Saturday saw the first MOG/NYC visit from LINK BABY LUCY, who is awesome and tiny and cute and likes to follow Irene around. The links brought the cuteness to MOGworld and we had a blast just hanging out with them. Look how she rocks it at the Gramercy Cafe, setting things straight while wearing Irene's specs:

Awesome, right?
Of course I cannot start the week without KRUGER BABY CUTENESS, here in the bottom two photos who we shall reunite with in June and seem to get bigger with each passing week. Cramps take note and get some pix in! Avy's first words will be "PREQUEL TRILOGY" if I have anything to say about it.

I apologize to the three members of Ass Cobra for missing their second gig this past week. Obviously, i would have made it, but Link baby took priority. However, I love you no less....Now it's time to relax a bit, catch up on some music and prepare to somehow write to you about the disappointment of the second most anticipated album of 2006, which has just entered my hands. Gus, we need to talk. The big news today was the announcement of THREE MORE YEARS of 24, which means Kiefer can by 60 more guitars. However, I think the guy who plays Aaron Pierce should be paid more than Keifer cause he is the best character actor on TV today. I haven't commented too much here on the blog about this season of 24 but my god it is the hot shit of epic proportions. I can't imagine how they will top this season (other than introducing the Zombie Tony).
I pray every night for the Zombie Tony.
i pray every night for Propaganda
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