
I rarely ever post about the great sport, but while sharing old wrestling Youtube links with G, I feel the need to tell you my favourite ever lost gimmick in wrestling. I remember watching this clear as day in Mikie's basement. He was such a mark for this and we all thought these guys were the next big tag team.
"The New Breed was a professional wrestling tag team, formed in 1986, consisting of Chris Champion and Sean Royal.
In 1986 Chris Champion and Sean Royal were put together as a tag team in Florida Championship Wrestling. Their gimmick had them claiming to be from the future, specifically the year 2002. As a result they often referred to Dusty Rhodes as Mr. President. They also believed that Lazer Tron was a real robot, since robots were common where they were from, and they constantly referred to the flux capacitor, the fictional time conduit from the Back to the Future films, but always incorrectly pronounced it Capacitator. In 1987, they moved to the NWA's Jim Crockett Promotions and immediately challenged the Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson). The feud was heating up when both men were (legitly) injured in a car accident. Royal returned right away, but was not pushed except to be attacked by the Midnight Express (Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton). Champion was out for quite awhile, but did return to cut some promos with his cast marked up to look like it was "computerized". The team disbanded shortly after the accident, with Royal quitting wrestling to become a construction worker."

They thought this guy was coming back, so they kept pushing he would be back from the future "in two weeks". Every week, Mikie would be like "NEW BREED: TWO WEEKS" every week for like a year. And it never happened. They must have gone back to 2002 and served under President Dusty.
Whoever came up with this genius idea needs to be running the company.
Dreams Come True...
From DC: "Artist Marshall Rogers, who won acclaim for his stylish depiction of Batman, has died at age 57.
“Marshall was one of the radical young stylists bringing new looks to DC in the ‘70s, especially with his memorable collaboration with Steve Englehart on Batman,” says DC Comics President & Publisher Paul Levitz. “His debonair smile and charm were every bit as endearing as his art was energetic, and his colleagues at DC are all shocked to have a great artist pass so young.”
Born January 22, 1950, Rogers studied architecture at Kent State University before pursuing a career in comics. His earliest work appeared in Marvel Comics’ black and white magazines; in 1976, his art first appeared in a backup story in DETECTIVE COMICS, the title with which he is most identified.
Rogers quickly moved up to pencilling the lead stories in DETECTIVE, working with his frequent collaborators, writer Steve Englehart and inker Terry Austin, on a run of issues that featured the acclaimed “Joker Fish” story. He simultaneously drew a memorable run on MISTER MIRACLE.
Rogers returned to Batman frequently after his initial run on DETECTIVE, contributing stories to BATMAN FAMILY and other titles, including a new look at the Dark Knight’s beginnings in SECRET ORIGINS. In the 1980s, Rogers began working for Eclipse Comics, with projects including Coyote, Scorpio, the graphic novel Detectives, Inc., and his own creation, Cap’n Quick and A Foozle.
By the mid-1980s, Rogers was working for Marvel Comics, where he illustrated Dr. Strange, G.I. Joe, Howard the Duck and more, as well as a long run on Silver Surfer. He became the artist on the Batman daily comic strip at the end of the decade.
More recently, Rogers illustrated the miniseries GREEN LANTERN: EVIL’S MIGHT, then returned to the Dark Knight for a 5-part story in BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT. He reteamed with Englehart and Austin for the 2005 miniseries BATMAN: DARK DETECTIVE, a follow up on their classic work of the 1970s.."
As Evan and I just discussed, this might be the first of our generations greats to go. My earliest memories as a kid reading comics are his Batman stories. I used to flip out for them. This guy probably had the biggest impact on me art-wise as a kid. In recent years, I've been trying to buy artwork from the various artists I loved as a kid. He was always on the top of my list and it's impossible to buy any of his original pages. Believe me, I went through every top dealer in the country. Instead, I was able to get him to do a commission for me, which arrived about 4 months ago. Talk about timing. We have huge posters of his stuff in my office. Sad.
“Marshall was one of the radical young stylists bringing new looks to DC in the ‘70s, especially with his memorable collaboration with Steve Englehart on Batman,” says DC Comics President & Publisher Paul Levitz. “His debonair smile and charm were every bit as endearing as his art was energetic, and his colleagues at DC are all shocked to have a great artist pass so young.”
Born January 22, 1950, Rogers studied architecture at Kent State University before pursuing a career in comics. His earliest work appeared in Marvel Comics’ black and white magazines; in 1976, his art first appeared in a backup story in DETECTIVE COMICS, the title with which he is most identified.
Rogers quickly moved up to pencilling the lead stories in DETECTIVE, working with his frequent collaborators, writer Steve Englehart and inker Terry Austin, on a run of issues that featured the acclaimed “Joker Fish” story. He simultaneously drew a memorable run on MISTER MIRACLE.
Rogers returned to Batman frequently after his initial run on DETECTIVE, contributing stories to BATMAN FAMILY and other titles, including a new look at the Dark Knight’s beginnings in SECRET ORIGINS. In the 1980s, Rogers began working for Eclipse Comics, with projects including Coyote, Scorpio, the graphic novel Detectives, Inc., and his own creation, Cap’n Quick and A Foozle.
By the mid-1980s, Rogers was working for Marvel Comics, where he illustrated Dr. Strange, G.I. Joe, Howard the Duck and more, as well as a long run on Silver Surfer. He became the artist on the Batman daily comic strip at the end of the decade.
More recently, Rogers illustrated the miniseries GREEN LANTERN: EVIL’S MIGHT, then returned to the Dark Knight for a 5-part story in BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT. He reteamed with Englehart and Austin for the 2005 miniseries BATMAN: DARK DETECTIVE, a follow up on their classic work of the 1970s.."
As Evan and I just discussed, this might be the first of our generations greats to go. My earliest memories as a kid reading comics are his Batman stories. I used to flip out for them. This guy probably had the biggest impact on me art-wise as a kid. In recent years, I've been trying to buy artwork from the various artists I loved as a kid. He was always on the top of my list and it's impossible to buy any of his original pages. Believe me, I went through every top dealer in the country. Instead, I was able to get him to do a commission for me, which arrived about 4 months ago. Talk about timing. We have huge posters of his stuff in my office. Sad.
Meanwhile, back in Manchester
The Highest Low
As some of you may recall, the earliest entries in this blog centered around my involvement with the now controversial Chemlab album, OXIDIZER (which is worth a book in itself). After that album, Jared asked me to stay involved with Chemlab to help him get the inevitable remix album off the ground. Having put out two remix albums in the past with the aggression (one of which I was in the process of doing during this period), this was something I had some experience in. I was the likely and willing candidate to help shepard this along.
Anyhow, the remix album is called ROCK WHORE VS DANCE FLOOR. The title was something Jared had randomly mentioned in an E-mail to me and I suggested he use for this project. I won’t bore you with the making of process, cause remix albums are entirely dependent on other people doing all the work, but I spent more than a year plus doing what I call “The Shit Work”: assembling, burning and mailing remix kits to basically everyone Jared or I ever met who had a band. It was a huge task dealing with people from all over the world and assembling this project. But the remixes that came in were solid, I got to reconnect with old friends, and make a few new ones. Working with Jared is always a fun experience. By the time it was done and Mike Burnlab began assembling the artwork, we had a TON of remixes. This was going to be a slamming 2-CD set of the most diverse shit you ever heard from some amazingly talented people. We spent months just getting the right track order together.
When completed, I mailed the label all of the sound files, in order, by disc, meticulously labeled so no one would fuck it up (as labels are known to do, and I am sure those of you reading this know the label in question). And of course, this is where it all goes south…
Again, I won’t bore you with the politics, most of which I stay out of and hear from Jared, because remember, he IS Chemlab. So some of this is second hand, but long story short, I believe a certain someone, (who lists every single one of his band credits next to his name wherever his name appears in print so ridiculously that you would think his credit cards have 15 bands listed after his last name), told Jared to condense the project to one disc, thus eliminating almost 20 remixes. Why? Well, the way Jared explained it to me was because it meant yet another cost cutting measure so the world can be blessed with 400 bullshit Pigface related projects (because the world was WAITING for the 4 cds of remixes, Crackhead, Dubhead…Dickhead) and other multiple remix albums that feature the same person and people over and over again and of course the Dubs series isn’t a rip off at all (right Ogre fans?). Because the majority of the remixers on RWVDF were non Invisible bands, Someone saw no interest in spending money to promote a project that didn’t help the entire roster, or as I see it, the same old shit was either getting the push or he ain’t supporting it. Honestly, that’s fine, and actually understandable to me. It’s a business, I get that, and while I feel bad that a lot of bands busted their asses for Chemlab, it’s not a problem I can control. I mean, you can see from the output from the label in the last x amount of years that artistic integrity isn’t a priority. At the end of the day, I didn’t lose much sleep over it because there were lots of options to eventually think about: a second disc, a website only cd release, or a digital release. Somehow, some way, the kids were gonna get these mixes. I had the remixes, Todd Ryan had the remixes, so who the fuck cares, right? ;-)
But that’s not what pisses me off….
So the disc comes out, I don’t even remember when and honestly, I don’t think I ever listened to the full disc beyond a few tunes. The mastering’s shit and the amazing artwork was boxed in the cheapest of cheap jewel cases that were about as strong as a wet box of cough drops. At this point, it’s just annoying, but not unexpected, and made me appreciate people like Rob DBR and Jeff Tinman a lot more than ever (and I already REALLY appreciated them)
And even THAT’s not what pisses me off…
Recently Jared and I were putting together a new Chemlab “odds and sods” CD, to be sold on the now dead Killing Joke tour. We had a title, a track list and finally some of the unreleased remixes were going to start to come out in a way that fans would be excited about. However, we were told, by a fan no less, that there was an entire series of new Chemlab “albums “on I-Tunes . Jared is usually good at telling me when thins are happening, so obviously we touched base and he had no knowledge of this either. Yep, they put up 18 of the unreleased remixes (one of which was mine) in no particular track order. That’s not even that bad, but for fucks sake TELL someone you’re doing this, promote it. It’s not a bad price and even their little album cover for it isn’t terrible. I’m sure the mastering is total shit, but hey, this is now the norm.
And THAT, friends, leads us to the matter that pisses me off…
It was the OTHER Chemlab “albums” that someone at Invisible felt they could put up without asking for permission to do so on I-Tunes. So now. On I-Tunes you can buy the early DEMOS (complete with the bullshit joking working title names) from Oxidizer and even the INSTRUMENTALS. Neither of these, by the way, were EVER considered for release at any time. Again, was anyone consulted? Jared wasn’t, that’s for sure. I could even understand releasing the (intentionally) widely circulated Acumen-Mixed version of the album, because on several occasions Invisible approached Jared and I about doing so (I even have a mastered CD-R with invisible’s notes, etc. for this proposed release) I’m not opposed to that version of the album coming out, and it’s worthy of a release, but the 2003 demos? The instrumentals? Fuck that. Basically, they grabbed whatever CD-R’s they had lying around, submitted them to I-Tunes and hoped to again make a few pennies doing so by luring in some die hards with material that should not be available to the public. Quality takes a back seat to profit, even if you don’t legally control the music you are selling. Speaking of which…
Then. THEN. Then they have the balls to take widely circulated BOOTLEGS of Chemlab, circa 1996/1997 (long before Jared signed a deal with Invisible) and make them available on I-Tunes as if they owned these “releases”. With copyright notices. What a crock. That’s what really set me off. Email me if you want them, ill fucking give them to you, do not spend the money. The gall of this is incredible to me. I sincerely doubt these were bootlegs anyone from the band (meaning Jared) sent to the label asking to make available on I-Tunes. These are very poor quality boots. Anyhow…
Let me ask you: Do you think Invisible would have paid royalties on any of this? Yeah, me neither. Let me be very clear that I have no financial stake in any of this. None of this has anything to do with me beyond being a supporter of Chemlab/Jared/Music. I’m disgusted on so many levels by this that it shocks me to have spent this much time writing this missive.
When the label was called out on this, an INTERN was brought in to deal with Jared. Of course, she promised to take down the stuff they weren’t obligated to own, the bootlegs. Those are still up there, by the way. But there are still two Chemlab Oxidizer related albums on I-Tunes that should not be made available. I don’t know who thought of this, who spoke with whom, etc, but I know Jared wasn’t consulted that, my friends, is bullshit. And while I am glad the fans can get the other remixes, because those do deserve to be heard, to release those with no input from anyone associated with the project is insulting, disingenuous, and flat out wrong. I understand this is a business, I’m not an idiot, but there’s a certain degree of respect one would normally expect in these situations. Obviously, that seems to be a trend. Truly, truly, a new high in low.
Anyhow, the remix album is called ROCK WHORE VS DANCE FLOOR. The title was something Jared had randomly mentioned in an E-mail to me and I suggested he use for this project. I won’t bore you with the making of process, cause remix albums are entirely dependent on other people doing all the work, but I spent more than a year plus doing what I call “The Shit Work”: assembling, burning and mailing remix kits to basically everyone Jared or I ever met who had a band. It was a huge task dealing with people from all over the world and assembling this project. But the remixes that came in were solid, I got to reconnect with old friends, and make a few new ones. Working with Jared is always a fun experience. By the time it was done and Mike Burnlab began assembling the artwork, we had a TON of remixes. This was going to be a slamming 2-CD set of the most diverse shit you ever heard from some amazingly talented people. We spent months just getting the right track order together.
When completed, I mailed the label all of the sound files, in order, by disc, meticulously labeled so no one would fuck it up (as labels are known to do, and I am sure those of you reading this know the label in question). And of course, this is where it all goes south…
Again, I won’t bore you with the politics, most of which I stay out of and hear from Jared, because remember, he IS Chemlab. So some of this is second hand, but long story short, I believe a certain someone, (who lists every single one of his band credits next to his name wherever his name appears in print so ridiculously that you would think his credit cards have 15 bands listed after his last name), told Jared to condense the project to one disc, thus eliminating almost 20 remixes. Why? Well, the way Jared explained it to me was because it meant yet another cost cutting measure so the world can be blessed with 400 bullshit Pigface related projects (because the world was WAITING for the 4 cds of remixes, Crackhead, Dubhead…Dickhead) and other multiple remix albums that feature the same person and people over and over again and of course the Dubs series isn’t a rip off at all (right Ogre fans?). Because the majority of the remixers on RWVDF were non Invisible bands, Someone saw no interest in spending money to promote a project that didn’t help the entire roster, or as I see it, the same old shit was either getting the push or he ain’t supporting it. Honestly, that’s fine, and actually understandable to me. It’s a business, I get that, and while I feel bad that a lot of bands busted their asses for Chemlab, it’s not a problem I can control. I mean, you can see from the output from the label in the last x amount of years that artistic integrity isn’t a priority. At the end of the day, I didn’t lose much sleep over it because there were lots of options to eventually think about: a second disc, a website only cd release, or a digital release. Somehow, some way, the kids were gonna get these mixes. I had the remixes, Todd Ryan had the remixes, so who the fuck cares, right? ;-)
But that’s not what pisses me off….
So the disc comes out, I don’t even remember when and honestly, I don’t think I ever listened to the full disc beyond a few tunes. The mastering’s shit and the amazing artwork was boxed in the cheapest of cheap jewel cases that were about as strong as a wet box of cough drops. At this point, it’s just annoying, but not unexpected, and made me appreciate people like Rob DBR and Jeff Tinman a lot more than ever (and I already REALLY appreciated them)
And even THAT’s not what pisses me off…
Recently Jared and I were putting together a new Chemlab “odds and sods” CD, to be sold on the now dead Killing Joke tour. We had a title, a track list and finally some of the unreleased remixes were going to start to come out in a way that fans would be excited about. However, we were told, by a fan no less, that there was an entire series of new Chemlab “albums “on I-Tunes . Jared is usually good at telling me when thins are happening, so obviously we touched base and he had no knowledge of this either. Yep, they put up 18 of the unreleased remixes (one of which was mine) in no particular track order. That’s not even that bad, but for fucks sake TELL someone you’re doing this, promote it. It’s not a bad price and even their little album cover for it isn’t terrible. I’m sure the mastering is total shit, but hey, this is now the norm.
