Would you...
... describe drinking tea, eating roast beef and hitting schoolchildren as "traditional British values"?
Uncle Of The Year: DECLARED
When the Uncle Of The Year Award nominations are announce, expect your hero, me, to not only find himself on the shortlist of nominees but also the winner of the award by a very clear margin. Now most of you already knew this, I mean how many 8 year olds hang out with Frank Miller, play videogames months in advance of their release date (Thanks, Evan) and get a college level education in Pro Wrestling History but today was the icing on the cake.
That is because your hero, ME, got up at 5am and stood on a line for hours outside of _____________ in order to get his favourite nephew a ______________ for Christmas. Believe it or not, this thing is so in demand, that i got there at 5 to 6 and there were over FORTY people ahead of me! Can you believe that? and by the time the place opened, I was probably within the first quarter of the line. Anyhow, around 7am, a nice guy from the store took a headcount and told us they had enough units to acommodate us, so it was a big sigh of relief. Anyway, they opened at 8 and I was home back in bed by 8:45.
I have left the location and item intentionally blank as my nephew is somewhat web savvy. More on this on 12/25.
That is because your hero, ME, got up at 5am and stood on a line for hours outside of _____________ in order to get his favourite nephew a ______________ for Christmas. Believe it or not, this thing is so in demand, that i got there at 5 to 6 and there were over FORTY people ahead of me! Can you believe that? and by the time the place opened, I was probably within the first quarter of the line. Anyhow, around 7am, a nice guy from the store took a headcount and told us they had enough units to acommodate us, so it was a big sigh of relief. Anyway, they opened at 8 and I was home back in bed by 8:45.
I have left the location and item intentionally blank as my nephew is somewhat web savvy. More on this on 12/25.
Double O Animal
Somehow in the midst of chaos and travel and music, I failed to mention that we saw CASINO ROYALE on opening night and it was the awesomest shit I might have seen this year. What a movie. It's certainly up there as one of my favourite movies this year and while it's long, it was great and Daniel Craig haters, go fuck yourselves. He is a fucking ANIMAL, I couldn't believe how good he was. I mean, i KNEW he would be awesome, but this was beyond anything I would have thought. My dad, who views Bond as I do STAR WARS, called me raving like a little kid about how much he loved it. While Jackie Chan didn't like it (see HIS blog), I did. Great filmmaking, smart character development and a new lease for this franchise.
Speaking of Jackie: he is officially nuts and not because he passed on my ideas for a kid's franchise a few years ago, but because he blogs in a manner than can only be compared to talking to ex bandmates on the phone. Every fucking little detail is in described. I kinda love it. Check it out:
Speaking of Jackie: he is officially nuts and not because he passed on my ideas for a kid's franchise a few years ago, but because he blogs in a manner than can only be compared to talking to ex bandmates on the phone. Every fucking little detail is in described. I kinda love it. Check it out:
Slight Return
I know I know. Out of the loop. Sorry.
LA was a travel pain in the ass. Not quite a nightmare getting there, but tense. Traffic, flight delays, etc., but we got there and proceeded to get no sleep at all. Such is life. However, we ate well, and spent some time with some good people like Irene's mom, the Councilwoman, The CEO (who we had breakfast with next to Diane Keaton), The Cramps, and of course my fave comic writer on the planet. The trip was way too short and we need to re-consider this whole "fly by back to New York at 7am on Thanksgiving and go right to the family dinner" thing. If I have my way, we will do Thanksgiving with the left coast family and Christmas with the right coast family. But honestly, wherever #1 nephew is at is where I want to be.
This is Irene's busiest time of the year, she having 2 jobs, and by nature of what I do, it becomes my quietest. Well, not yet actually, as all my colleagues who I usually travel to Japan to see are actually coming here to NY tomorrow. And while I like these guys a lot, and enjoy working with them, it's always more fun when I travel to THEM as opposed to them coming here. But until then, your hero has been catching up with family while also making the trek up to the councilwoman's hometown in Westchester to spend some time with the bassist himself. There we had an enjoyable evening where we went through tunes both new and old and I got him to to give me feedback on some recent demos and remixes and finaly to lend some of the magic to what might be the HF hidden album track. He also has a dog that loves me in ways I can't describe. And that love is mutual (short of the humping) Anyway, we had some sushi, we played some music, we had a few laughs, and we watched some of Alien 3 on his sick ass home theatre system. Man that was comfortable, I could have fallen asleep on the couch but the screen is about the size of my apartment. Sick stuff.
