
Cowboys and Geishas

It's been a busy week as you've been reading. Jury duty has been robbing me of my mornings, which is usually when I get the bulk of my work done (reading, music, E-mails, etc.) So I've been cramming quite a bit. Luckily, we have been able to catch up on some movies.

First, Irene and I went to a screening of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, from the man who brought you the HULK (seriously). By now you have heard about this film I would think. It's the "gay cowboy" movie, but it's a lot more than that. It's a subtle and expertly told love story between two men in a time and place where men where MEN and anything else resulted in fates worse than death. While I thought the first half moved a bit slow, it was intentional, and it made the second half that much stronger. Very quickly, the "gay" thing doesn't matter because it's about two human beings who are soulmates unable to live the life they want together. It's a risky movie and in my mind, it paid off. The emotional weight of these two men trying to live "normal" lives (wives, kids, etc) is very powerful and very moving. Easily one of the best films this year and Heath Ledger, who I've never enjoyed or thought much of, is incredible in this movie and easily deserves an Oscar Nomination. The valuable lesson learned, however, is this: No man, gay or straight, can deny sex with Anne Hathaway (by the way, I'm going to try and have G do a guest review of HAVOC here soon). Anyway, Ledger at least deserves a nomination, if not the Oscar itself.

I never read the book MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA (for the record, I don't read books), so I have nothing to compare the movie against, but I thought it was a bit slow, sometimes too slow, and never really build momentum. It just sorta plods on and it's a shame cause there are SO many good actors in this movie. Let's face it, Zang Ziyi is going to be the biggest female Asian star on the planet soon. Her English has improved tremedously and she commands a screen like few actresses can. Danny is now in love with Gong Li cause he loves dominating bitches and she too is excellent in this film. Unfortunately, like in BATMAN, The Watanabe is underused cause here is another Asian star who reaches out from the screen and grabs you by the lapels and commands you to give your total focus. He's amazing but sadly not in the film enough. I walked out of the film and never really thought of it again other than I was excited all of these great actors (including Michelle Yoeh) were getting work in Hollywood films and being treated with respect.

I'm sorry these reviews aren't too in depth, but thats what Lurch is for.



ashley said...

RETRACTION/APOLOGY: In the comments section of the last posting I called FJ out for hijacking my Wilder MUST come back or DM's screwed gimmick. It turns out that F originally stated that before I did, right here on this blog.

deckard said...

RE: Bareback Mountain. Any Southpark fans out there? I immediately thought of a praticular episode. Apparently others did too...

Be sure to check out the audio link...

deckard said...

i can spell particular, really...

brandtgassman said...

I think the elusive Anus McManus would be particularly well-suited to comment on the merits of the "gay cowboy movie."