I guess it's no secret now that I've been co-writing The Spirit comics for DC. This will start, I think, in February. So far, We've written 2 and a half issues and they've come out pretty well. Wait till you see who did the covers!! It's like a massive awesome big time artist. 09 will be my comics debut between this and Star Trek, which feature a supporting role from #1 nephew. There's also another potential writing project for next year as well, but that hasn't been greenlit yet. I'm literally on my couch working on the pitch right now. It's not easy, but fun.
Been working on HF quite a bit with B lately. We are also producing tracks for his neighbor, Pete Sparrow, who is an awesome electronic musician from the UK and also a cool guy. So we have been bouncing back and forth, which keeps us fresh and arranging someone elses music is a fun challenge for me. Right now B and I have been in a dance state of mind so that has been helping particular HF tracks. We should be tackling some more this weekend, but significant progress has been made and one song in particular has been through a drastic overhaul. We drafted in my pal Damien, aka Peka, to flesh out a track that wasn't clicking and this has led to some great results. More on that eventually. Meanwhile, as I was racing about the East Coast this weekend, Bob came in and laid the groundwork for some new stuff, which we're all dead excited about. We're slow but we'll get there.
ZOE B came to town with her moms for a week or so, and we had a few play dates. She was awesome as always and there are lots of pix. However, this one is my fave:

I miss her already and I hate her dad for wanting his wife and child back. Fucker.
Last weekend was particularly mental and I think pulled off a minor travel miracle. Check this out:
Train from NYC to DC
Arrive DC, get rental car
check in at hotel
Change, get back in car, drive 45 min to burbs
Attend Irene's friend Kat's wedding gathering (they had wisely eloped so this was the celebration)
Stay till midnight or so, drive back to hotel.
Sleep like 4 hrs
Return rental car
Quick Breakfast
Grab train, but this time go like 5:45 to Bridgeport, CT
Attend Cousins baby christening
deal with Family
Home by 10
Pass out.
You can't imagine what a military operation this was. Insane.
Anyway, the rest of the week was the usual chaos, running about to meetings on new projects, comics etc. The total highlight was when Brandt told me that The Juan Mclean was going to do a show at Andrew W.K.'s new club down in our old hood. I was really excited to hear that shit because I missed the Bowery show on Saturday night because of our travels. I had been really looking forward to that, so this was a nice surprise. After grabbing some Bo on Thursday night, B and I went to the gig. The venue is pretty cool, a little weird. B tells me it's an attempt to re-create an 80's dance club, but with 21st century expenses, who the fuck knows how long this place will be here. But it was cool and despite being filled with CBM tourists (which I had to deal with coming home from the studio the night before), the worst, I was psyched. Also helping is that GERRY, the greatest drummer on Earth, who is often discussed here, is in the live band.
Anyhow, they came on and they were awesome as fuck. Its quite possibly the best presentation of I have seen of an electronic based band, mostly because they subscribe to my belief that any electronic band worth it's salt has a human being playing anything that can be played by a human. That's the big difference between this band and the hundreds of craps bands, especially the opening act douche blood, are trying to do. Juan also knows how to write and arrange a song. He knows how to keep it going and his energy is off the charts. As I told B, seeing this band reminded me of when we first saw Saphin in that the live band is so perfect that if any element was different it could possibly suck (which was the case with Saphin). Gerry of course was SICK FUCKING AWESOME! Still the best drummer on the planet, but he seems unusually angry in this band as opposed to when he in Maserati. But no matter, he still owns it.
Here's a pic we stole:

It was easily one of the best gigs I have seen in ages. I have been really into the last album since B first played it for me ages ago and to see them live really took my appreciation to a new level. I am excited for the new album, which sounds like industrial human league, but that might not be a bad thing.
Now I am home, tending to my girl, who had two big teeth pulled out of the back of her mouth. She is in a whole world of owie, but it gives me some time at home to write and chill before getting back into the HF this weekend.
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