And THAT, friends, leads us to the matter that pisses me off…
It was the OTHER Chemlab “albums” that someone at Invisible felt they could put up without asking for permission to do so on I-Tunes. So now. On I-Tunes you can buy the early DEMOS (complete with the bullshit joking working title names) from Oxidizer and even the INSTRUMENTALS. Neither of these, by the way, were EVER considered for release at any time. Again, was anyone consulted? Jared wasn’t, that’s for sure. I could even understand releasing the (intentionally) widely circulated Acumen-Mixed version of the album, because on several occasions Invisible approached Jared and I about doing so (I even have a mastered CD-R with invisible’s notes, etc. for this proposed release) I’m not opposed to that version of the album coming out, and it’s worthy of a release, but the 2003 demos? The instrumentals? Fuck that. Basically, they grabbed whatever CD-R’s they had lying around, submitted them to I-Tunes and hoped to again make a few pennies doing so by luring in some die hards with material that should not be available to the public. Quality takes a back seat to profit, even if you don’t legally control the music you are selling. Speaking of which…
Then. THEN. Then they have the balls to take widely circulated BOOTLEGS of Chemlab, circa 1996/1997 (long before Jared signed a deal with Invisible) and make them available on I-Tunes as if they owned these “releases”. With copyright notices. What a crock. That’s what really set me off. Email me if you want them, ill fucking give them to you, do not spend the money. The gall of this is incredible to me. I sincerely doubt these were bootlegs anyone from the band (meaning Jared) sent to the label asking to make available on I-Tunes. These are very poor quality boots. Anyhow…
Let me ask you: Do you think Invisible would have paid royalties on any of this? Yeah, me neither. Let me be very clear that I have no financial stake in any of this. None of this has anything to do with me beyond being a supporter of Chemlab/Jared/Music. I’m disgusted on so many levels by this that it shocks me to have spent this much time writing this missive.
When the label was called out on this, an INTERN was brought in to deal with Jared. Of course, she promised to take down the stuff they weren’t obligated to own, the bootlegs. Those are still up there, by the way. But there are still two Chemlab Oxidizer related albums on I-Tunes that should not be made available. I don’t know who thought of this, who spoke with whom, etc, but I know Jared wasn’t consulted that, my friends, is bullshit. And while I am glad the fans can get the other remixes, because those do deserve to be heard, to release those with no input from anyone associated with the project is insulting, disingenuous, and flat out wrong. I understand this is a business, I’m not an idiot, but there’s a certain degree of respect one would normally expect in these situations. Obviously, that seems to be a trend. Truly, truly, a new high in low.
Weekend Update
It was one of those nice, casual weekends, when shit goes according to plan, the food is delicious, good times are had, the drinks go down without pain, the records arrive at the store, you don't miss the important calls, you get just enough sleep, the train is at the station, the gig is good, progress is made and most important of all, the tunes sound amazing.
Before the weekend arrived, MOGworld had an impromptu visit from the sorely missed Mattagement, who popped in for a bit to wii like men. He is FIERCE on the wii! Cam will have some new competition. Matt is a worthy wiiman. Here, observe men wiiing:

Friday saw Todd Ryan finally get me hooked to Last.FM. Why I am into this, I don't know, but I for some reason like seeing a list of all the shit I listen to. It's very Big Brother, but I am feeling it at the moment. So you will now have justifiable reason to make fun of me for listening to Andy Gibb and then Ministry. Check my shit out: http://www.last.fm/user/Hypefactor
Friday night was the night to chill. Irene and I watched my newly purchased DVD of the Oscar winning THE DEPARTED, which she had yet to see. She, like myself, is a big INFERNAL AFFAIRS fan, so I was curious as to what she would think of the movie. She had a very similar reaction to me, which was HEY, THIS IS AWESOME BUT INFERNAL AFFAIRS IS SO MUCH BETTER. I actually enjoyed the movie a lot the second time. A worthy addition to the collection.
On Saturday, I made my usual Rebel Rebel Run for B and I before we engaged in the HF experionce. Chas braved the weather and the 8 feet of snow up in the Chest to come down to rock the low end on the recent track AZUMI and the hidden track I'LL CALL MY GUY, and to re-visit some older tracks. Honestly, he fucking KILLED. I can't make it any more simple. He just takes a track and makes it his bitch. There's no better hangover cure than to hear awesome tunes fresh out of the computer. Jesus Christ what this kid did to the songs is the sweet shit. We're getting there. The ride just went to a whole other level. We did our masculine dinner at Dokebi, my treat. I treat my mates good, right? Anyhow, despite the stupid fucking drunk st patty douchebags, we were able to drink our sake and have a few laughs. I'd call this evening a full success. Brandt is still cleaning the semen off his monitor. He's young, control comes with age. He also HATES Ben Stiller and grows violent at mere movie trailers featuring said douche.
They kept working while I met Irene at the Marcy Street station and we went to her mate's house in Brooklyn for a gathering. I think it was to celebrate someone, but I got too drunk to remember. Irene's friends are pretty cool, so i always have a good time hanging out with them, and this couple in particular, Nick and Jess, always seem to have cool food at their parties. This is a plus and led to me eating a cupcake with Prociotto (the nicely thin sliced Italian Ham. if you know me, this is not a big deal as your hero love that shit). This may seem like a gross dare, but it was actually more funny entertaining wow he really loves that shit. It was fun, a good time, and I got pretty knackered, but just short of being embarassing as Irene was speaking to me the next morning. However, I apologize for all of you I drunk texted and/or threatened to kill. But that's the average F day, isn't it? Super. Here, observe your hero cupcaking:

I woke up surprisingly with no hangover, which I think has to do with the fact I consumed so much food that all the booze got soaked up. Irene went to work and I clowned in Brooklyn with my folks before heading to Mercury Lounge to see Fuijia and Miyagi's first of several sold out shows here in the city. I like the album, and was interested in checking them out. I was actually really impressed with the live show, moreso than I liked the album. I liked their approach which was guitar and bass and then vintage drum machines and Korg keyboards running all the electronics. I had been under the impression it was with laptops, but no computers on this. It worked much better than the CD and their earlier material is much more dance, so it got the crowd moving. Fun gig, I would check them out again.
