Engaged life. Not very different than the last few years in some ways, but certainly a more positive and happy place to be. The reactions were positive all around. The nephew response: "are you pulling my leg?". Around the house, I watch wrestling, she dances around the apt seeing how the sunlight hits the ring from every angle. It's easy. Plans are discussed and intentions are to make this as stress free as possible. So far so good. The families are great and helpful so far and because it's supposedly been a long time coming, everyones having fun so far. The plan is simple so far, get married some time in 09, no rush, do it in a foreign country with just the family and a few close friends, and then come back to NYC and have some party/reception thing for folks to enjoy. That's the plan, so don't give us any shit. The rules and traditions do not apply. I'm telling you this now.
This week I finally had some work fun, and that involved talking and being a part of the Making Of Book for the movie. The writer, Mark, is a good guy, and has written many books that can be found on the MOGworld bookshelf, so I get to yap on on and on and then get all these cool Star Wars stories from the writer. More of that this week. Yes, thats probably the only bright spot at work right now other than some friends in Japan sending some amazing kick ass toys and books that will occupy my office.
I have to show off the cuteness of ZOE, our friend Jess' niece, she knows we are her big fans and she gave us a shout out on her blog:

Musically, B trapped me in a box for countless hours, forcing me against my will to sing into a microphone for the opening track of the album. ok, well, I had beer and water and wrestling newsletters, so it wasn't so bad. We're still learning the methods of modern HF, which is why this album is taking so long. Now that process is being applied to the vocals. How do we work, how do we work best, and how do we get things to a level that matches the music? That was yesterday's lesson for me at least, just as we know how to best work on bass, guitars, drums, etc, we're working out how we can get what we need from this (limited) voice of mine. So we're not just working on recording it, we're working on the melodies I've written and how they best fit my voice. Patience will get us there.
Now it is Wrestlemania weekend. I envy my younger sibling who is in Orlando on someone else's dime and got to see Ric Flair inducted into the Hall Of Fame in person. Then he will bear witness to Naitch's final match. Live. That is some cruel shit (unless he comes home with presents). Now I know how Saintface felt when we had better seats than him at Morrissey's Apollo show. Because it is WM weekend, I treat today like an event. I do very little other than read wrestling news, go to websites, speculate with G as to what will happen, and shoot Katz random predictions on facebook. Today is gonna be a tearjerker with this Flair thing. It's one of the few days where I truly turn my brain off and love my chosen sport like it is dear life.
Now leave me alone!
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