While Matt had a softball game, in which I am proud to say he WON while sustaining an injury (I am hoping to have visual evidence of up here shortly), Mr. DANNY HAMILL was determined to make P&T a part of his life. I called his assistant, Dan, and set it UP. The original intention was to grab a bite and go back to B's and play some music, but alas, while the plan doesn't always come together, it CAN certainly lead to fun night. Danny was late, B was walking the dog and we didn't get there till much later than anticipated, but we got there. Oh lord did we get there.
Danny did his fucking homework. On the L train, he was already telling me what he was going to order: THE CATFISH BOX. I think he just liked the idea of the fish in a box. What he really wanted was the free donut holes, but B later informed us that the holes are only there on weekend. Sorta like some assholes I know. I don't know what that means. Anyhow, Danny has already figured out how to bike there from Queens through some secret passage (I wasn't really paying attention). However, I will now let the visuals do the talking:
Your perfect hero got himself some PULLED PORK. Cause it must be pulled:

Danny was kinda upset his catfish wasn't actually IN a box, but he kinda loved his meal like nobody's business:

I put this picture up of Handsome Danny so he, and his assistant Dan, can stare at himself all day:

Brandt got some beans or shit, which actually looked really good but I was too lost in the world of pork. Anyway, for the record, two sweet teas can be deadly to the tummy, but sometimes you just gotta do it. However, I was sweeted out and desert was again off the table for me, but Danny came through and got some really fucking awesome pie.
By the time this epic was over, music was no longer an option. We were having some laughs and annoying Danny with some of the topics of the day, and your hero wanted to check out the dead end down the block to see the river. However, the cops came and that was actually kind weird, as if they were dumping a body off or something. So we walked around the middle of nowhere Brooklyn, checking out all the Domino Sugar Factory buildings, which seem to be in some kinda trouble. We gotta save the sugar so the tea can stay sweet son!;

Then B tells us we are not far from DUFF's the Heavy Metal bar run by the former owner of our beloved BELLVUE bar in Hells Kitchen. THUS we had to go. It's tiny, cool, in the middle of nowhere (just to make sure you understand), and you can drink outdoors, which we did. We discussed the Happy Mondays and Danny tells me that Type O recently had a party at the very bar we were at (it was actually Carnivore, but hey) and of course our past adventures to L'Amours were discussed. Especially funny was the original trip in which 10 of us wanted to go, and only Mohtashemi and I had the balls to actually do it. True story. While i was never a metal guy, I love metal bars. Who fucking knew.
We finished out drinks and B went home, Danny went back to Queens and your hero bought a DVD at the Virgin, the first official release of the HK classic RIGHTING WRONGS, known here for some stupid reason as ABOVE THE LAW, and starring Jackie Chan sidekick, and all around acrobatic superstar, Yuen Biao. Anyway, it's an amazing film:
I actually own the original HK movie posters for this flick. I can't wait to watch it. I probably watched it 200 times as a kid. It's a fucking masterpiece and really violent at a time when Jackie was making kid friendly stuff. Because of the tricky protagonist, they shot several endings, which are all here for the first time. I did watch those when I got home.
So i bought the DVD and sat in the park waiting for Irene to finish work. Sometimes you forget how awesome this city and how you can go buy a DVD at 11:30 at night and just hang out in a park. Its a perk, the park. Park Perk. Um. Irene got out of the subway, we bought some ice cream and that was that. Another fun summer night in the world of MOG. Can't wait till #1 nephew is here to share it with us.
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