

The other night, while walking in Chinatown with G and Evan, I saw something that caught my eye. it was a ripped Village Voice Ad promoting their screening of CONTROL. This week. I stopped, Emailed the the rsvp thing from my Blackberry and went to that shithole noodletown and never thought of the screening again, probably cause of the truamatic experionce of that asshole ridden noodletown. Anyhow, yesterday while at work, i received a confirmation for this screening which was happening in a few hours. Without thinking, I dropped everything and ran and got Irene (sorry Brandt, I have to live with her). I have missed several screenings over the last few months, so i was hoping this would be the one as I would not be in town when it opened here and it's not exactly getting the wide release.

Long story short, we get to the Chelsea on 23rd street and fuck me, it's the NY premiere of this fucking thing and the screening tickets line was LONG. And we got there early too. I was convinced we weren't going to make it in, but sure enough, even after the start time, we were in the second to last row after being given tickets for seats that didn't exist int he theatre. Whatever.

Harvey Weinstien said some words that I couldn't give a shit about, but then Anton Corbjin came on and you could tell he was excited. of course, they didn't bring anyone from Joy Division to the NY premiere, though according to Hooky's blog, he heard that the film company wanted JD to "reunite" to play. Idiots. Some of the actors were there, including the guy who played Hooky.

Ok so the movie. I fucking loved it. Everything you've heard about it is true. It looks beautiful, the actors are super (they finally get a good movie Hooky, and again, Rob Gretton is the best character an actor can play in a movie), and the music is great. I would say the band and the music mean something the majority of you reading this, and becaue of that, the movie will mean a great deal more to you than the casual viewer. I thought the portrayal of Ian was very balanced and pulled no punches. He was conflicted. He was ill. He was a nice guy and then sometimes a big douche. It's there. Plus you can just feel Samantha Morton just raise the bar with every scene shes in. I have few complaints, none worth really getting into here and big kudos to the actors for learning how to play the instruments. It felt very fresh the movie has a great deal of, well, heart and soul. New Order's soundtracky stuff, which comes later into the movie, is very powerful when matched with the visuals. And goddamit the music cue, Atmosphere, at the end (cause you know what happens) just pulled the tears out of my eyes and totally changed the song for me. Powerful stuff. I don't know the fuck anyone from that band sat through this movie. Amazing. Maybe movie of the year.

So my apologies to Brandt for not seeing it with him. Please forgive me. I will take you and Al to see it. If I'm out of town, then I will give you the money to see it, but I really do want to see it again. Then we will go to Bozu. Your treat. Cause I got it last week. Anyway, sorry, but it will be my treat.


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