

Yesterday, I went to the chiropractor. it was sweet. He cracked me like danny's ankle meeting the cold steel of an oncoming car, except with the opposite effect. I do worry when he cracks my neck, it feels weird, but then awesome. Then my mom gave me a brownie and a cup of tea.

I quickly ran back to the city to FINALLY get rid of the goddamn glass coffee table. I was aided in this by EVAN, who was awesome, despite showing up 4 minutes late ;-) Irene and I had decided that if no one took the goddamn glass coffee table, we would donate it to our favourite charity, Housing Works, which is a charity dealing with homeless people with AIDS, and conveniently located within a few blocks of the apt. We donate stuff there often. So then, straight out of "buddy cop movie" we created in college, Evan and I, with only 20 minutes left till the place closed, ran down the block with this VERY heavy table. We tried to sell it to people as we went, and we almost had a few takers, but anyhow, the table is now with the nice people at Housing Works. Evan gets props and got a free meal in Chinatown

Evan and I were beat, and Irene was working late and Brandt was already back in Chicago. Lurch bailed and he made a mistake cause Ev and I watched the new Johnnie To movie EXILED and honestly, it fucked OWNED and might be my favourite HK movie this year. I think one review I read described it as "Johnnie To's Greatest Hits" combined into one movie. Literally every Johnnie To regular is in this movie, even Simon Yam, who I love and had no idea was the bad guy. Its a difficult movie to explain, but it starts off with two hit men arriving at an apartment in Macau to off a guy. They are followed by two other guys determined to stop the hit, and it turns out they are all, including the target, childhood friends. It then becomes this wonderful action drama, sprinkled with lots of laughs and masculine bonding and tons of soul. What a movie. Everyone is so awesome in this, especially Anthony Wong, who is the de facto leader of the group. The only thing I could think of was that this was the gangster movie equivalent of the MOGpac. Some will get that, others won't. Massive movie. Awesome. See it.

And now we prepare. Nephew, his dog, and his mother arrive today. And I need my rest!


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