
Listen, I'm here with bricks...

I'm too lazy to write a review of the Elbow show at Hiro the other night. Irene is writing a review for Filter, so I'll just copy and paste that eventually. However, it was a VERY good show, capped off by an audience member screaming out "FRANK DESANTO!" during the encore. Who was this mark, this fan who couldn't control himself? ASH of course! Then I spent exactly 32 wonderful seconds with him after the gig. Also, his actions alerted many to my presence, luckily not anyone wants to have me, so we got out in one piece. Hopefully no one will do this at Bauhaus. Goths want to kill me. Also, it was really cool to see my cousin Adam at the gig only to find out it really wasn't him. That was great.

Exhaustion regins. The short recap of the weekend goes like this: If this pans out Friday will be remembered as a monumental day for Hypefactor as we might (MIGHT) have gotten the perfect producer/mixer who can bang this baby into the super shape it needs to be in. It's all tentative, but if the tallness comes onboard for this part of the record, I will have less grey hair (while many consider it "distinguished", I am happy to have hair still). Spent Friday night decompressing over wine and pasta at Poetessa (fave italian) with Irene before spending the wee hours editing HF drums till basically my head fell off all the while debating certain aggression-related logistics with myself. Saturday saw me sleep in for the first time in 15 years (till 10am no less) before raiding Myers of Keswick (British food store) for the usual UK supplies (crisps, tea, digestives). The rest of the afternoon was spent with my younger female sibling who for some reason has suddenly become a grown up but no less hilarious to spend time with. More drum edits and then, at last, some New Green Bo to just make my life that much better. Then while my overworked significant other slept, I caught up with B and Al at Mercury Lounge to finally check out Baby Dayliner, who we have recently learned is associated with the single greatest public access show that ever existed, BABY SHOW...ok wait...

**Historical Lesson: Baby Show was a collective of downtown New York kids who put on a weekly public access show which was a combination of hilariously improvised politically incorrect skits, reality pranks, homemade hip hop music, and overdubbed cartoons/TV shows. Usually insane, just about always funny, and truly cutting edge despite the lower than low budget, these guys single handledly influenced the early part of what will forever now be referred to as THE GOLD STREET YEARS (where Dan Hamill and I lived circa 1996-2003). A huge portion of the MOGpac lingo came from this show, which we taped regularly. Honestly, I can't describe it properly, but it was the best shit ever. Over THE GOLD STREET YEARS (always in caps), Danny and I would find ourselves occasionally running into these guys and being vaguely acquainted with them. They also had a dial in number on the show that we abused quite a bit.

It turns out that the up and coming one-man pop act Baby Dayliner was part of this crew. I noticed this when recognizing two of the key members of Baby show, Jer and Tones (seen here with Dayliner) Upon further research, Danny and I learned that a lot of this gang have gone on to a lot of cool shit. Rising Hip Hop star Aesop Rock came out of this crew, as did Entourage star Adrian Grenier. And they all still work together in one way or another, which is pretty cool and almost MOGpac-esque except with less wrestling and more musical productivity.

Brandt had been pushing me to check this guy out long before we made the connection to Baby Show, so I decided to actually be seen in public with him (mostly cause his girlfriend is significantly cooler than he is and she's probably a better engineer) and head to Mercury Lounge. Long story short, this guy Dayliner is pretty funny. He's got some good tunes. All the music is on a CD or IPOD that keeps in a suitcause on stage. And this guy is like a weird love-child combo of Chris Connelly and Morrissey yet he has that Baby Show hip hop slant to him. The presentation feels very hip hop and the gimmick lasts a few songs, but after awhile I kept wondering how great this guy would be with a full band. But that's not his thing. What made this great was the crowd, who were dead into it and were mostly Baby Show alumni. He's got a strong following and they certainly added to the vibe.

I know I enjoyed myself but I don't know if I loved the gig after a few songs. I do find myself since the gig listening to the records quite a bit and appreciating them a lot more. After the gig, I ran into Baby Show Tony at the bar, who remembered the times we had met, but recalled my name being "Arthur" for some reason. Anyway, we spent a while reviewing the history of Baby Show, what's been going on since they stopped doing the show. I bought the guy a drink, we had a laugh and it capped off a fun evening. It turns out he did a bit of the Baby Dayliner music and had a comedy record out called PARTY FUN ACTION COMMITTEE, which I've read is quite funny.

Sunday was a day of semi-rest but mostly more editing and brunch with the younger sister of agent/lawyer/advisor, who is a fucking riot and a fun person to eat outdoors with. Nothing beats escargots on a Sunday morning, kids, and that's not code! Then it was back home to catch up on TV while editing.

I think we're seeing Bauhaus this week and maybe hopefully John Cale if Brandt gets the tickets. Cool gigs are a coming.


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