Anyhow, technical problems have plagued me since I have returned also. At first, I thought the IPod had died, so I ordered a new one (at a sick price, thanks Evan), only to go to Charles' that night have my M-Audo device not work because something was wrong with the firewire port. Or so I thought. A trip to Apple yesterday morning told me that there was nothing wrong with this relatively new computer, yes it was the ipod and the sound problems I had were because my M-Audio Firewire software was crashing against the new version of Live. One simple driver download solved all my problems, made me a happy boy, got my creative juices flowing and then I watched...
ROB B HOOD: the new Jackie Chan "steals a baby" movie, which, in all honestly, did not suck!! It's not a classic by any means, but a solid mix of action, comedy, faux gayness, cheese, and the genius of Louis Koo, my myspace friend (go see, he posted), as Jackie's partner in crime. The Twin The Looks Like Irene is in it too, and Irene's boyfriend, Daniel Wu has a cameo, but the best was seeing Yuen Biao (shame on you if you don't know who this is) finally again onscreen with Jackie and showing some moves as well. He is a sorely missed presence. I wish Sammo had popped in for this, or at least a cameo, but such is life, and honestly, Louis Koo is hysterical in this. While the ending dragged a bit, it was nice being in Jackie World for a bit and not yelling at the screen (go back and check last year's review of THE MYTH, which is an honest to god piece of shit). Jackie works best with Benny Chan (who directed the very good New Police Story) and should keep trying new ideas with him. God knows what jackie is gonna do next in HK (his next films are RUSH HOUR 3 and the movie with Jet LI, which sounds kinda wack, but who the fuck knows). I'm gearing up in the next year to get #1 nephew into this world of cinema, after I have fully educated him on the great sport of pro wrestling.
And after watching the movie, I went to Brooklyn and ate with the family. I am still full. Now I will be lazy while Irene sleeps and play Raw Vs Smackdown 2007 while counting the moments till my new ipod arrives.
LA was a travel pain in the ass. Not quite a nightmare getting there, but tense. Traffic, flight delays, etc., but we got there and proceeded to get no sleep at all. Such is life. However, we ate well, and spent some time with some good people like Irene's mom, the Councilwoman, The CEO (who we had breakfast with next to Diane Keaton), The Cramps, and of course my fave comic writer on the planet. The trip was way too short and we need to re-consider this whole "fly by back to New York at 7am on Thanksgiving and go right to the family dinner" thing. If I have my way, we will do Thanksgiving with the left coast family and Christmas with the right coast family. But honestly, wherever #1 nephew is at is where I want to be.
This is Irene's busiest time of the year, she having 2 jobs, and by nature of what I do, it becomes my quietest. Well, not yet actually, as all my colleagues who I usually travel to Japan to see are actually coming here to NY tomorrow. And while I like these guys a lot, and enjoy working with them, it's always more fun when I travel to THEM as opposed to them coming here. But until then, your hero has been catching up with family while also making the trek up to the councilwoman's hometown in Westchester to spend some time with the bassist himself. There we had an enjoyable evening where we went through tunes both new and old and I got him to to give me feedback on some recent demos and remixes and finaly to lend some of the magic to what might be the HF hidden album track. He also has a dog that loves me in ways I can't describe. And that love is mutual (short of the humping) Anyway, we had some sushi, we played some music, we had a few laughs, and we watched some of Alien 3 on his sick ass home theatre system. Man that was comfortable, I could have fallen asleep on the couch but the screen is about the size of my apartment. Sick stuff.
Anyhow, technical problems have plagued me since I have returned also. At first, I thought the IPod had died, so I ordered a new one (at a sick price, thanks Evan), only to go to Charles' that night have my M-Audo device not work because something was wrong with the firewire port. Or so I thought. A trip to Apple yesterday morning told me that there was nothing wrong with this relatively new computer, yes it was the ipod and the sound problems I had were because my M-Audio Firewire software was crashing against the new version of Live. One simple driver download solved all my problems, made me a happy boy, got my creative juices flowing and then I watched...
ROB B HOOD: the new Jackie Chan "steals a baby" movie, which, in all honestly, did not suck!! It's not a classic by any means, but a solid mix of action, comedy, faux gayness, cheese, and the genius of Louis Koo, my myspace friend (go see, he posted), as Jackie's partner in crime. The Twin The Looks Like Irene is in it too, and Irene's boyfriend, Daniel Wu has a cameo, but the best was seeing Yuen Biao (shame on you if you don't know who this is) finally again onscreen with Jackie and showing some moves as well. He is a sorely missed presence. I wish Sammo had popped in for this, or at least a cameo, but such is life, and honestly, Louis Koo is hysterical in this. While the ending dragged a bit, it was nice being in Jackie World for a bit and not yelling at the screen (go back and check last year's review of THE MYTH, which is an honest to god piece of shit). Jackie works best with Benny Chan (who directed the very good New Police Story) and should keep trying new ideas with him. God knows what jackie is gonna do next in HK (his next films are RUSH HOUR 3 and the movie with Jet LI, which sounds kinda wack, but who the fuck knows). I'm gearing up in the next year to get #1 nephew into this world of cinema, after I have fully educated him on the great sport of pro wrestling.
And after watching the movie, I went to Brooklyn and ate with the family. I am still full. Now I will be lazy while Irene sleeps and play Raw Vs Smackdown 2007 while counting the moments till my new ipod arrives.
Who Do I Remind You Of?
I'm off to the other side of the country in a few hours, but amidst all the personal chaos came an awesome and productive HF session on Saturday featuring the cobra crew (sans drummer), who came in for the next round of the Azumi Sessions. It started quickly as Charles and I dueled some basses until (like in 15 seconds) began to crack the verse. From there, it became one of those exercises in method where the song began to evolve. During all this, Ash, calm cool and controlled as always, walked right in and laid down some keyboards over the verses to add a new layer to the whole thing. Then, he went back to the city for some dinner, while me, Charlton, and B went and got some sweet Korean food and drank Kurasawa Sake. Mmmm. I'll get the name of this place, B knows.
Anyhow, we went back to the studio, where Charles proceeded to re-play the chorus and bridge stuff I had previously written and everyone was dead pleased. It was getting late into the evening, but sure enough, Ash returned, picked up a guitar and laid some riffs over the verses as well. By the time the evening was over, we had jumped way ahead with the tune. Mind you, there's still a ways to go with it, but now B and I have to sit and evaluate what we need to do next with it. I personally can't wait to try some bass over this. B has an idea of a certain bridge for me to fill out and I'm gonna give it a shot next time we get together.
Kudos as always to the Cobras and their friend Dinkelstein and kudos to brandt for running such a tight and anal ship.
Also, we ate donuts. Sorry, you had to be there to understand that and the heading above. Another time. Another book.
Anyhow, we went back to the studio, where Charles proceeded to re-play the chorus and bridge stuff I had previously written and everyone was dead pleased. It was getting late into the evening, but sure enough, Ash returned, picked up a guitar and laid some riffs over the verses as well. By the time the evening was over, we had jumped way ahead with the tune. Mind you, there's still a ways to go with it, but now B and I have to sit and evaluate what we need to do next with it. I personally can't wait to try some bass over this. B has an idea of a certain bridge for me to fill out and I'm gonna give it a shot next time we get together.
Kudos as always to the Cobras and their friend Dinkelstein and kudos to brandt for running such a tight and anal ship.
Also, we ate donuts. Sorry, you had to be there to understand that and the heading above. Another time. Another book.
It's a sad weekend for the DeSanto clan as mom and pop DeSanto lost their closest friend of many decades, Pat, do a long illness. Luckily, Irene and I got to see her last weekend before things reached the end. We've lost a real kick ass and constant presence in our lives and our best goes to her kids and grandkids and boyfriend. Our families spent many a christmas eve together and I travelled the world with them for a lot of my youth. Sad. RIP.
Twilight As Seen By The MOGpac
Members of the MOGpac gathered yet again to see Dulli bring it to Warsaw for the second leg of the Twilight Singers tour for Powder Burns. You may recall that the last time Dulli played here in Brooklyn many years ago that was an ugly drunken experience that would have not been out of place as a deleted scene from Borat. This time however, the stars aligned (even if the weather did not) and a much needed wonderful carefree evening was had. Instead of going into details, I will allow Irene's photos do the talking:

