
"Ill be over in a half hour"

I write this with a headache a mile wide, so bear with me. With Irene off on a girls night (which I'm told was quite hilarious), I made my way back to the studio to with the intention to remix Saintface and work on a song Brandt's had cooking for quite a while now called BITTER PARTY OF ONE (That title won't last, I promise). However, Ash decided he had to buy his cats gourmet dried fish, so he wasn't going to make, thus that meant no remixing as he had the Face parts. Rrrrr. Thus, we decided to work on the new song..

It took Brandt FOREVER to load this song and all the parts up and I was bored out of my freakin' mind. When he did get the song up, I have to admit I wasnt nearly as pleased with the track as I was when I heard it many weeks back. So a lot of deconstructing went on. The first thing to go were Brandt's strings, which sounded way the hell too much like TKK. Brandt let his Wax Trax fascination get the best of him with this song. I had played some bass awhile back which I thought blew, so I spent a lot of time writing new parts. This took a long time, but I was able to write basslines for the verses and choruses, though the chourses went through a few revisions as the day went on.

At some point during all this, Brandt received a phone call from Ash, saying he was coming by "in a half hour" to drop off the remix parts and I received a phone call from my old pal Jamie Duffy (on tour doing sound for Saves The Day) saying he also was coming by "in a half hour". Its interesting to see what "in a half hour" means for these guys as they didnt show until many half hours later, and hours apart from each other.

Anyway, there was no way Jamie was going to hang out with us and not play, so after he spent 3 hours Instant Messaging people, we put a guitar in his hand and DAMN did he take this new track to the next level. He played the most UN-Jamie like guitars I have ever heard (I mean this in a good way). He played some 12 string as well as some E-bow and really added some sexiness to the track. I just left him and Brandt alone to make this track happen. Now the song went from Wax Traxy to sounding like Soda Stereo. This is good. Damn good.

Then it became the industrial This Is Your Life as the three of us had a big dinner discussing everything under the sun about Jamie's and my past in the world of machine rock (as we call it now). Some funny stories were told and I think Brandt got a kick out of hearing a lot of the behind the scenes stuff that has happened to us over the years.

And yes, Jamie confirmed the atrocity that was the aggression hotel destruction incident. Brandt was shocked that that story was NOT exaggerated.

Then it was drinks long into the evening at KGB bar, which was a good choice as the drinks are strong and priced reasonably and the place isnt overcrowded. Like Russia. I think.

All in all, a fun evening. Thanks, Kid!


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