Friday saw Irene and I dine on the roof of our building. It was, like Thursday night, one of those, man are we lucky to live in the city moments. The weather was great, she cooked like a champ and just enjoyed the sun going down and watching the lights kick in at the Empire State. Magic. Then we saw KNOCKED UP, which we loved. I enjoyed it much more the second time. Apatow is the master, long may he reign. Nothing more enjoyable than watching Irene pop for Martin Starr.
Saturday was a whirlwind day. We of course started off right, as B and I met at P&T for some good breakfast action. Donut Holes in full effect and my biscuit and gravy breakfast was the fucking awesome. And then it was time to work. And we worked like men on songs. Then we were joined by Carlos L and we worked even more, getting him to lay down his final bass on four songs. Phew! It sounds good. Luckily, Carlos L has a photographic memory, remembers basslines like I do wrestling history and bring the smooth low end the right way. We went long and Carlos did a lot of the heavy lifting though his tummy took a bit of a dive when introduced to the P&T Sweet Tea. It happens. It is tough sometimes. Then we had beers.
Then it was time to race into the city. We had PEOPLE to meet, including the legendary and influenced ASH, because it was once again time to keep it MAD JERRY with Maserati. Ash brought his old school sidekick Justin, Justin's girl, and Justin's scientifically obsessed younger brother so they could get a piece of the awesomeness known as Jerry. We were also joined by photographer Al Brown, also known as saint who lets us play music in her house. This was a solid crew. First, we grabbed some drinks in the increasingly wack LES, and then had a slice at the pizza place where G used to throw the cuntplexs in the rain and then it was off to Cake Shop to check out Jerry and co. The lads had seen them a few days earlier with !!!, who I refuse to see, and they reported good things, especially since their original guitarist was back, so I was psyched. Drinks were aplenty. Chris Rini of the Equation joined us and NOTHING, fucking NOTHING was better than the fucking heroes welcome Ash received from JERRY. HEYYYYYYYYYYYY MIKE!!!! You gotta love that shit. Ash is a star and the other talented fuckers KNOW.

The place was packed. The room was tiny, but the band was HUGE. Just fucking epic. Loved it so much. Jerry was nuts, the band were feeling it and honestly, we marked out like the Kidd on his last day of employment. It was very hard to see, but easy to feel and hear how fucking awesome they were. It might not be Jarvis, but its one o the top gigs of the year for sure. The Beer helped a lot, but their shit is genuinely mind-blowing. Awesome fucking rock.
The vibe was good, so the adventure continued. It was off to 151, the bar where G almost punked a guy in a thong out a few years ago. Again, more drinks. I won't bored you with details, but everything from lost Hypefactor songs, to Justin's T-shirt, to us trying to teach an aspiring musician how to be a man was discussed. I know that sounds weird. Believe me kid, we saved you a lifetime of pain. Not that he'll listen, but at least he will follow my advice and tell anyone who will listen that his shit is the BEST SHIT EVER, as any real musician should believe about themselves. Some don't. That's why they're vags. Anyway, Ash had a great quote which was something like "the way to be a great producer is through manipulation". You get the idea. Ash and his people started to disappear, so we gathered the posse and brought it to Loco for more beers and nachos. Observer Hypefactor's own B dining with Carlos L:

You know, its the 3am snack. People are drunk. loud, bored, horny, depressed, or packing heat. Or so I thought when the chick from THE MOOD ( I have to plug them not that I have ever heard them, turns out when I saw their myspace that we have a mutual friend), overheard a conversation about The Not So Legendary Frank had some Jaegermeister in Moscow and then at Warsaw when he called Dulli a Fat Fuck stories and wanted to hear them. Of course, then its showtime, cause MOGpac Drunk and/or Abroad stories usually get the pops. No different here. By then though, everyone had gone home, leaving Ash and I talking music. We tried to hit another bar with the Mood crew, the place was closed, and Ash called it. Then I went home, real quiet like to not wake my beloved, and then tripped over a fan (a air fan, not someone who owns whiteline), and fell right onto the bed. It was like stepping into a bear trap. Bear suits are funny. Bear traps are not.
Ash summed it up best this morning: "I had an AWESOME time with you last night! How's that for positivity!?"

It was a productive, fun and hilarious day. YES, positive. The rest of you can taste the fucking hate.
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