Dulli brought it, and brought it like a champ:

And Danny was happy:

Dulli brought in Lanegan to shake things up a bit:

And we sang along:

For some, it is a religious experionce:

The Kidd, when drinking and happy, becomes a close talker:

Brandt and the saint who lets us play music to 2am in her house a few times a week seemed to have fun:

Back to the Kidd. He is quite funny, especially when he "loses" his girlfriend at gigs:

Here she is, btw, around the time he lost her:

These two fans stopped us after the show to tell us we were "the best thing about the show", which is a far cry from our last Warsaw trip:

From the street afterwards, we saw the guitarist up on the fire escape. We asked him to bring out the legendary drummer Bobby Mac out, but the Mighty Fine Douchebag came out to see what was up and Danny proceed to call him, well, a Mighty Fine Douchebag, and that didn't go over to well.

And then it was over:

So we went for drinks and then a stroll:

But alas, the evening was not over, as Danny decided to start going mental:

But then took a dive worthy of his Backyard Icon title:

And your hero, well, he "danced", celebrating Danny's ability to still sell like a world champ:

These kids were just asked irene to take a pic, so she obliged:

Photos by:

And then it was really over:

Good Night.

Dulli brought it, and brought it like a champ:

And Danny was happy:

Dulli brought in Lanegan to shake things up a bit:

And we sang along:

For some, it is a religious experionce:

The Kidd, when drinking and happy, becomes a close talker:

Brandt and the saint who lets us play music to 2am in her house a few times a week seemed to have fun:

Back to the Kidd. He is quite funny, especially when he "loses" his girlfriend at gigs:

Here she is, btw, around the time he lost her:

These two fans stopped us after the show to tell us we were "the best thing about the show", which is a far cry from our last Warsaw trip:

From the street afterwards, we saw the guitarist up on the fire escape. We asked him to bring out the legendary drummer Bobby Mac out, but the Mighty Fine Douchebag came out to see what was up and Danny proceed to call him, well, a Mighty Fine Douchebag, and that didn't go over to well.

And then it was over:

So we went for drinks and then a stroll:

But alas, the evening was not over, as Danny decided to start going mental:

But then took a dive worthy of his Backyard Icon title:

And your hero, well, he "danced", celebrating Danny's ability to still sell like a world champ:

These kids were just asked irene to take a pic, so she obliged:

Photos by:

And then it was really over:

