Still can't believe how good the Nick Cave gig was. Wow. I know I keep thinking about it, but it was truly that good. Anyhow, illegally watched the ppv on the computer, thanks to the door kid, with G on IM. So we went from living together watching PPV, to not living together and hanging out watching PPV, and now we do it virtually. I semi hate this but love it at the same time. Anyway, Fernwood Gold has his thoughts on this over at should you be interested in his latest wrestling thoughts.
Speaking of virtual, some of my lol moments this week come from Matt Gentile Last Of The Famous International Playboys (tm) texting me from places I have never heard of before in Eastern Europe. He keeps me up to date on his adventures and usually can always find a Depeche Mode fan. I ask him to post photos here, but he mentions something about being out late with "Italian Men", which makes me think there is evidence he is hiding. Who knows!
Lotta cool things happened so far this week. I was lucky enough to check out a special preview of about 25 minutes of WATCHMEN footage, which I thought was amazing. Zach is a cool guy, I like him a lot. He is so unassuming that it's sometimes hard to believe that this nice guy is doing all this intense stuff. But he's an amazing director and I think the movie is going to be great and do the business. And yes, the boss was there and busted my balls when I thanked him for my first paycheck for writing comics ;-)
Speaking of which, 2009 is the year my first comic book/manga writing will be released. I'm not sure the order in which these things will come out, but in the first half of 2009 there will be at least 3 issues of THE SPIRIT (covers by Brian Bolland!) and the long awaited Trek Next Gen story. If all goes well in the next few weeks, there will be more in 09. I do enjoy writing comics, which comes as no surprise I guess.
Last night after getting a haircut from my now happily pregnant stylist Rachel (congrats), B and I grabbed some Pizza and we busted out the thunderbird and the 808. We're cracking the long neglected FINAL song for the HF album, CREATION PHASE, and finally making it happen. We got an early start so we got a good amount of work in. I think we've made big leaps with this week and I'm really excited about some of the basslines I have come up with. I think we have a good foundation now for B to start thinking about guitars. It will be an interesting song. Honestly, we're getting there. Some songs are ready to mix. Next up, the dreaded vocals!!
Muscially, I am enjoying the New Order reissues tremendously. I guess the fanbase, the die hards, are really angry with these because they're not the right versions, or remastered from vinyl, as they lost the original masters, etc. B is bitching, but that's nothing unusual. I don't think I ever owned the first two albums on CD, so it's a treat to get into them. The bonus stuff is cool and the big revelations I had with this was that New Order were never an album band. Their strength was always in singles and b-sides. I'm sorry the die hards are sad, but I'm happy and the rest of you can fuck off I guess ;-)
FORCE UNLEASHED was my favourite videogame this year, but LEGO BATMAN is a close second. This game brings a lot of smiles. I don't know why. While it's cute, it's not dumb. You have to figure things out and it's worth the investment. I actually paid for this game and glad i did. No thanks to Evan ;-)
Today is moms bday. I'll check back with you all later. Here's my baby!

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