Down to the wire on what will hopefully be the last two CD's of my "industrial" career for the forseeable future. This week I signed off on the aggression's REVISIONIST HISTORY, which is a remix retrospective CD. Artwork's all good, mastering is great, and DBR has sent it off to the plant. With this CD I think almost everything we ever did would now be available in someway on CD (Except the pre-whiteline rarities, but Ash is handling that). Rob at DBR is confident we'll have it in time for the gig, which would be a super way to cap everything off. This is truly the end, kids, so make sure you grab this disc and make it to the show on 7 January.
The other remix project in my life, Chemlab's ROCK WHORE V. DANCE FLOOR is currently being mastered and the Louche sent a draft of some of the artwork. I'm pleased as fuck with the artwork, again by BURNLAB, who is fucking awesome and someone I hope to recruit down the line for some of the other MOG related projects. I think Louche didn't like the first master that came in, so it's being sent back for another run. I believe the release date is now the last Tuesday in January. Unfortunately, and don't ask me how things got to this, as my involvment is more focused on HF and the aggression at the moment, but the originally planned 2 disc set is now down to one. What pisses me off is that this decision shoulda been made LONG before yours truly handled 30 plus fucking remixes from a seriously talented group of people. Hopefully this leads to a second disc, but for the record, this decision was not mine, and I did not pick the final tracklisting (though all of the remixes on the final are great). Even my new remix got cut, so direct all your shit to the H-Bar ;-)
And just to make sure there arent any bases left uncovered, I have an older HF song out to some remixers now, just for the fun of it...I think it's time for a remix break after this.
On another note: A special fuck you to VH1 who promoted Joy Division/New Order appearing on the 2 and a half hour UK Music Hall of Fame Awards program and then edited out their appearance. Great work, dumbfucks, cause I really needed to see Ozzy do like 4 songs. CL-ASS.
History, Revised...
For the first time in almost 3 years, the aggression got in a room (an extremely small one) to rehearse. It's like falling off a bike. Special thanks to Mattagement for handling the business and the Entenmanns (
Here's a quick recap:
The Kidd, always a size freak, complained about his "Irish Keyboard":

Boss MOG tried to be Peter Hook all day while Ash was almost arrested again for spousal abuse against his guitar:

Tom showed up with a monthly LIRR pass:

But in the end, the true highlight was that the drummer made it.

Thanks to her, the aggression will go out in style and go out like champs. Destruction is imminent.
Here's a quick recap:
The Kidd, always a size freak, complained about his "Irish Keyboard":

Boss MOG tried to be Peter Hook all day while Ash was almost arrested again for spousal abuse against his guitar:

Tom showed up with a monthly LIRR pass:

But in the end, the true highlight was that the drummer made it.

Thanks to her, the aggression will go out in style and go out like champs. Destruction is imminent.
Get Stellios On The Phone ASAP
Members of New Order, Stone Roses and The Smiths search for vocalist
Freebass - a supergroup consisting of New Order's Peter Hook, The Smiths' Andy Rourke and The Stone Roses Mani - are on the lookout for a singer.
The band are looking to complete their line-up with a fresh face.
"We want someone young with something to say. Someone new," Peter Hook told
"I think the problem is that the three of us have such a pedigree of vocalist, that if we come out with someone that's not good we'll obviously be slated! You've got Ian Brown, bloody Bobby Gillespie, Ian Curtis, Bernard (Sumner) and Morrissey. Those are big shoes to fill, especially collectively," he said.
Hooky described Freebass' sound as "(sounding)like New Order with a bit of the Stone Roses and a bit of Smiths and some Northern Soul."
The star went on say the songs the supergroup have been working on contained all three bassists playing together.
"Mani does the low part, Andy Rourke in the middle and I do the high bit. But it works out quite well," he said
Freebass - a supergroup consisting of New Order's Peter Hook, The Smiths' Andy Rourke and The Stone Roses Mani - are on the lookout for a singer.
The band are looking to complete their line-up with a fresh face.
"We want someone young with something to say. Someone new," Peter Hook told
"I think the problem is that the three of us have such a pedigree of vocalist, that if we come out with someone that's not good we'll obviously be slated! You've got Ian Brown, bloody Bobby Gillespie, Ian Curtis, Bernard (Sumner) and Morrissey. Those are big shoes to fill, especially collectively," he said.
Hooky described Freebass' sound as "(sounding)like New Order with a bit of the Stone Roses and a bit of Smiths and some Northern Soul."
The star went on say the songs the supergroup have been working on contained all three bassists playing together.
"Mani does the low part, Andy Rourke in the middle and I do the high bit. But it works out quite well," he said
Caught Up
Yes, yes, I know. I've been out of contact. For this, I apologize. Last week was a bit rough, and while I cannot in any way shape or form complain about my life in general, I would like to vent about my shit day Friday when, at 8am on my way to Long Island for the funeral, the car (which I borrowed from my folks decided to take a dive and overheat IN the Midtown Tunnel. Friends, this SUCKS. I was stuck for ours, thus missing the funeral, for which I am gutted, as you can see in this picture here
My only consolation was that I made it to the wake the day before to pay my respects, but I feel horrible still about missing the funeral. Luckily, Frank DeSanto Senior (or as he likes to refer to himself as "the Father, NOT the son" has an office nearby in Long Island City, but at the time was waiting in Stewart Manor to have breakfast with me.
Kudos to senior for saving the day and bailing me out. What I learned was being stuck in LIC in a suit in a white BWM sucks major. However, it took hours, and even now, days later, the car is still fucked. To Robin, I aplogize, but I take great comfort in knowing a unified MOGpac were there to support you.
I spent the rest of Friday comatose on the couch watching the entire life story of Bret "Hitman" Hart on DVD. I was in no shape to be social as the emotions of the week just caught up to me and kicked me in the ass at some point while sitting in the car that morning. However, I have a nice girlfriend who makes sure I eat and play videogames and forces me to work on music, so life isn't that bad. I apologize to the nice international couple known as Liz and Purse for missing their anniversary, especially because their wedding was the coolest, most stress free wedding I have ever attended. Possibly lifechanging despite the cupcake on Lurch's back. Thats for another time, friends.
So Saturday, despite being a bit down still, yours truly made a rare appearance in Harlem to the home of Evan to play videogames on his new Xbox 360 with him, Lurch and Danny Boy. It's a sweet device,the 360, but I won't be getting one. I'm waiting on PS3. Once bored with Xbox, we played Smackdown Vs. Raw 2006 and I was a happy mark. We went out for soul food and then G, Lurch, myself and Irene had a very fun evening back at MOGworld eating Pizza and watching the legendary Paul Newman in SLAP SHOT, which is quite possibly the greatest sports movie ever made. Bar none. ok? Saturday, thanks to good friends and good times, saw the first signs of light at the end of my currrent depression tunnel. Now let me add that I'm being a tad melodramatic, per usual, because i may have had a shit week, but those are so rare that I have very little to complain about. But I'm allowed every now and then. Sometimes. Rarely. Occasionally.
Echo and the Bunnymen showed up at Irving and it was a mixed affair. I love them, I like the new album a lot, but the sound was crap, the pace was a bit Eh, and I think I was just tired. I've seen these guys at their height, it's a tough standard to hold them to. Set list was weird, but when they played the hits, they hit hard. Ending a set with OCEAN RAIN is always a smart choice. Nowhere near as good as when we saw them in the UK, but they certainly didn't suck.
I failed the mention that gig of the YEAR was last weekend and it was Mr. John Cale. John Cale was gig of the year. He was cooler now than he was 10, 20, 30 years ago. He was fierce, his band was tight and he played an excellent set of his classics as well as new material from his awesome BLACK ACETATE album, which is certainly in the top 10 this year. If i had only one complaint, it was that he didn't do enough of his solo (meaning just him onstage) pieces. However, considering that he OPENED with the Velvets VENUS IN FURS, how awesome his band was, and the fact that he ended it by himself performing I KEEP A CLOSE WATCH, I must officially declare this GIG OF THE YEAR. Basically, he ruled it, made you realize that Lou Reed is a poseur, and that living across the street from this man for 7 years was the best. I'm sure if Danny Boy was blogging this one, he would mention Mr. Cale's super head of hair.
There's a lot to look forward to this holiday weekend. The aggression rehearse for the first time in 3 years on Saturday (provided everyone shows up), Evan has secured a copy of Raw Vs. Smackdown 2006 for my ps2, and there might be some Turkey fun with my small cousin. Also, there is a WWF pay per view this weekend, which I am excited about because after a week of heartwrenching Eddie Guerrero tributes this week, I am excited about wrestling being fake again.
See you soon.

I spent the rest of Friday comatose on the couch watching the entire life story of Bret "Hitman" Hart on DVD. I was in no shape to be social as the emotions of the week just caught up to me and kicked me in the ass at some point while sitting in the car that morning. However, I have a nice girlfriend who makes sure I eat and play videogames and forces me to work on music, so life isn't that bad. I apologize to the nice international couple known as Liz and Purse for missing their anniversary, especially because their wedding was the coolest, most stress free wedding I have ever attended. Possibly lifechanging despite the cupcake on Lurch's back. Thats for another time, friends.
So Saturday, despite being a bit down still, yours truly made a rare appearance in Harlem to the home of Evan to play videogames on his new Xbox 360 with him, Lurch and Danny Boy. It's a sweet device,the 360, but I won't be getting one. I'm waiting on PS3. Once bored with Xbox, we played Smackdown Vs. Raw 2006 and I was a happy mark. We went out for soul food and then G, Lurch, myself and Irene had a very fun evening back at MOGworld eating Pizza and watching the legendary Paul Newman in SLAP SHOT, which is quite possibly the greatest sports movie ever made. Bar none. ok? Saturday, thanks to good friends and good times, saw the first signs of light at the end of my currrent depression tunnel. Now let me add that I'm being a tad melodramatic, per usual, because i may have had a shit week, but those are so rare that I have very little to complain about. But I'm allowed every now and then. Sometimes. Rarely. Occasionally.
Echo and the Bunnymen showed up at Irving and it was a mixed affair. I love them, I like the new album a lot, but the sound was crap, the pace was a bit Eh, and I think I was just tired. I've seen these guys at their height, it's a tough standard to hold them to. Set list was weird, but when they played the hits, they hit hard. Ending a set with OCEAN RAIN is always a smart choice. Nowhere near as good as when we saw them in the UK, but they certainly didn't suck.

There's a lot to look forward to this holiday weekend. The aggression rehearse for the first time in 3 years on Saturday (provided everyone shows up), Evan has secured a copy of Raw Vs. Smackdown 2006 for my ps2, and there might be some Turkey fun with my small cousin. Also, there is a WWF pay per view this weekend, which I am excited about because after a week of heartwrenching Eddie Guerrero tributes this week, I am excited about wrestling being fake again.
See you soon.
Sadly, our beloved drummer Robin lost her mom this week. Any lady who gives birth to someone as great as Robin and then allows the aggression to rehearse in her basement without complaint for years is certainly deserving of sainthood and will be remembered fondly. She often distracted the Kidd quite a bit during rehersals when the sweet smell of her cooking permeated the basement. Our thoughts are with Robin and her family.
So the AGAIN reunited Bauhaus rolled into town last night. It's a curious reunion (to me at least), as their first reunion, in 1998 was really fucking sweet (check out the live GOTHAM DVD which happily Mattagement took me to the taping of), but then was followed up with..well...nothing. At least Bauhaus wise. Peter Murphy made a few excellent stateside appearances after and I believe we were at the last ever Love and Rockets gig, but I'm curious as to the motivations behind such a tour. The one thing I had heard was that they were touring to make some money to record a new album, which is an excellent idea and something I hope they do.
So we rolled into the new Nokia Theatre in Times Square, which is a great venue if you are as tall as Matt Gentile or taller (Ash will score here), but not so great for us normal-height folks. Drinks are of course way too expensive, but honestly, having a new venue like this in NYC is great, and reminds me of the way old days of going into that same area to the now defunct Academy, which was a great venue (made famous for Ash doing his "running man" dance during a Prototype 909 gig and for some super fucking gigs, I.e early NIN, Duran acoustic, Jesus Jones and the 30 Juliana Hatfield gigs we went to).
But let me sidetrack here for a minute...Dan Hamill, always late, this time RUDELY so, especially since I was holding the tickets, shoots me a text from outside the venue that read: "I AM OUTSIDE THE VENUE WITH CARLOS D" (For the blissfully unaware: Carlos D is the douche hipster bassist from Interpol and local celeb laughing stock and the subject of my girlfriend's recent Halloween costume). We of course think this is a joke but when we head back upstairs the door of the venue, sure enough there's Dan Hamill standing next to Carlos D, who is not being admitted in as a VIP and is forced to walk in with the citizens (and quite despondent about doing so). So is Dan Hamill by the way, but this was rather enjoyable. Danny Boy is being checked for Herpes as we speak.
Just as Bauhaus hit the stage, the venue's staff open the side VIP balcony, and the shorter members of the party (Brandt and myself. Irene doesnt count cause she was wearing heels) were able to secure an excellent spot with a great fucking view from above. So suddenly, this is already a great gig...
So here's Bauhaus onstage and the first thing I'm thinking is: I don't know what drugs they make for the over 45 rock set these days, but fucking AGAIN we have aging rockers looking incredible and healthy. I don't understand it, but I want a prescription in 12 years. (HOWEVER, the wonderful Daniel Ash has lived in LA a bit too long and looks a bit too mall-goth. He's very LA. Irene summed it up best when she described him as looking like a "Goth Tommy Lee" Ouch!) Then the second thing I'm thinking, as they start with an excellent version of BURNING FROM THE INSIDE, is that somehow this mystery drug makes you play better music as well cause these guys are dead on. I'm shocked beyond belief. They were good last time, but not great like this. Maybe it's the venue, but they are incredible.
The one thing that jarred me was that Peter Murphy was no longer the wild frontman of his youth. Instead he's now a distingused older gentlemen who focuses less on his stage persona than he does his singing and in the end, we all win for it, because his voice is in incredible form. VERY powerful. I recalled he was also very calm during his recent solo tours as well and then the realization hit: he's probaby 50 years old and he's acting his age! Why they hell should he roll around like a fucking bat anymore. He's earned it. Smart. I also like his current look, which I can only describe to you as something akin to a French Pervert (and something Dan Hamill should look into).
Anyhow, hat a great set list! Everything from IN THE FLAT FIELD to SHE'S IN PARTIES and one of my true favourites HAIR OF THE DOG was played (which made up for the fact that they didn't play SPIRIT). The sound and lighting were perfect and despite Peter Murphy's elder statesman persona, David J and Daniel Ash turned it up a few notches and really went all out. Kevin Haskins is a human drum machine. He reminds me of Bill Rieflin in a lot of ways. He keeps the ship tight and fierce. I especially enjoyed their giving Daniel Ash center stage for an great version of SLICE OF LIFE. What's a Bauhaus gig without covers? We got ZIGGY, TELEGRAM SAM, and ironically enough a cover of John Cale's ROSEGARDEN FUNERAL OF SORES. Maybe Cale will play it tonight!
With the exception of Daniel Ash's wardrobe, Bauhaus don't play up any of the goth cliches, which I truly appreciate and believe is the reason they have surivived to this day. I never saw them as goth other than the imagry and such, but that's just me. I aways interpreted BELA LUGOSI'S DEAD (which they ended with) as a tribute to a dead actor. Nothing more. They would probably agree with me.
Have you heard about this "Instant Live" CD thing where you can actually buy a copy of the gig you were at like 20 minutes after the show? They had that at this and this is the hot shit. Brandt I decided to do this and after waiting on a huge line (which moved pretty fast once the discs showed up) and it was totally worth it. I'm listening to the gig now and the quality is great and it came in a REALLY nice 2 CD package. I love this new technology and looking forward to it becoming the norm at gigs. (For your industrial goofs: Ex Chemlab drummer Servo is listed the drum tech on this tour on the CD).
So with everyone buzzing from a gig we all universally enjoyed, drinks were had at the wonderful Hell's Kitchen dive BELLVUE, which is my quickly becoming my favourite place to hang with the Pac. Lurch joined us after seeing CAPOTE (maybe he will have a review on HIS blog), and it was great catching up a bit with Mattagement, who is just back from the rioting country of France and is now kicking the aggression's ass into gear, supposedly.
A great night of great music and super company. Certainly one of the gigs of the year.
So we rolled into the new Nokia Theatre in Times Square, which is a great venue if you are as tall as Matt Gentile or taller (Ash will score here), but not so great for us normal-height folks. Drinks are of course way too expensive, but honestly, having a new venue like this in NYC is great, and reminds me of the way old days of going into that same area to the now defunct Academy, which was a great venue (made famous for Ash doing his "running man" dance during a Prototype 909 gig and for some super fucking gigs, I.e early NIN, Duran acoustic, Jesus Jones and the 30 Juliana Hatfield gigs we went to).
But let me sidetrack here for a minute...Dan Hamill, always late, this time RUDELY so, especially since I was holding the tickets, shoots me a text from outside the venue that read: "I AM OUTSIDE THE VENUE WITH CARLOS D" (For the blissfully unaware: Carlos D is the douche hipster bassist from Interpol and local celeb laughing stock and the subject of my girlfriend's recent Halloween costume). We of course think this is a joke but when we head back upstairs the door of the venue, sure enough there's Dan Hamill standing next to Carlos D, who is not being admitted in as a VIP and is forced to walk in with the citizens (and quite despondent about doing so). So is Dan Hamill by the way, but this was rather enjoyable. Danny Boy is being checked for Herpes as we speak.
Just as Bauhaus hit the stage, the venue's staff open the side VIP balcony, and the shorter members of the party (Brandt and myself. Irene doesnt count cause she was wearing heels) were able to secure an excellent spot with a great fucking view from above. So suddenly, this is already a great gig...
So here's Bauhaus onstage and the first thing I'm thinking is: I don't know what drugs they make for the over 45 rock set these days, but fucking AGAIN we have aging rockers looking incredible and healthy. I don't understand it, but I want a prescription in 12 years. (HOWEVER, the wonderful Daniel Ash has lived in LA a bit too long and looks a bit too mall-goth. He's very LA. Irene summed it up best when she described him as looking like a "Goth Tommy Lee" Ouch!) Then the second thing I'm thinking, as they start with an excellent version of BURNING FROM THE INSIDE, is that somehow this mystery drug makes you play better music as well cause these guys are dead on. I'm shocked beyond belief. They were good last time, but not great like this. Maybe it's the venue, but they are incredible.
The one thing that jarred me was that Peter Murphy was no longer the wild frontman of his youth. Instead he's now a distingused older gentlemen who focuses less on his stage persona than he does his singing and in the end, we all win for it, because his voice is in incredible form. VERY powerful. I recalled he was also very calm during his recent solo tours as well and then the realization hit: he's probaby 50 years old and he's acting his age! Why they hell should he roll around like a fucking bat anymore. He's earned it. Smart. I also like his current look, which I can only describe to you as something akin to a French Pervert (and something Dan Hamill should look into).
Anyhow, hat a great set list! Everything from IN THE FLAT FIELD to SHE'S IN PARTIES and one of my true favourites HAIR OF THE DOG was played (which made up for the fact that they didn't play SPIRIT). The sound and lighting were perfect and despite Peter Murphy's elder statesman persona, David J and Daniel Ash turned it up a few notches and really went all out. Kevin Haskins is a human drum machine. He reminds me of Bill Rieflin in a lot of ways. He keeps the ship tight and fierce. I especially enjoyed their giving Daniel Ash center stage for an great version of SLICE OF LIFE. What's a Bauhaus gig without covers? We got ZIGGY, TELEGRAM SAM, and ironically enough a cover of John Cale's ROSEGARDEN FUNERAL OF SORES. Maybe Cale will play it tonight!
With the exception of Daniel Ash's wardrobe, Bauhaus don't play up any of the goth cliches, which I truly appreciate and believe is the reason they have surivived to this day. I never saw them as goth other than the imagry and such, but that's just me. I aways interpreted BELA LUGOSI'S DEAD (which they ended with) as a tribute to a dead actor. Nothing more. They would probably agree with me.
Have you heard about this "Instant Live" CD thing where you can actually buy a copy of the gig you were at like 20 minutes after the show? They had that at this and this is the hot shit. Brandt I decided to do this and after waiting on a huge line (which moved pretty fast once the discs showed up) and it was totally worth it. I'm listening to the gig now and the quality is great and it came in a REALLY nice 2 CD package. I love this new technology and looking forward to it becoming the norm at gigs. (For your industrial goofs: Ex Chemlab drummer Servo is listed the drum tech on this tour on the CD).
So with everyone buzzing from a gig we all universally enjoyed, drinks were had at the wonderful Hell's Kitchen dive BELLVUE, which is my quickly becoming my favourite place to hang with the Pac. Lurch joined us after seeing CAPOTE (maybe he will have a review on HIS blog), and it was great catching up a bit with Mattagement, who is just back from the rioting country of France and is now kicking the aggression's ass into gear, supposedly.
A great night of great music and super company. Certainly one of the gigs of the year.
Listen, I'm here with bricks...
I'm too lazy to write a review of the Elbow show at Hiro the other night. Irene is writing a review for Filter, so I'll just copy and paste that eventually. However, it was a VERY good show, capped off by an audience member screaming out "FRANK DESANTO!" during the encore. Who was this mark, this fan who couldn't control himself? ASH of course! Then I spent exactly 32 wonderful seconds with him after the gig. Also, his actions alerted many to my presence, luckily not anyone wants to have me, so we got out in one piece. Hopefully no one will do this at Bauhaus. Goths want to kill me. Also, it was really cool to see my cousin Adam at the gig only to find out it really wasn't him. That was great.
Exhaustion regins. The short recap of the weekend goes like this: If this pans out Friday will be remembered as a monumental day for Hypefactor as we might (MIGHT) have gotten the perfect producer/mixer who can bang this baby into the super shape it needs to be in. It's all tentative, but if the tallness comes onboard for this part of the record, I will have less grey hair (while many consider it "distinguished", I am happy to have hair still). Spent Friday night decompressing over wine and pasta at Poetessa (fave italian) with Irene before spending the wee hours editing HF drums till basically my head fell off all the while debating certain aggression-related logistics with myself. Saturday saw me sleep in for the first time in 15 years (till 10am no less) before raiding Myers of Keswick (British food store) for the usual UK supplies (crisps, tea, digestives).
The rest of the afternoon was spent with my younger female sibling who for some reason has suddenly become a grown up but no less hilarious to spend time with. More drum edits and then, at last, some New Green Bo to just make my life that much better. Then while my overworked significant other slept, I caught up with B and Al at Mercury Lounge to finally check out Baby Dayliner, who we have recently learned is associated with the single greatest public access show that ever existed, BABY SHOW...ok wait...
**Historical Lesson: Baby Show was a collective of downtown New York kids who put on a weekly public access show which was a combination of hilariously improvised politically incorrect skits, reality pranks, homemade hip hop music, and overdubbed cartoons/TV shows. Usually insane, just about always funny, and truly cutting edge despite the lower than low budget, these guys single handledly influenced the early part of what will forever now be referred to as THE GOLD STREET YEARS (where Dan Hamill and I lived circa 1996-2003). A huge portion of the MOGpac lingo came from this show, which we taped regularly. Honestly, I can't describe it properly, but it was the best shit ever. Over THE GOLD STREET YEARS (always in caps), Danny and I would find ourselves occasionally running into these guys and being vaguely acquainted with them. They also had a dial in number on the show that we abused quite a bit.
It turns out that the up and coming one-man pop act Baby Dayliner was part of this crew. I noticed this when recognizing two of the key members of Baby show, Jer and Tones (seen here with Dayliner)
Upon further research, Danny and I learned that a lot of this gang have gone on to a lot of cool shit. Rising Hip Hop star Aesop Rock came out of this crew, as did Entourage star Adrian Grenier. And they all still work together in one way or another, which is pretty cool and almost MOGpac-esque except with less wrestling and more musical productivity.
Brandt had been pushing me to check this guy out long before we made the connection to Baby Show, so I decided to actually be seen in public with him (mostly cause his girlfriend is significantly cooler than he is and she's probably a better engineer) and head to Mercury Lounge. Long story short, this guy Dayliner is pretty funny. He's got some good tunes. All the music is on a CD or IPOD that keeps in a suitcause on stage.
And this guy is like a weird love-child combo of Chris Connelly and Morrissey yet he has that Baby Show hip hop slant to him. The presentation feels very hip hop and the gimmick lasts a few songs, but after awhile I kept wondering how great this guy would be with a full band. But that's not his thing. What made this great was the crowd, who were dead into it and were mostly Baby Show alumni. He's got a strong following and they certainly added to the vibe.
I know I enjoyed myself but I don't know if I loved the gig after a few songs. I do find myself since the gig listening to the records quite a bit and appreciating them a lot more. After the gig, I ran into Baby Show Tony at the bar, who remembered the times we had met, but recalled my name being "Arthur" for some reason. Anyway, we spent a while reviewing the history of Baby Show, what's been going on since they stopped doing the show. I bought the guy a drink, we had a laugh and it capped off a fun evening. It turns out he did a bit of the Baby Dayliner music and had a comedy record out called PARTY FUN ACTION COMMITTEE, which I've read is quite funny.
Sunday was a day of semi-rest but mostly more editing and brunch with the younger sister of agent/lawyer/advisor, who is a fucking riot and a fun person to eat outdoors with. Nothing beats escargots on a Sunday morning, kids, and that's not code! Then it was back home to catch up on TV while editing.
I think we're seeing Bauhaus this week and maybe hopefully John Cale if Brandt gets the tickets. Cool gigs are a coming.
Exhaustion regins. The short recap of the weekend goes like this: If this pans out Friday will be remembered as a monumental day for Hypefactor as we might (MIGHT) have gotten the perfect producer/mixer who can bang this baby into the super shape it needs to be in. It's all tentative, but if the tallness comes onboard for this part of the record, I will have less grey hair (while many consider it "distinguished", I am happy to have hair still). Spent Friday night decompressing over wine and pasta at Poetessa (fave italian) with Irene before spending the wee hours editing HF drums till basically my head fell off all the while debating certain aggression-related logistics with myself. Saturday saw me sleep in for the first time in 15 years (till 10am no less) before raiding Myers of Keswick (British food store) for the usual UK supplies (crisps, tea, digestives).

**Historical Lesson: Baby Show was a collective of downtown New York kids who put on a weekly public access show which was a combination of hilariously improvised politically incorrect skits, reality pranks, homemade hip hop music, and overdubbed cartoons/TV shows. Usually insane, just about always funny, and truly cutting edge despite the lower than low budget, these guys single handledly influenced the early part of what will forever now be referred to as THE GOLD STREET YEARS (where Dan Hamill and I lived circa 1996-2003). A huge portion of the MOGpac lingo came from this show, which we taped regularly. Honestly, I can't describe it properly, but it was the best shit ever. Over THE GOLD STREET YEARS (always in caps), Danny and I would find ourselves occasionally running into these guys and being vaguely acquainted with them. They also had a dial in number on the show that we abused quite a bit.
It turns out that the up and coming one-man pop act Baby Dayliner was part of this crew. I noticed this when recognizing two of the key members of Baby show, Jer and Tones (seen here with Dayliner)

Brandt had been pushing me to check this guy out long before we made the connection to Baby Show, so I decided to actually be seen in public with him (mostly cause his girlfriend is significantly cooler than he is and she's probably a better engineer) and head to Mercury Lounge. Long story short, this guy Dayliner is pretty funny. He's got some good tunes. All the music is on a CD or IPOD that keeps in a suitcause on stage.

I know I enjoyed myself but I don't know if I loved the gig after a few songs. I do find myself since the gig listening to the records quite a bit and appreciating them a lot more. After the gig, I ran into Baby Show Tony at the bar, who remembered the times we had met, but recalled my name being "Arthur" for some reason. Anyway, we spent a while reviewing the history of Baby Show, what's been going on since they stopped doing the show. I bought the guy a drink, we had a laugh and it capped off a fun evening. It turns out he did a bit of the Baby Dayliner music and had a comedy record out called PARTY FUN ACTION COMMITTEE, which I've read is quite funny.
Sunday was a day of semi-rest but mostly more editing and brunch with the younger sister of agent/lawyer/advisor, who is a fucking riot and a fun person to eat outdoors with. Nothing beats escargots on a Sunday morning, kids, and that's not code! Then it was back home to catch up on TV while editing.
I think we're seeing Bauhaus this week and maybe hopefully John Cale if Brandt gets the tickets. Cool gigs are a coming.