Dulli brought it, and brought it like a champ:

And Danny was happy:

Dulli brought in Lanegan to shake things up a bit:

And we sang along:

For some, it is a religious experionce:

The Kidd, when drinking and happy, becomes a close talker:

Brandt and the saint who lets us play music to 2am in her house a few times a week seemed to have fun:

Back to the Kidd. He is quite funny, especially when he "loses" his girlfriend at gigs:

Here she is, btw, around the time he lost her:

These two fans stopped us after the show to tell us we were "the best thing about the show", which is a far cry from our last Warsaw trip:

From the street afterwards, we saw the guitarist up on the fire escape. We asked him to bring out the legendary drummer Bobby Mac out, but the Mighty Fine Douchebag came out to see what was up and Danny proceed to call him, well, a Mighty Fine Douchebag, and that didn't go over to well.

And then it was over:

So we went for drinks and then a stroll:

But alas, the evening was not over, as Danny decided to start going mental:

But then took a dive worthy of his Backyard Icon title:

And your hero, well, he "danced", celebrating Danny's ability to still sell like a world champ:

These kids were just asked irene to take a pic, so she obliged:

Photos by:

And then it was really over:

Good Night.
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