In music, I can't stand the new Modest Mouse, which has Johnny Marr on it. The problem's not with the music, its with the guy who is singing, whose band I guess this is and has some mysterious hold over Johnny to get him to be a member of this shit band. If this guy wasn't singing, I might like it. I do like the new Tracey Thorn, cause it's mellow and nonthreatening and if you like EBTG, be sure to check it out. I dig the new LCD Soundsystem, but now can't seem them in May cause we'll be vacationing in Italy (I just said vacationing, i have been waiting like 4 years to say that here). The hits of the week were the recent Depeche reissues, the two this time being CONSTRUCTION TIME AGAIN and BLACK CELEBRATION, which both sound super and the docs on the DVD portions are AMAZING and totally worth getting. I have to admit I wasnt overly familiar with CTA, but with this re-release I have really gotten into it. No surprise, as it's the first album with aWild (Matt's new name for Alan Wilder) on it. What I love about these reissues is that every forward by Daniel Miller and every documentary is about the awesomeness of aWild, which I am sure aVen loves. That's Ash.
Now its off the left coast as B keeps sending in these awesome revised demos from Saturday's session. I'l report from LA at some point. Stay classy. Asshole.
Before the weekend arrived, MOGworld had an impromptu visit from the sorely missed Mattagement, who popped in for a bit to wii like men. He is FIERCE on the wii! Cam will have some new competition. Matt is a worthy wiiman. Here, observe men wiiing:
Friday saw Todd Ryan finally get me hooked to Last.FM. Why I am into this, I don't know, but I for some reason like seeing a list of all the shit I listen to. It's very Big Brother, but I am feeling it at the moment. So you will now have justifiable reason to make fun of me for listening to Andy Gibb and then Ministry. Check my shit out: http://www.last.fm/user/Hypefactor
Friday night was the night to chill. Irene and I watched my newly purchased DVD of the Oscar winning THE DEPARTED, which she had yet to see. She, like myself, is a big INFERNAL AFFAIRS fan, so I was curious as to what she would think of the movie. She had a very similar reaction to me, which was HEY, THIS IS AWESOME BUT INFERNAL AFFAIRS IS SO MUCH BETTER. I actually enjoyed the movie a lot the second time. A worthy addition to the collection.
On Saturday, I made my usual Rebel Rebel Run for B and I before we engaged in the HF experionce. Chas braved the weather and the 8 feet of snow up in the Chest to come down to rock the low end on the recent track AZUMI and the hidden track I'LL CALL MY GUY, and to re-visit some older tracks. Honestly, he fucking KILLED. I can't make it any more simple. He just takes a track and makes it his bitch. There's no better hangover cure than to hear awesome tunes fresh out of the computer. Jesus Christ what this kid did to the songs is the sweet shit. We're getting there. The ride just went to a whole other level. We did our masculine dinner at Dokebi, my treat. I treat my mates good, right? Anyhow, despite the stupid fucking drunk st patty douchebags, we were able to drink our sake and have a few laughs. I'd call this evening a full success. Brandt is still cleaning the semen off his monitor. He's young, control comes with age. He also HATES Ben Stiller and grows violent at mere movie trailers featuring said douche.
They kept working while I met Irene at the Marcy Street station and we went to her mate's house in Brooklyn for a gathering. I think it was to celebrate someone, but I got too drunk to remember. Irene's friends are pretty cool, so i always have a good time hanging out with them, and this couple in particular, Nick and Jess, always seem to have cool food at their parties. This is a plus and led to me eating a cupcake with Prociotto (the nicely thin sliced Italian Ham. if you know me, this is not a big deal as your hero love that shit). This may seem like a gross dare, but it was actually more funny entertaining wow he really loves that shit. It was fun, a good time, and I got pretty knackered, but just short of being embarassing as Irene was speaking to me the next morning. However, I apologize for all of you I drunk texted and/or threatened to kill. But that's the average F day, isn't it? Super. Here, observe your hero cupcaking:

I woke up surprisingly with no hangover, which I think has to do with the fact I consumed so much food that all the booze got soaked up. Irene went to work and I clowned in Brooklyn with my folks before heading to Mercury Lounge to see Fuijia and Miyagi's first of several sold out shows here in the city. I like the album, and was interested in checking them out. I was actually really impressed with the live show, moreso than I liked the album. I liked their approach which was guitar and bass and then vintage drum machines and Korg keyboards running all the electronics. I had been under the impression it was with laptops, but no computers on this. It worked much better than the CD and their earlier material is much more dance, so it got the crowd moving. Fun gig, I would check them out again.
In music, I can't stand the new Modest Mouse, which has Johnny Marr on it. The problem's not with the music, its with the guy who is singing, whose band I guess this is and has some mysterious hold over Johnny to get him to be a member of this shit band. If this guy wasn't singing, I might like it. I do like the new Tracey Thorn, cause it's mellow and nonthreatening and if you like EBTG, be sure to check it out. I dig the new LCD Soundsystem, but now can't seem them in May cause we'll be vacationing in Italy (I just said vacationing, i have been waiting like 4 years to say that here). The hits of the week were the recent Depeche reissues, the two this time being CONSTRUCTION TIME AGAIN and BLACK CELEBRATION, which both sound super and the docs on the DVD portions are AMAZING and totally worth getting. I have to admit I wasnt overly familiar with CTA, but with this re-release I have really gotten into it. No surprise, as it's the first album with aWild (Matt's new name for Alan Wilder) on it. What I love about these reissues is that every forward by Daniel Miller and every documentary is about the awesomeness of aWild, which I am sure aVen loves. That's Ash.
Now its off the left coast as B keeps sending in these awesome revised demos from Saturday's session. I'l report from LA at some point. Stay classy. Asshole.
More Genius from The Gold Street Boys
F: Rockin in havana like a manic street preacher
G: We should have snuck into Cuba and rocked with the commies
F: Why sneak? I have a new gimmick we should try: ASYLUM. we ask for asylum somewhere we cant get in, live the life for a week. Cause everything is free in asylum. and then be like "ooops i forgot to turn off the lights in my apt, gotta go back"
G: Do i like that idea?...Yes. Yes I do.
F: I might have to post this. Maybe I can inspire children. Cam can read this someday and go to some country
G: I think you owe it to the world to spread the word.
F: We should test run this in Canada?
G: I suppose. It would be easier than North Korea.
F: Yeah but thats touchy cause i know some Koreans, I just feel like Canadia is good to work out the kinks. (Note to reader: I totally missed his point)
G: We shall see
F: Do you wanna do this at Ash's thing? He could be the patsy, hes tall.
G: Alright. (This isnt what G really said, but this is about all I can get away with in order not to give up the rest of the plan)
G: We should have snuck into Cuba and rocked with the commies
F: Why sneak? I have a new gimmick we should try: ASYLUM. we ask for asylum somewhere we cant get in, live the life for a week. Cause everything is free in asylum. and then be like "ooops i forgot to turn off the lights in my apt, gotta go back"
G: Do i like that idea?...Yes. Yes I do.
F: I might have to post this. Maybe I can inspire children. Cam can read this someday and go to some country
G: I think you owe it to the world to spread the word.
F: We should test run this in Canada?
G: I suppose. It would be easier than North Korea.
F: Yeah but thats touchy cause i know some Koreans, I just feel like Canadia is good to work out the kinks. (Note to reader: I totally missed his point)
G: We shall see
F: Do you wanna do this at Ash's thing? He could be the patsy, hes tall.
G: Alright. (This isnt what G really said, but this is about all I can get away with in order not to give up the rest of the plan)
The Good The Bad The Whatever
Hello from MOGworld, where the wii is in full use. Matt Gentile and I have been using the wii to communicate. It's very exciting and now his Mii (the personalized characters you create to play with ont he Wii), has become part of my awesome team. Full success. My nephew is next to get on the wiinet. I cannot tell you how amazing this wii thing is. I love it. That was easily the best valentine's present ever.
Anyhow, the great sport gathering on Monday was put on hold to check out Damon Albarn and THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE QUEEN. Frankly, I was bored by the album, and as you know, I hate Damon Albarn, but as you may have read here, I was seeing him in a new light after the Gorillaz show at the Apollo last year, so I was possibly more willing to check this gig out. Irene is more of a fan of his work than I am, so we thought it could be fun.
No such luck. Irene got sick at the last minute and I was stuck going to this by myself. And they got onstage and well, it was a snoozefest and a half. They just played the album, in order, which I hate unless it's a concept album of sime kind (i.e. THE WALL), and it so did not rock in any way shape or form. The songs I liked were good and the ones I didn't give a shit about just were whatever. Paul Simonon, however, is awesome and his bass playing was fantastic. He saved the whole thing. Simon Tong, formerly of the verve, has about as much energy as G after a flight from Greece, and Damon, well, he got away with it last time cause he sat in the back, but this time, he was fine. Not a douche, actualy very appreciative, but this stupid top hat he was wearing was silly and he sang fine, but well, whatever. The whole thing was whatever, you know? I wanted to like it, I wanted it to rock, but you need to hit a snare drum at least during more than 2 songs during a gig, right? Anyway, call Graham, go back to Blur, slag on the artists I like so I have something read in the NME each week. Cheers.
While Irene hosted a movie night featuring my all region DVD and lt edition directors cut of THE HOST at the FP office (complete with Irene home cooking, thus I HAD to show up to eat and drink shoju), I was back at Brandt's AT LAST to finally work on some tunes. We used an old PRO ONE, that B has just gotten to try and flesh out the bridge to AZUMI, which is coming along AT LAST. This was a lot of fun and very productive. Then we chatted and made plans and came up with gameplans etc. It was fun.

OK time to start the day. See you soon my friends!
Anyhow, the great sport gathering on Monday was put on hold to check out Damon Albarn and THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE QUEEN. Frankly, I was bored by the album, and as you know, I hate Damon Albarn, but as you may have read here, I was seeing him in a new light after the Gorillaz show at the Apollo last year, so I was possibly more willing to check this gig out. Irene is more of a fan of his work than I am, so we thought it could be fun.