Good Night.
Fat children took my life
The latest!
Its hard to resume normal blogging after posting the life altering video of awesomeness that is Avy Kruger rocking out to the Sisters. But alas, here I am giving your ass the latest it needs in self-centered Frank entertainment.
*B is off in Paris, seeing Jarvis no less, but doesn't mean we didn't get to work before he left. Unfortunately, our Tuesday night was one of those nights where things just didn't click. I tried for hours to write some new parts for AZUMI, but I just couldn't bring it home. These days happen rarely, but when they do, it sucks ass. At the end of the night, we switched gears a bit, and I laid down some F-bass on a 30 second soundclip you will be hearing the revamped HF.com (no ETA, but we're planning ahead).
*VOLVER, directed by the awesome Almovodar, is a very very good movie. Sadly, I fell alseep during some of it, but not because of the movie. Ms. Cruz should stick to doing films in her native tongue, it's much easier to appreciate that she can act. Anyway, it's the usual cleverness you expect from Almovodar, who has this uncanny ability to take serious subjects and make them light, and occasionally hysterical. this is no TALK TO HER, but this is great filmmaking.
*Also great filmmaking is the animated HAPPY FEET, which I took my Penguin crazy girlfriend to see yesterday morning. It's smart, paced VERY well for a children's movie, and has top notch animation. And Hugh Jackman pretending to be an Elvis Penguin. SOLD. This movie was a good time and highly suggested for small folks and their larger relatives.
*Special kudos to Dan Hamill, who via his sister, hooked the DeSanto family up with a dinner res at Delposto to celebrate Frank Classic's birthday. Again, it was the out of this world awesome that we encountered for the F&G birthday extravaganza in August. We were seated at a table next to Anne Hathaway and a group of like 10 young Eye-Talian men. If you read US Magazine, this makes sense. Anyway, I reccommend the Agnolotti, which comes as no surprise to anyone who dines with me on any coast. Here is your hero, looking suave. Mostly I posted this for the relatives who never believe I can actually dress up:

*Within the musical portion of the MOGpac, there has been much discussion of late about the shocking amount of reissues. I literally have bought more reissues this year than I have bought new music in the last 3. Serial. I thought at first I was old, then I realized that most new music blows tremendously, especially in this, the year of the musical disappointment. Some of these reissues are awesome, i.e. Pulp and The Cure, some are fucking brilliant, i.e. The Mission, some are not too bad, i.e. The Sisters, and some are so-so, i.e. Depeche (bar the DVD docs) and some coming up are just shit ideas, i.e. YET MORE Depeche and u2 best ofs (Come ON!). However, the Manics 3 disc 10th anniversary edition of their classic EVERYTHING MUST GO will be occupying me for weeks and appear for sure at my year end awards. If there is such a thing as TOO much for a reissue this is it, but going through it as I type, it's actually quite quality. The 3rd disc is a DVD, and well worth the investment for the documentary. This is comprehensive and enjoyable as fuck and highly recommended. I do however, look forward to the insane 3 CD George Michael reissue next week, which celebrates his 25 years in the music business. Yeah, he's known more now for being off his tits, but the man's body of work is sick and I love the guy. I saw him at MSG for FAITH, and he's one of the best. Ever.
TRANSPORTER 2 is on HBO, gotta run!
*B is off in Paris, seeing Jarvis no less, but doesn't mean we didn't get to work before he left. Unfortunately, our Tuesday night was one of those nights where things just didn't click. I tried for hours to write some new parts for AZUMI, but I just couldn't bring it home. These days happen rarely, but when they do, it sucks ass. At the end of the night, we switched gears a bit, and I laid down some F-bass on a 30 second soundclip you will be hearing the revamped HF.com (no ETA, but we're planning ahead).
*VOLVER, directed by the awesome Almovodar, is a very very good movie. Sadly, I fell alseep during some of it, but not because of the movie. Ms. Cruz should stick to doing films in her native tongue, it's much easier to appreciate that she can act. Anyway, it's the usual cleverness you expect from Almovodar, who has this uncanny ability to take serious subjects and make them light, and occasionally hysterical. this is no TALK TO HER, but this is great filmmaking.
*Also great filmmaking is the animated HAPPY FEET, which I took my Penguin crazy girlfriend to see yesterday morning. It's smart, paced VERY well for a children's movie, and has top notch animation. And Hugh Jackman pretending to be an Elvis Penguin. SOLD. This movie was a good time and highly suggested for small folks and their larger relatives.
*Special kudos to Dan Hamill, who via his sister, hooked the DeSanto family up with a dinner res at Delposto to celebrate Frank Classic's birthday. Again, it was the out of this world awesome that we encountered for the F&G birthday extravaganza in August. We were seated at a table next to Anne Hathaway and a group of like 10 young Eye-Talian men. If you read US Magazine, this makes sense. Anyway, I reccommend the Agnolotti, which comes as no surprise to anyone who dines with me on any coast. Here is your hero, looking suave. Mostly I posted this for the relatives who never believe I can actually dress up:

