I am exhausted but feel the need to write you. It was a productive weekend. I had colleagues in town from Tokyo and this occupied me 24/7. I also made the horrible mistake of drinking 127 proof bourbon with them on Thursday night, which effectively wrecked me for a day and a half. I did however, have a productive time with B in the studio both yesterday and today. We each took turns working on Ashworld (the album hidden track) and added our various trademark sounds. It was a lot of fun.
But things got even more fun when I found myself being brought along with B, Ash, Charles and Laura for a laugh filled sushi dinner in Brooklyn. This was a good time and somehow during this meal, I was coerced (read: they had an extra ticket) into checking out the band MASERATI from ATHENS GA (I wrote that for Chad who is from there). I had heard these guys before and actually had originally been asked to attend this gig, but declined. I didn't really like what I had heard, but hey, I was in Brooklyn already, Irene was working late, and I was feeling pretty handsome, so why not? Also, they were all singing the praises of the drummer JERRY FUCHS, who Brandt told me was better than Kasabian's drummer, so this was certainly something I had to see. I was getting strange stalker love vibes from my friends about this man very quickly, the kind that usualy happen with women towards Matt Gentile, so I figure I should check this out.

So we went to Northsix, which I believe I once saw Saintface at, and Maserati took to the stage. Oh, did I mention they were instrumental half asses, just like the cobra? Half ass by the way, is a term of endearment, so don't read it as an insult, sometimes I have to "insert wise ass gimmick here". As I get older I am revealling my secrets. Anyhow, these guys, a 4 piece of two guitars, bass and drums (DRUMS PLACED UP FRONT, which is not happening in my band) came on and quite frankly, they were fucking awesome. Great tunes (though I wish some had vocals) and they wisely rocked hard. A bit on the long time, but thats what instrumental half asses do (though the cobras even more wisely understand song length, maybe because the guitarist was in a pop band before this). And yes, Jerry is a SICK SICK SICK drummer, and I will gladly admit he is better than Kasabian's drummer, and EVERYONE LOVES HIM AND STALKS HIM. EVERYONE LOVES HIM SO MUCH I WILL PUT MULTIPLE PICTURES UP OF HIM HERE. EVERYONE WANTS TO TALK TO HIM. EVERYONE. Charles pranced to the stage to say hello, ash debated even talking to this man, and Brandt supposedly watched him break up with a girl at some Sushi place. I wasn't even this bad when I lived across the street from John Cale, but then again, John Cale was a scary fuck. Happily the only sane one

Anyhow, the set was too short, but the songs were good and I would buy their new album knowing JERRY played on it. I will now refer to JERRY in all caps because I have never seen (allegedly) grown men act like mildy retarded schoolgirls when discussing another grown man. I mean, I don't even talk about George Michael or Kasabian like that. Right?
Anyhow, sure enough to make the night even that much better, we were blessed with a cameo appearance from ROBIN EMMET, she formerly of the aggression and she currently of all things MOGpac. So finally, after years of trying, the gang was together for a few drinks before Ash lost his car and Robin and I couldn't get back to the city, but for those few hours, everything was right in the world, but I put that mostly on JERRY, whom everyone LOVES. Even me. He's gonna be my friend on Myspace soon. Fingers (phingers) crossed.
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