*B is off in Paris, seeing Jarvis no less, but doesn't mean we didn't get to work before he left. Unfortunately, our Tuesday night was one of those nights where things just didn't click. I tried for hours to write some new parts for AZUMI, but I just couldn't bring it home. These days happen rarely, but when they do, it sucks ass. At the end of the night, we switched gears a bit, and I laid down some F-bass on a 30 second soundclip you will be hearing the revamped HF.com (no ETA, but we're planning ahead).
*VOLVER, directed by the awesome Almovodar, is a very very good movie. Sadly, I fell alseep during some of it, but not because of the movie. Ms. Cruz should stick to doing films in her native tongue, it's much easier to appreciate that she can act. Anyway, it's the usual cleverness you expect from Almovodar, who has this uncanny ability to take serious subjects and make them light, and occasionally hysterical. this is no TALK TO HER, but this is great filmmaking.
*Also great filmmaking is the animated HAPPY FEET, which I took my Penguin crazy girlfriend to see yesterday morning. It's smart, paced VERY well for a children's movie, and has top notch animation. And Hugh Jackman pretending to be an Elvis Penguin. SOLD. This movie was a good time and highly suggested for small folks and their larger relatives.
*Special kudos to Dan Hamill, who via his sister, hooked the DeSanto family up with a dinner res at Delposto to celebrate Frank Classic's birthday. Again, it was the out of this world awesome that we encountered for the F&G birthday extravaganza in August. We were seated at a table next to Anne Hathaway and a group of like 10 young Eye-Talian men. If you read US Magazine, this makes sense. Anyway, I reccommend the Agnolotti, which comes as no surprise to anyone who dines with me on any coast. Here is your hero, looking suave. Mostly I posted this for the relatives who never believe I can actually dress up:

*Within the musical portion of the MOGpac, there has been much discussion of late about the shocking amount of reissues. I literally have bought more reissues this year than I have bought new music in the last 3. Serial. I thought at first I was old, then I realized that most new music blows tremendously, especially in this, the year of the musical disappointment. Some of these reissues are awesome, i.e. Pulp and The Cure, some are fucking brilliant, i.e. The Mission, some are not too bad, i.e. The Sisters, and some are so-so, i.e. Depeche (bar the DVD docs) and some coming up are just shit ideas, i.e. YET MORE Depeche and u2 best ofs (Come ON!). However, the Manics 3 disc 10th anniversary edition of their classic EVERYTHING MUST GO will be occupying me for weeks and appear for sure at my year end awards. If there is such a thing as TOO much for a reissue this is it, but going through it as I type, it's actually quite quality. The 3rd disc is a DVD, and well worth the investment for the documentary. This is comprehensive and enjoyable as fuck and highly recommended. I do however, look forward to the insane 3 CD George Michael reissue next week, which celebrates his 25 years in the music business. Yeah, he's known more now for being off his tits, but the man's body of work is sick and I love the guy. I saw him at MSG for FAITH, and he's one of the best. Ever.
TRANSPORTER 2 is on HBO, gotta run!
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