*Within the musical portion of the MOGpac, there has been much discussion of late about the shocking amount of reissues. I literally have bought more reissues this year than I have bought new music in the last 3. Serial. I thought at first I was old, then I realized that most new music blows tremendously, especially in this, the year of the musical disappointment. Some of these reissues are awesome, i.e. Pulp and The Cure, some are fucking brilliant, i.e. The Mission, some are not too bad, i.e. The Sisters, and some are so-so, i.e. Depeche (bar the DVD docs) and some coming up are just shit ideas, i.e. YET MORE Depeche and u2 best ofs (Come ON!). However, the Manics 3 disc 10th anniversary edition of their classic EVERYTHING MUST GO will be occupying me for weeks and appear for sure at my year end awards. If there is such a thing as TOO much for a reissue this is it, but going through it as I type, it's actually quite quality. The 3rd disc is a DVD, and well worth the investment for the documentary. This is comprehensive and enjoyable as fuck and highly recommended. I do however, look forward to the insane 3 CD George Michael reissue next week, which celebrates his 25 years in the music business. Yeah, he's known more now for being off his tits, but the man's body of work is sick and I love the guy. I saw him at MSG for FAITH, and he's one of the best. Ever.
TRANSPORTER 2 is on HBO, gotta run!
Why 24 will OWN in 07.
Besides watching Lurch mark out for Powers Boothe, my money is on Morris O'Brien this season!

Summary: Morris is back at CTU, working beside his ex-wife Chloe. Morris is a gallant around the ladies which annoys Chloe. Over the course of the day, Morris and Chloe will to put their differences aside but secrets from his past and a possible drinking problem may get in the way of any imminent reconciliation

