That's me. French Scumbag. Beard or no beard. I might take a poll. Who knows.
Well Christmas/Holidays are officially over. The Canadian family left on Wed and then finally we handled the Italian side of the family on Sunday, complete with new baby, now 9 months old, who took a liking to your hero. We bonded. He comes from good Star Wars lovin' stock, so he is set. His older brother showed up with a complete Hoth playset. Points. Poor Irene though, her only days off have been spent helping my moms in the kitchen. She never gets a break!
Been laying low otherwise. Gearing up for the return to work, the movie, etc. In the meantime, it was life as a full time musician. Live 7 always on. Remixes. New tracks. Ideas. Plans being made etc. Ventured out to Brooklyn on Saturday. The original plan was to work with B but he and his girl had been sick all week and I didn't catch their filthy germs and pass it on to the above mentioned kids who I was seeing the next day. So B and I kicked out an epic evening at Dokebi which started in the bar, went to the table grill, and then headed back to the bar. Three bottles of Kurosawa later and the 2008 HF agenda is laid out. Much discussion about what the future holds for us in terms of how we release our material. Digital? Compact Disc? Questions abound. We might actually release something this year believe it or not, so now those things we have held off on discussing were discussed. During this meeting, a song came off the album, and an older one returned. While B handles that, I am lying the foundation for the next TWO releases, EP. One will be moody (and called The Zoe Lund EP) and other will be the dance EP featuring all these techno rock songs we thought were going on the album. I write all this down so that in the start of 2009 I can look at this and see if it happened or not. This time, it just might...
Also during this hiatus from my non musical world, I have been updating the aggression obituary I reached a certain point and then I drew a complete blank, which is insanely odd for me. I can't remember about a two year period where the Kidd went to college (Mark was already gone at this point) Ash came back to the band and we played shows for PURE LIQUID EGO before starting FLOOD. Luckily, with the exception the guitar players, everyone from that period is amongst the living, so mostly thanks to Matt and Ash (and with an assist from The Kidd) I have started to put parts from this period together (including the infamous "Missing Turntables" incident). I'm glad I am getting this down now before I really forget.
What I just realized (and google confirms) is that this very evening that I type is the 2 year anniversary of the death of the Big A itself. My only thought (for now as I am saving it for the other site) is a quote from G who summed it up after reading the history of the aggression today for the first time: "You were in a band for 15 years...the end". Exactly.
Onward and Outward.
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