lurch was touching from a distance...
Then we were joined by the returning SK, which Irene was really excited about:
Don't let those sweet faces fool you, these two chicks will CRUSH your if needed. Also, they haven't seen each other in a year and yet wear co-ordinated outfits without consulting one another. That's some sick shit. Anyway...
Sunday was the fun lazy day, but it was fucking freezing. We went to Tribecca for brunch, clowned around, hit up Rebel Rebel and Meyers and then stayed home just to survive the cold. I ain't no SummerMan, asshole. Then Evan helped me find rare Cerati tracks. Thanks guy!
Look at my nephew's poor dog, who just got fixed. Poor girl, she's in so much pain:

Big hello to my friend in France, Damien, who, as Peka, has a sweet album coming out despite going through some heartbreak. It's gonna be a great album. He's the first musician I have "met" (through E-mail) that I have been excited about since Saintface. I think this guy is a real talent.
Finally, I co-produced an animated movie that is coming out next month and some of the reviews are coming in. Check out these two:
I'm pretty psyched. Buy that. No freebies, assholes!
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