Summary: Morris is back at CTU, working beside his ex-wife Chloe. Morris is a gallant around the ladies which annoys Chloe. Over the course of the day, Morris and Chloe will to put their differences aside but secrets from his past and a possible drinking problem may get in the way of any imminent reconciliation
This is tough even for me...
Vince Neil, lead singer of Motley Crue, told ABC News Radio that two big names are being lined up to play past rock legends who had dealings with the famous band reports Film Stalker.
Based on the tell-all confessional "The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band", the book catalogued the drug and alcohol abuse, nasty infighting, and sex parties of Neil and band mates Tommy Lee, Mick Mars and Nikki Sixx.
Christopher Walken is tipped to cameo as rock god Ozzy Osbourne who toured with Motley Crue and was friends with the band. Val Kilmer is also apparently set to play Dave Lee Roth.
Based on the tell-all confessional "The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band", the book catalogued the drug and alcohol abuse, nasty infighting, and sex parties of Neil and band mates Tommy Lee, Mick Mars and Nikki Sixx.
Christopher Walken is tipped to cameo as rock god Ozzy Osbourne who toured with Motley Crue and was friends with the band. Val Kilmer is also apparently set to play Dave Lee Roth.
Avy's Vision Thing....
Posted By:F.J.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
With the release of the Sisters Of Mercy reissues, I thought it would be touching to send a copy of VISION THING to Dr. Fury because our friendship truly began when that tour rolled into town in 1990. He wanted to see Danielle Dax but he quickly became a Sisters fan, and from this gig came the idea to start the band that would begin as MOG but eventually devolve into the aggression. In my note to him, I mentioned playing this album for his kids, and like a true friend and a good father, he has complied. Therefore, I am proud to present the first ever MOGworld Blog video, starring Avy as he gets his first taste of music that is not Elmo. This is what I call good parenting!
Also note that my favourite part is the very last second of the video when he takes a swing at the camera. The goth angst starts here!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
With the release of the Sisters Of Mercy reissues, I thought it would be touching to send a copy of VISION THING to Dr. Fury because our friendship truly began when that tour rolled into town in 1990. He wanted to see Danielle Dax but he quickly became a Sisters fan, and from this gig came the idea to start the band that would begin as MOG but eventually devolve into the aggression. In my note to him, I mentioned playing this album for his kids, and like a true friend and a good father, he has complied. Therefore, I am proud to present the first ever MOGworld Blog video, starring Avy as he gets his first taste of music that is not Elmo. This is what I call good parenting!
Also note that my favourite part is the very last second of the video when he takes a swing at the camera. The goth angst starts here!
This might be the best magazine article I have ever read in my entire life. I'm not kidding. This is a must read for any MOGpacker.
To much to type, too much to catch up on, but here are the highlights:
1. Essential listening are the SISTERS reissues of the three albums, complete with bonus tracks never before on CD, some of which are Mr. Hussey's finest. Great packaging (Despite the typos) and a super reminder of how awesome this band was until about 10 years ago. My apologies to Brandt, and especially Matt, who have had to listen to me go through each CD and hear what is missing, what's not, etc. Speaking of Matt...
2. Has anyone seen or heard from Matt since Reese Witherspoon announced her divorce? Exactly.
3. Essential viewing will probably be BORAT, which will be written up on this blog soon.
4. Not essential viewing is MARIE ANTOINETTE, which is the biggest cinematic let down of the year. Devoid of all of the character rich material of her previous works, Sofia just seems interested in capturing beautiful visuals of snaggletooth in France. A huge disappointment.
5. Special thanks to my "writing team" of Lurch and Evan. That might be explained later. Hopefully.
6. Halloween was spent in the studio, more on that in a second, but man, kids are awesome. lets look at two such awesome kids right now from San Diego:

7. The Hypefactor album takes leaps forward as your hero throws down the F-bass on a regular basis. Last night, I laid down my parts for a track formerly known as EXIST now called THE SUBTLE DISTINCTION (thanks Saintface). Other tracks finally have titles, to be revealed later. Also a new track emerges that might pop up when you don't expect it.
Anyhow I hope you are all well, thank you for the Halloween well wishes. I hope you ate your fucking candy!
1. Essential listening are the SISTERS reissues of the three albums, complete with bonus tracks never before on CD, some of which are Mr. Hussey's finest. Great packaging (Despite the typos) and a super reminder of how awesome this band was until about 10 years ago. My apologies to Brandt, and especially Matt, who have had to listen to me go through each CD and hear what is missing, what's not, etc. Speaking of Matt...
2. Has anyone seen or heard from Matt since Reese Witherspoon announced her divorce? Exactly.
3. Essential viewing will probably be BORAT, which will be written up on this blog soon.
4. Not essential viewing is MARIE ANTOINETTE, which is the biggest cinematic let down of the year. Devoid of all of the character rich material of her previous works, Sofia just seems interested in capturing beautiful visuals of snaggletooth in France. A huge disappointment.
5. Special thanks to my "writing team" of Lurch and Evan. That might be explained later. Hopefully.
6. Halloween was spent in the studio, more on that in a second, but man, kids are awesome. lets look at two such awesome kids right now from San Diego:

7. The Hypefactor album takes leaps forward as your hero throws down the F-bass on a regular basis. Last night, I laid down my parts for a track formerly known as EXIST now called THE SUBTLE DISTINCTION (thanks Saintface). Other tracks finally have titles, to be revealed later. Also a new track emerges that might pop up when you don't expect it.
Anyhow I hope you are all well, thank you for the Halloween well wishes. I hope you ate your fucking candy!