THURSDAY: Valentines with Dulli. Long awaited. Much anticipated and, well, decent. The Gutter Twins came to Bowery for their first ever show and we, Problem 1: did the remarkable, we all showed up for Dulli gig sober. Problem 2: so did he. Problem 3: The Gutter Twins album is good. Only good. Problem 4: The live show is the Twilight Singers plus Lanegan, which is great if this was a TS show (and it was last time when he guested), but now this zombie is onstage the whole time and he sucks the life out of things. Problem 5: A band where Dulli is half the band is only half of Dulli. Problem 6: The Kidd pussied out, which explains Problem 1. We'll see in March if they've worked out the kinks, but I am keep expectations low. It was an ok gig, I enjoyed it, but it was certainly lacking the Dulli magic. I could think of a lot of bullshit ways to spend V-day, you know? I chose the pic cause if you look close enough to the top right, that douche Mighty Fine is doing his bullshit dance in the background...
Anyway, after that, in the midst of some work drama, I needed a Pretzel so we went to that German hole Loreley and was told no pretzels. So we walked out. Then we realized was had no place to go and walked back in. Needless to say I wanted to kick this waitress in the cooter cause she was so mean and couldnt get me a fucking Pretzel yet was able to bring Danny some sausage and cheese. What the G is that all about? We had a few drinks, talked Harry Potter and the controversial EXTRAS finale and called it a night.
FRIDAY, I was beat. Though we were not fucked up the night before it was still a late night and duty, as always calls. However, that night, Irene and I walked a block over to check out the genius of EDDIE IZZARD, who, for reasons only Matt Gentile knows, was playing a tiny venue near our apartment. We waited a long time in the cold but it wasn't so bad cause it was fun watching Irene mark out for the actor Linus Roache, who was Batman's dad in BEGINS and now kicks it with Sisto on Law and Order, which of course is her favourite shit ever on the TV. Anyhow, we had good seats, Izzard came on and he was so goddamn funny it hurts.
It's obvious he is honing some new act, and there were kinks, but that made it more fascinating to watch. There were certain bits that on paper seem so not funny but when he delivers them are fucking genius. He did get a good one on some guy in a balcony who said something to him and the guy was laughing at his own joke and Izzard said something like the quote that headlines this blog. Pop City. I can see why Matt stalks this genius.
SATURDAY was the day of Pesto Power. I'll leave that one to your imagination. Anyhow, I found my ass back in the vocal booth starting what is certainly the last of what I have to do on this epic years in the making album. Isn't it? Anyway, I hadn't been in the booth in ages so I was pretty nervous, especially after all the "training" and all. So we started with a simple one, LENINGRAD (youll hear it soon enough), and a good few hours of work yielded some good results. So we worked all morning into the afternoon and we got the vocals down and we're both pretty flipping happy with it. I'm listening to it now as we speak and am feeling good. So this week I am sure I will be on to the next tune. We're getting there.
I left B's, grabbed Irene, and met B again, this time with Al, and we brought it uptown to Lincoln Center to finally see the Joy Division doc, which is only being shown twice on a screen here in the city before it gets chucked out on DVD. It's a shame too, because the movie is fucking amazing. It's weird to see them talk so much about this era. You get a real sense of what was going on with these guys and with Ian, the city of Manchester etc. and it's really well made. The whole thing is first class and should be making the rounds in cinemas. It's a crime. We really enjoyed it and of course Hooky is the usual clown in it and I love the man. It's especially touching at the end where they crossfade current New Order performing JD songs with footage of them as kids playing the same song. Awesome. We were gonna stick around for the Q&A but then it got really film school wack so we bailed, went to Lovely Day, had a late bite, including some sick fucking awesome flourless chocolate cake. It was only when we started walking home that I realized I drank a whole bottle of unfiltered sake and was feeling pretty good. Then we slept.
SUNDAY: Was the day of rest and when I say day of rest, i don't mean sitting on our asses watching TV (that comes later), it's go out and enjoy the city, buy some CD's (well, she did, nothing I wanted came in), and then eat like champs in Brooklyn (real Brooklyn Coney Island)with my folks. Then I came back and watched and awesome WWE PPV, which had the single greatest Dan Hamill inspired finish to a world title match ever. I actually called Danny while he was on the plane waiting to take off for Argentina and we laughed like monkeys. I think they yelled at him on the plane. I don't even know how to describe this ending properly, but do you remember in NAPOLEON DYNAMITE when Napoleon bitch slaps Kip and runs off? Now imagine Randy Orton, WWE Champion, slapping the Ref like that. FUCKING HILARIOUS. I could not handle it I watched it over and over. Whoever booked that should get a raise.
Anyway, I'm off to Toy Fair, which will probably suck (it did except for SPIRIT related stuff)
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