After a lengthy absence, I found myself in Los Angeles once again. It was the longest stretch (6 months plus) I have been away from the City of Anals since I began going regularly in the previous century. I admit to a certain longing for the town, based not of course in any appreciation for the city itself, but based in the people I spend the time with there as well as the little places I have discovered over the years that bring me joy when away (such as Centerfold, the best magazine stand in town, Meltdown Comics, and Bob's Donuts, which was literally my first stop arriving).
Before I get into anything, very special thanks to Paul at Tokyopop (for whom yours truly might be doing a manga for in the very near future), who hooked your man up with the Japan only Star Wars manga anthologies that I had been dying for. That was a nice surprise from a really nice guy (read more about the manga here: How they can't release this awesomeness here is beyond me.
I won't bore you with the specifics of the trip, meaning, I won't bore you with the endless yet productive meetings and such that occupied the bulk of my time. However, my first evening back in LA saw my tired ass, accompanied by the ever wonderful lawyer/agent/advisor (who, by the way, is making big strides in the LA), return to the centerpiece of every LA trip, the home of my favourite pasta dish, the Agnolotti: CA'BREA. It was a quiet Monday night and my friends who own the place are home most evenings now with thier newborn (congrats), but heartbreak quickly set in when it was revealed to me by a waiter, of whom I was known to as "Mr. Agnolotti" for the last several years, that they no longer made said Agnolotti. Heartbreak. I was actually told this: "You haven't been here in six months, why would they keep making it?" For real. Anyhow, I can't hold this against them as it is still the best place in LA, so my new policy is to order something on the menu each time I go there until I find a new favourite. My first choice, Gnocci in a veal and beef ragu, was a great start. Anyhow, it's still the best. Go.
Tuesday was catch up with the old school day. Sleep was at a premium, but I found myself having an early breakfast with former aggression vocalist turned co-creator of Kruger Baby Cuteness, who's own adventures in LA (for a mere few hours) coincided with yours truly. Here he is looking pretty bad ass:

As usual, I came armed with gifts purchased by my significant other for said babies and Kruger and I, as always, had a good laugh and a good time, and now that he, wife and the double cuteness are stationed on the East Coast for the summer, we should be spending some time. Aces. Here we have the Kruger Baby Cuteness the very next day on their way to the East Coast
Continuing the theme of baby goodness, another solid reunion was had when I found myself fortunate enough to spend an evening with Bradley J. Fox and family, who I have not seen in ages as well. Boy, has Isabella grown. So cute too, and thankfully starting to look a bit like her mother and less like a Cramp clone! ;-).

Our time (like my time with everyone on this trip) was brief, but man it was good to catch up with the Cramps. I would like to especially thank Mrs. Cramp for her stories pertaining to a certain TV star who directed a really good movie about two years ago which had me rolling on the floor in laughter (and later made Lurch cry when I told him via phone).
Wednesday was just as chaotic, obviously I am skipping specifics, but it was another whirlwind day. However at lunch, I actually had agnolotti at Ca Del Sole while dining with writer of recent movie I worked on that some of you saw last year, and it was very good. So I felt that was karma, but if you want to get into good food, let's discuss my evening with Irene's mom, who spoiled my ass like a champ and took me for some very serious Korean food that was the top notch.

You can't ask for a better mother-in-law who feeds you like this on a regular basis and only asks for pictures of her daugthers and grandson in return. I am developing this severe love of Korean food and for Koreatown, which I feel is an awesome place to explore during my further adventures in LA. It's nice to find a part of LA that has some culture, you know? Anyhow, Irene's mom is awesome and fun to hang out with and always takes good care of me, and it was a perfect end to a crazy trip.
While this was all going on, Busy-B was sending in demos left and right from the previous recording session. The progress is huge. the jump in quality is significant and the PLO demo has some gems in it that we will unmine in time. We're getting there kids.
Back in NYC, Irene and I spent the anniversary of her third year living at MOGworld. We did this by eating well and simply hanging out cause in the end, that's all that matters. I have to give her props cause she delivered the best fucking present ever: she enrolled me in the BACON OF THE MONTH CLUB. Here's how it is described on its own website "The Bacon of the Month Club is the greatest of all gifts. I’m not making that up. I get calls from customers all the time that tell me this. In my humble opinion no other club in the universe gives you as much pleasure and sheer delight as The Bacon of the Month Club. The Bacon of the Month Club is the go-to gift for that person in your life who loves bacon, who has everything or who has very little. Join for yourself. Give yourself the gift of bacon." Here's what you get:
Twelve different artisan bacon delivered to your door each month*
Informative notes on all bacon selections
Discounts on Grateful Palate bacon products and bacons
Bacon of the Month Club Membership Card
The Bacon Strip—Our monthly bacon comic strip for members only
The Bacon of the Month Club Pig Ballpoint Pen
A Little Rubber Toy Pig
One free Bacon Tee-Shirt
This was the best gift ever. For real. Not something to get for Gentile.
Yesterday was my little cousin's First Communion. These church things are scary and happen way the hell too early in the day. My recollection of it was dim after I woke up at the commuinion afterparty, which was in a hotel banquet room (why I don't know), but the kids danced and had fun, and there was homemade chocolate goodies and fresh iced tea, so scores all around. However, I was fascinated by what else was going on at the hotel conference rooms and wanted to attend this one:

However, by the time we got there, it was over (retirees retire early I guesss). And then we went home and relaxed. A lot. zzzzzz.
Today, I had breakfast with G and Lurch at Shopsins. It was what you expect from brunch with these men: Good food, lots of high quality laughs, and of course, the fun company. However, nothing was better than when G dropped his glass drinking cup to the floor, thus making a loud noise. Lurch's friend who runs the place promptly scolded G in the middle of the entire place by saying VERY loudly: "YOU COCKSUCKER", which brought a huge pop from Lurch and I and some shocked looks from parents out for the mother's day brunch. However, when he realized that G's glass didn't break and there was no serious mess, the guy quickly announced that G was LESS of a cocksucker for not causing as big a mess as initially thought. This was a classic. Learn more about Danny and his roommate, the KIDD, at then we record shopped with B before I spent the rest of my day with Irene.
I had a lot more to tell you about my week, but fuck is this long or what. My apologies if I skipped anything or anyone. Finally, in other news: One step further to stardom, MURRAY makes his filmed debut HERE: