SATURDAY: We busted out THESE, and JAMMED the fuck out of a song still called CREATION PHASE. We cracked it wide fucking open and are very close to having a good tune:
The Dog was bored, as always, but I did save his life from Death By Toilet Paper (really) while B was out getting beers:
Usually I try to sound like this:
But not on that day. We rocked like rockers rock when they rock. B is getting all Cerati meets Killing Joke. Fierce. He is also a producer:
Then I drank with Irene's friends at their fave lesbian bar which was weirdly filled with NYU kids. I was so confused.
Saintface ARRIVES:
First we had our usual beers and chat, which usually goes a few hours. We also listened to this:
Then we got to work on this track:
While Peter sang and B worked the controls, I drank almost all of these:
Peter was dead excited to be finally done with his parts for the album. He should be celebrating. He kicked massive fucking ass on this song and owned it. Again. We played him the next round of shit and he seemed keen on it, so maybe Peter will show up on HF3.1:
And no one was happier to see us go than this young lady:
Then Saintface went home and I met up with Irene and her friend who were just finishing dinner, but nicely ordered me some Korean takeaway.
Now, I have no choice. It is my turn to sing. I have no more excuse. Wendy bless me.
The strike is over, Keep the beard? Kill it? What say your ass?
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