Reeling from the Indy debacle (and I know quite a bit about it what the hell went down with that), Irene and I cabbed it to her fave hipster hang, Piano's to check out some Saintface. They went on extremely late (shades of the aggression's first "headlining" show at Batcave so many years ago), but we had fun hanging out with the lads and having a few pints. I was excited to hear the DJ play some Colder (who right now is the one album everyone in the MOGcamp can agree on). Around 1ish (I think) the 'Face took to the stage and made it all worth the wait. I don't know how much more I can write about my favourite band. It's all been said. During this gig, Peter revealed the album title (don't think I didn't catch that, pally), and they played a new song, the title I don't recall, but another worthy track. Peter is intentionally fucking with me to make the album tracklist a surprise, but I did figure out how it ENDS. You'll see. Irene, upset she had missed the last show, was dead into the gig and my highlight (lo-light) was Brandt getting his ass verbally kicked by Peter by not clapping to HUDSON AND DAY. What a douche. Brandt, that is. Anyhow, another fun evening topped off by 2am cheese fries with my girl at the Gramercy. Luckily, no sign of Ryan and Parker.
Back in the real world, we made it through cold and rain to the old aggression bunker and current Ass Cobra space (aka Robin's basement) for the latest attempt at recording drums for the Hypefactor album. I won't bore you with specifics, but technical difficulties made for a half frustrating/half productive evening. However, cameos from both Ash and Matt at separate intervals helped ease the pain. Somewhere during all this I learned of a potential REAL band name for Ass Cobra, which Ash created and I think is excellent. Which is why other cobra's will probably kill this. Ash also spun some of his new Carbon Framework material, which I'm totally digging hard. This kid is on fire. Matt Gentile and I discussed the Sisters of Mercy yet again, which for some reason makes me insanely angry that the last time they put a new album out I was still in my teens.
Eventually, we got some drums down for MORNING AFTER and EXIST. I'm dead happy working with Robin, who is a great team player. She really pushes herself and you never get less than 150% from this spatula weilding skin beater. Lucky to have her. Anyway, we still have a lot of drums to do, but I think we've got the set up down and are getting more effective by the day. At this point we have drums down for 4 tracks. I think Brandt will now edit these down and then eventually we will do re-takes so its cleaner and smoother. But finally, a bit of momentum at last. Oh and more buscuits at KFC at 1am!
Also occupying my time is MOG-X. All I can say.
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