No such luck. Irene got sick at the last minute and I was stuck going to this by myself. And they got onstage and well, it was a snoozefest and a half. They just played the album, in order, which I hate unless it's a concept album of sime kind (i.e. THE WALL), and it so did not rock in any way shape or form. The songs I liked were good and the ones I didn't give a shit about just were whatever. Paul Simonon, however, is awesome and his bass playing was fantastic. He saved the whole thing. Simon Tong, formerly of the verve, has about as much energy as G after a flight from Greece, and Damon, well, he got away with it last time cause he sat in the back, but this time, he was fine. Not a douche, actualy very appreciative, but this stupid top hat he was wearing was silly and he sang fine, but well, whatever. The whole thing was whatever, you know? I wanted to like it, I wanted it to rock, but you need to hit a snare drum at least during more than 2 songs during a gig, right? Anyway, call Graham, go back to Blur, slag on the artists I like so I have something read in the NME each week. Cheers.
While Irene hosted a movie night featuring my all region DVD and lt edition directors cut of THE HOST at the FP office (complete with Irene home cooking, thus I HAD to show up to eat and drink shoju), I was back at Brandt's AT LAST to finally work on some tunes. We used an old PRO ONE, that B has just gotten to try and flesh out the bridge to AZUMI, which is coming along AT LAST. This was a lot of fun and very productive. Then we chatted and made plans and came up with gameplans etc. It was fun.

OK time to start the day. See you soon my friends!
Hi, sorry.
You know how it is when the nephew is here. Everything goes on hold and my time on this laptop writing you of my adventures is sacrificed in favour of my spending time with him and rocking out on my new Nintendo Wii, which, as Matt Gentile will tell you, is the Best Shit Ever, Official.
Anyhow, nephew is as always awesome, well behaved, and a true fun and bright kid. He had many an adventure in the city, hung out with his buddies, sans Danny who was with HIS nephew on the left coast, and even spent an evening in Harlem playing videogames and eating Pizza. He loves taxis and ordering in. I got him to finally balance his comic book love equally between Marvel and DC, though he is obsessed with The Marvel Mangaverse from a few years ago. Go figure! Anyhow, we had a really nice day yesterday, as the weather was warm as hell. Here he is, summiting with his Aunt yesterday on 18th street at a Wine Bar (He had hot chocolate):

Now it is dead quiet in the house as Irene and I catch up on South Park and various other shows unsuitable for 8 year olds. But he'll be back, and will demand to watch Wrestlemania. Awesome. Special kudos to Evan and Lurch for babysitting while Irene and I went to a screening of 300 in the IMAX, which is the holy shit. And special thanks to the Kidd for walking down St. Marks the same time Cam and I were on Friday.
Did you see 300? I saw it in January and flipped my shit. Then my friend Frank invited us to see it in Imax on Thursday and loved it even more. I was incredibly impressed with the filmmaking as a literal adaptation of the graphic novel. Gerard Butler might be my new gay crush but Lean Heady helps round me out. If you know the book, you'll love the movie and it seems as though this country also marked out for this film as it just became the biggest opening for a movie ever in March and made it's budget back in a single weekend. Motherfucker, that is awesome. And somewhere, another guy named Frank cracks a smile...congrats.
Happily, I return to normal to find B sending me new demos, I breathe easier. More soon, including my big FUCK YOU to a certain someone, which I will write about here...
You know how it is when the nephew is here. Everything goes on hold and my time on this laptop writing you of my adventures is sacrificed in favour of my spending time with him and rocking out on my new Nintendo Wii, which, as Matt Gentile will tell you, is the Best Shit Ever, Official.
Anyhow, nephew is as always awesome, well behaved, and a true fun and bright kid. He had many an adventure in the city, hung out with his buddies, sans Danny who was with HIS nephew on the left coast, and even spent an evening in Harlem playing videogames and eating Pizza. He loves taxis and ordering in. I got him to finally balance his comic book love equally between Marvel and DC, though he is obsessed with The Marvel Mangaverse from a few years ago. Go figure! Anyhow, we had a really nice day yesterday, as the weather was warm as hell. Here he is, summiting with his Aunt yesterday on 18th street at a Wine Bar (He had hot chocolate):

Now it is dead quiet in the house as Irene and I catch up on South Park and various other shows unsuitable for 8 year olds. But he'll be back, and will demand to watch Wrestlemania. Awesome. Special kudos to Evan and Lurch for babysitting while Irene and I went to a screening of 300 in the IMAX, which is the holy shit. And special thanks to the Kidd for walking down St. Marks the same time Cam and I were on Friday.
Did you see 300? I saw it in January and flipped my shit. Then my friend Frank invited us to see it in Imax on Thursday and loved it even more. I was incredibly impressed with the filmmaking as a literal adaptation of the graphic novel. Gerard Butler might be my new gay crush but Lean Heady helps round me out. If you know the book, you'll love the movie and it seems as though this country also marked out for this film as it just became the biggest opening for a movie ever in March and made it's budget back in a single weekend. Motherfucker, that is awesome. And somewhere, another guy named Frank cracks a smile...congrats.
Happily, I return to normal to find B sending me new demos, I breathe easier. More soon, including my big FUCK YOU to a certain someone, which I will write about here...

Don't let the picture fool you! Words can't describe my birthday celebration. I feel honoured and privledged (and hungover) to have so much wonderful nonshit friends who made it a perfect night. It was everything I wanted, super friends, laid back, and awesome beats courtsey of ash. Couldnt even dream something so good! Simply, thank you!
Trains, Planes, Donuts and Jeeps
Where have I been? Where have YOU been? Fuck you, man!
