What can I tell you. It's all been a blur and it's only getting blurrier. From now until the rest of the year, this blog will probably only be update sporadically. The why's and how's are known to most of you who know me in non blog life, and for the rest of you, it will make sense in January 09. Let it also be known that all of the reasons are good ones and that it will all eventually make sense...Perhaps if you read the post entitled "Essential Reading", you will be further educated on the life and times of your hero.
Anyhow, I've been traveling again. Most of this week was spent in LA. It was fun. Before I left, I hung out with Irene and worked on music with B and watched all the wrestling I missed from my last adventure. It was the longest stretch I had been in NY since June or so. A whole 10 days. I'ts becoming quite a routine, and a lot of things, like this blog, fall by the wayside in my absence. It's difficult. However, I try to sneak in the trips to Brandt's on my free evenings when Irene is working and usually I have enough music to work on in the laptop while flying. Now I am here till the 30th and it's off again, this time to the first trip to New Mexico.
I've reached that stage where the schedule makes it hard to keep track of things, like movies or album releases, people's lives, current events, etc. Luckily, I have an understanding family, a supportive girlfriend, and group of friends who refuse to give up on me and continue to give me some semblance of a social life (though I think they are fishing for information on the actresses I know), and a bandmate who keeps things moving and adjusts to my rare appearances. So big thanks to you all.
Somethings to do and don't:
I DON"T enjoy the new Ian Brown album. It is boring. I put it on for Danny and Evan tonight and they both fell asleep.
I DO enjoy the new Dave Gahan single and have high hopes for it.
i DON'T enjoy the Benny Chan directed INVISIBLE TARGET which is way too long, melodramatic but with occasional bursts of awesome action. But not enough.
I DO enjoy Dead Waiter's BROKEN BEATS EP and actually just got him to do a remix for HF.
i DON'T enjoy Noodletown. Evan and Danny made me go there. I felt like I cheated on my wife but not going to The Bo. The service was so rude (and I am pretty tolerant) that I refused to put money down at all for the meal.
I DO enjoy flying the new Virgin America.
I DON'T enjoy Soda Stereo not booking a NY show.
I DO enjoy seeing Kruger for a half hour in LA.
I DON'T like not seeing my nephew.
I DO miss Jerry.
I'll be back eventually.