OK now we got that sorted, yeah? Hello from New York. I just did 5 days of travelling from Rhode Island to LA and back to NY by any method available, train, plane and Jeep. All business, very little in the way of fun, though the now firmly established tradition of me and the Councilwoman having dinner with Mom Bradish is certainly the highlight.
I sadly don't have many exciting stories to relay to you. I have been so ill with some kind of stomach virus that I'm only now just fully over it. Anyhow, I was trapped in a hotel in Rhode Island and I was so bored after working hours on music in a hotel room that I actually watched ROCKY BALBOA on the PPV. As I texted to Lurch while watching it, Fuck this movie. Why? Cause the first hour is this slow, melodramatic mess that HAS to try to be a DEEP EMOTIONAL MOMENT. I was bored shitless. Then the fight is set up and it's fucking making me well up with tears cause it pulls every heartstring for anyone who ever loved the older movies. The guy he fights in it wasn't that strong an actor, I would have had him box the son of Apollo Creed or something, but that's why I don't make dramas ;-)
Then I flew to LA from RI which in retrospect was fucking stupid because here I had a 6am flight with a connection in Cincinnatti and landed with literally 15 minutes to make it to another fucking terminal. This was a disaster and I could have been cast as Wally West cause I booked it like a madman. Nothing sucks more than to get on your flight covered in sweat and barely able to breathe. Note to self: no connecting flights and leave only from NY.
So I get to LA and fuck this town cause it's colder THERE than in NY. What the fuck is this? I froze my ASS off. I was wearing my winter coat there. Whatever. I worked basically the whole time in LA which was basically just a day and a half. I ate a feast at Irene's moms and then dozed off on her couch cause I was so beat. I was at the Bel Age again, it was awesome but I couldnt hang on the balcony cause, as I have said, it was FUCKING COLD AS FUCK. I had a fun dinner with a famous Japanese director who I think is a genius. He is also very nice and very creative. I had a blast with him. I hope I get to work with this guy. He's doing a scary as fuck movie right now. He tells me I will be too scared and he's probably right.
Anyhow, I very wisely decided NOT to fly back at 6am yesterday (like I normally do), and got on a leisurely 11:30am flight. I'm glad I did this cause it gave me the chance to go to Bob's Donuts (!) for breakfast and I miss the morning rush hour traffic in LA and I miss the evening rush hour traffic in NY. It worked out. Irene just got home from work about 10 minutes before i got home and there, waiting for me, was my long awaited wii. Needless to say, I was boxing at 1:30 this morning like a superstar. My wii fitness age is 29! No rust on this guy!
Anyhow, snow has delayed nephew to the point where we have to put him on a plane to get here for his sprin break. He will be here in the morning, thankfully. Then we wii. Nonstop.
Anyhow, you know I love the US magazine and all that but THIS is my couple of the year:

yo i wanna wii too, MAN!
This is what I meant to post: http://joydivisionwii.ytmnd.com/
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