OK now we got that sorted, yeah? Hello from New York. I just did 5 days of travelling from Rhode Island to LA and back to NY by any method available, train, plane and Jeep. All business, very little in the way of fun, though the now firmly established tradition of me and the Councilwoman having dinner with Mom Bradish is certainly the highlight.
I sadly don't have many exciting stories to relay to you. I have been so ill with some kind of stomach virus that I'm only now just fully over it. Anyhow, I was trapped in a hotel in Rhode Island and I was so bored after working hours on music in a hotel room that I actually watched ROCKY BALBOA on the PPV. As I texted to Lurch while watching it, Fuck this movie. Why? Cause the first hour is this slow, melodramatic mess that HAS to try to be a DEEP EMOTIONAL MOMENT. I was bored shitless. Then the fight is set up and it's fucking making me well up with tears cause it pulls every heartstring for anyone who ever loved the older movies. The guy he fights in it wasn't that strong an actor, I would have had him box the son of Apollo Creed or something, but that's why I don't make dramas ;-)
Then I flew to LA from RI which in retrospect was fucking stupid because here I had a 6am flight with a connection in Cincinnatti and landed with literally 15 minutes to make it to another fucking terminal. This was a disaster and I could have been cast as Wally West cause I booked it like a madman. Nothing sucks more than to get on your flight covered in sweat and barely able to breathe. Note to self: no connecting flights and leave only from NY.
So I get to LA and fuck this town cause it's colder THERE than in NY. What the fuck is this? I froze my ASS off. I was wearing my winter coat there. Whatever. I worked basically the whole time in LA which was basically just a day and a half. I ate a feast at Irene's moms and then dozed off on her couch cause I was so beat. I was at the Bel Age again, it was awesome but I couldnt hang on the balcony cause, as I have said, it was FUCKING COLD AS FUCK. I had a fun dinner with a famous Japanese director who I think is a genius. He is also very nice and very creative. I had a blast with him. I hope I get to work with this guy. He's doing a scary as fuck movie right now. He tells me I will be too scared and he's probably right.
Anyhow, I very wisely decided NOT to fly back at 6am yesterday (like I normally do), and got on a leisurely 11:30am flight. I'm glad I did this cause it gave me the chance to go to Bob's Donuts (!) for breakfast and I miss the morning rush hour traffic in LA and I miss the evening rush hour traffic in NY. It worked out. Irene just got home from work about 10 minutes before i got home and there, waiting for me, was my long awaited wii. Needless to say, I was boxing at 1:30 this morning like a superstar. My wii fitness age is 29! No rust on this guy!
Anyhow, snow has delayed nephew to the point where we have to put him on a plane to get here for his sprin break. He will be here in the morning, thankfully. Then we wii. Nonstop.
Anyhow, you know I love the US magazine and all that but THIS is my couple of the year:

OK now we got that sorted, yeah? Hello from New York. I just did 5 days of travelling from Rhode Island to LA and back to NY by any method available, train, plane and Jeep. All business, very little in the way of fun, though the now firmly established tradition of me and the Councilwoman having dinner with Mom Bradish is certainly the highlight.
I sadly don't have many exciting stories to relay to you. I have been so ill with some kind of stomach virus that I'm only now just fully over it. Anyhow, I was trapped in a hotel in Rhode Island and I was so bored after working hours on music in a hotel room that I actually watched ROCKY BALBOA on the PPV. As I texted to Lurch while watching it, Fuck this movie. Why? Cause the first hour is this slow, melodramatic mess that HAS to try to be a DEEP EMOTIONAL MOMENT. I was bored shitless. Then the fight is set up and it's fucking making me well up with tears cause it pulls every heartstring for anyone who ever loved the older movies. The guy he fights in it wasn't that strong an actor, I would have had him box the son of Apollo Creed or something, but that's why I don't make dramas ;-)
Then I flew to LA from RI which in retrospect was fucking stupid because here I had a 6am flight with a connection in Cincinnatti and landed with literally 15 minutes to make it to another fucking terminal. This was a disaster and I could have been cast as Wally West cause I booked it like a madman. Nothing sucks more than to get on your flight covered in sweat and barely able to breathe. Note to self: no connecting flights and leave only from NY.
So I get to LA and fuck this town cause it's colder THERE than in NY. What the fuck is this? I froze my ASS off. I was wearing my winter coat there. Whatever. I worked basically the whole time in LA which was basically just a day and a half. I ate a feast at Irene's moms and then dozed off on her couch cause I was so beat. I was at the Bel Age again, it was awesome but I couldnt hang on the balcony cause, as I have said, it was FUCKING COLD AS FUCK. I had a fun dinner with a famous Japanese director who I think is a genius. He is also very nice and very creative. I had a blast with him. I hope I get to work with this guy. He's doing a scary as fuck movie right now. He tells me I will be too scared and he's probably right.
Anyhow, I very wisely decided NOT to fly back at 6am yesterday (like I normally do), and got on a leisurely 11:30am flight. I'm glad I did this cause it gave me the chance to go to Bob's Donuts (!) for breakfast and I miss the morning rush hour traffic in LA and I miss the evening rush hour traffic in NY. It worked out. Irene just got home from work about 10 minutes before i got home and there, waiting for me, was my long awaited wii. Needless to say, I was boxing at 1:30 this morning like a superstar. My wii fitness age is 29! No rust on this guy!
Anyhow, snow has delayed nephew to the point where we have to put him on a plane to get here for his sprin break. He will be here in the morning, thankfully. Then we wii. Nonstop.
Anyhow, you know I love the US magazine and all that but THIS is my couple of the year: