Let's see, where did we leave off? Well we HAVE been working on the music. Sounding VERY good, yes I am singing. But anyhow...
It's been business as usual. Music. Work. Writing, etc. Right now I am blasting the new Kasabian track VLAD THE IMPAILER. There's nothing better than when your fave band comes back with something as promising as this. Having now heard bootlegs of the new tracks being played live, my fingers are crossed and my anticipation is now unmuted. Album 3 is gonna fulfill the promise of the last 5 years of loving this band. I think. LEAK.
Some other albums I'm listening to:
Depeche Mode's SOUNDS OF THE UNIVERSE. Not bad. Too many songs. Not enough energy. Once again Dave has the better songs on his solo album, but the production on this one is pretty good. Could be a grower. Maybe.
Pet Shop Boys YES: Johnny Marr is supposedly on this album. I can't hear it. It's too glossy, too smooth. Decent ideas. liking it. Nothing earth shattering.
The Hours SEE THE LIGHT: Nice step forward for these guys. A little redundant, but having the amazing Flood in the producers chair really helps these guys reach a new level. They need to take some risks and branch out, the songwriting gets a little redundant. However, they got the Kasabian opening slot and I'd kill to see that double bill. The title track is one of my favourite singles in the past year plus.
The Gigs...
We saw Moz at Bowery. Yes. Bowery. Seeing him in such a small venue and enjoying it so much really made up for the kinda so so set list. Amazing energy, despite the asshole who set me off, and a super gig. I know if I saw this same show at any other NY venue he performed at, I'd be less likely to have enjoyed it. Got lucky with this one.
Ladyhawke made her NY debut and we took the visiting Mr. Cramp to go check her out. It was ok. It felt very much the "hastily put together band of session guys backing up the new hot artist" thing. It lacked something. Also, the sound was mixed all wrong. Ladhyhawke herself has a lot of talent and charisma, but she need to get the band seasoned up a bit. Love the album though. Check that out.
Then finally, at long last the Scream came back to show us all how it's done. And two nights worth no less. We had a blast both nights. Because they are assholes and have to get all the bridge and tunnel douches into the club, the first night at Webster started so early that Irene and I missed the first 5 or so songs, but the company of G and B really helped made it feel like an event. We got into it. The lads played a near perfect set list that covered the entire catalogue. Perfect. The band has new life to it thanks to a great new album as well as the awesome new guitar player Little Barrie, who quite simply owns the fucking stage. Big difference maker. Of course, there was Mani, with the best bass rig ever, keeping it tight as fuck. Perfect Rock N Roll. I've never seen Bobby so electric. Then we grabbed a few drinks with Saintface himself, which is always lovely.
Having missed so much of the first set, I went with Brandt to see The Scream the next night at the Music all of The Burg, whatever. Cool venue, direct rip off of Bowery, same owners. We got really close and got to enjoy. As the T-shirts read, "God Save The Scream"...amazing. The only negative was that they didn't play the excellent UPTOWN, much to Danny's chagrin.
Happy to report that wrestling journalist superstar Fernwood Gold III has returned just in time for Wrestlemania. Thank fuck. READ: http://www.ugo.com/sports/wrestlemania25-predictions/
Lastly, Happy birthday Eric Richard Sica. Now 11. ELEVEN!?!?
What's up you clowns.
Make it simple for you, been doing my thing. Can't complain. Busy is good. Right? Now just sit the hell down and let me just spew out some random shit in no particular order so I'm at least caught up, ok?
The long awaited return of MASERATI happened last week and my god it was worth the wait. We had a nice big posse for this one, and it was at a venue with seats, which actually kinda was cool for this. Steve Moore of Zombi opened with an all 80's soundtrack sounding synth set, which we enjoyed quite a bit. I even got his album after cause I was that into it. Anyhow, GERRY, who is Ash's long lost BFF, brought the fucking awesome and the new songs are really good. You should have seen us all embarassingly giddy during this. It was that good. They need that new album out asap.
DUPLICITY is a pretty good movie featuring big movie stars in a clever story doing interesting things and looking good. It's smart, well crafted, beautifully shot and well paced. Tony Gilroy is really strong. It's the kind of movie my mom can see. I enjoyed it. It's the first time Clive felt like a big movie star to me. It also has the best payoff ever and Dan Hamill needs to see it immediately. It also made me want to eat Pizza, which Irene and I actually went and did right after...see it and you'll understand.
I did a lot of cool shit recently as a low level comic book writer/movie producer where I get to yap about things I love. Here are three cool things:
I appeared on a podcast discussing WATCHMEN here: http://www.batman-on-film.com/podcasts_menu.html
Then I did a show called COMIC CLUB LIVE which was awesome and on a stage and saw Lurch go mental about Watchmen yet again, go figure. I don't think the audio is up yet, but keep checking here: http://www.popcultureshock.com/cbclub/
And finally, my pal Kyle Newman, who directed the wonderful FANBOYS, and I did a Forcecast for the awesome guys at Theforce.net: http://www.theforce.net/topstory/story/ForceCastClone_Wars_Roundtable_S1_Episode_21_121887.asp
EASTBOUND AND DOWN is the best show on fucking TV. Danny McBride is a genius and Will Ferrel impersonating Ric Flair is blow away. BEST SHOW ON TV. The finale tonight was great and I'm hoping they do another season of this shit cause it's so wonderfully uncomfortable and scary and hilarious all at the same time. GET ON IT.
Man, I'm really upset about the Natasha Richardson thing. First off, it's just plain fucking horrible, but to see Liam Neeson all around the city being so stoic just breaks my heart. I watched some video of him greeting people on Broadway and I literally burst out into tears. I love the man, he was very nice to me when I met him briefly a few years back, and maybe cause he's Qui Gon, I care just a little bit more. I know.
I totally slacked on the music this week, mostly because BRADLEY CRAMP popped up on the right coast and we grabbed an epic dinner uptown. Plus he picked up the tab, the geezer. Brad remains a wonderful friend, probably the only person I know who has had a similar career to my own and thus understands it in a way few could. And my god, he has some cute kids. Hoping to sneak in some more time with him before he heads back West.
Morrissey played Bowery last night. It was awesome. I'm gonna wait for Irene to gimme the pix before I blog about it. Also, I got drunk and was a total wanker. Sorry about that.
Back soon.
Make it simple for you, been doing my thing. Can't complain. Busy is good. Right? Now just sit the hell down and let me just spew out some random shit in no particular order so I'm at least caught up, ok?
The long awaited return of MASERATI happened last week and my god it was worth the wait. We had a nice big posse for this one, and it was at a venue with seats, which actually kinda was cool for this. Steve Moore of Zombi opened with an all 80's soundtrack sounding synth set, which we enjoyed quite a bit. I even got his album after cause I was that into it. Anyhow, GERRY, who is Ash's long lost BFF, brought the fucking awesome and the new songs are really good. You should have seen us all embarassingly giddy during this. It was that good. They need that new album out asap.
DUPLICITY is a pretty good movie featuring big movie stars in a clever story doing interesting things and looking good. It's smart, well crafted, beautifully shot and well paced. Tony Gilroy is really strong. It's the kind of movie my mom can see. I enjoyed it. It's the first time Clive felt like a big movie star to me. It also has the best payoff ever and Dan Hamill needs to see it immediately. It also made me want to eat Pizza, which Irene and I actually went and did right after...see it and you'll understand.
I did a lot of cool shit recently as a low level comic book writer/movie producer where I get to yap about things I love. Here are three cool things:
I appeared on a podcast discussing WATCHMEN here: http://www.batman-on-film.com/podcasts_menu.html
Then I did a show called COMIC CLUB LIVE which was awesome and on a stage and saw Lurch go mental about Watchmen yet again, go figure. I don't think the audio is up yet, but keep checking here: http://www.popcultureshock.com/cbclub/
And finally, my pal Kyle Newman, who directed the wonderful FANBOYS, and I did a Forcecast for the awesome guys at Theforce.net: http://www.theforce.net/topstory/story/ForceCastClone_Wars_Roundtable_S1_Episode_21_121887.asp
EASTBOUND AND DOWN is the best show on fucking TV. Danny McBride is a genius and Will Ferrel impersonating Ric Flair is blow away. BEST SHOW ON TV. The finale tonight was great and I'm hoping they do another season of this shit cause it's so wonderfully uncomfortable and scary and hilarious all at the same time. GET ON IT.
Man, I'm really upset about the Natasha Richardson thing. First off, it's just plain fucking horrible, but to see Liam Neeson all around the city being so stoic just breaks my heart. I watched some video of him greeting people on Broadway and I literally burst out into tears. I love the man, he was very nice to me when I met him briefly a few years back, and maybe cause he's Qui Gon, I care just a little bit more. I know.
I totally slacked on the music this week, mostly because BRADLEY CRAMP popped up on the right coast and we grabbed an epic dinner uptown. Plus he picked up the tab, the geezer. Brad remains a wonderful friend, probably the only person I know who has had a similar career to my own and thus understands it in a way few could. And my god, he has some cute kids. Hoping to sneak in some more time with him before he heads back West.
Morrissey played Bowery last night. It was awesome. I'm gonna wait for Irene to gimme the pix before I blog about it. Also, I got drunk and was a total wanker. Sorry about that.
Back soon.
A Gig and Two Flicks
There's a few things I've failed to mention, so let me get you caught up.

Last week, I traveled through the snow to BK to check out my friend Wade Alin play with his band The Atomica Project. I hadn't seen him since he did sound for the last Chemlab tour. Wade like some of us, used to front an industrial band (Christ Analogue, whom the big A played with at the Kidd's debut gig in DC), and now has a project that reflects his current non industrial ways. I've always liked it on record, as we still say, so I was curious to see it live. Man, I'm glad I did cause it's REALLY good live. It's a simple set up with some very talented people, Wade on bass running stuff off his laptop, a keyboardist/DJ a drummer and a wonderful vocalist named Lauren who just has tons of charisma. It's a trip hop kind of sound, but without the bullshit pretention, and I think that's what hit me the most live. There's an honesty to it, that I really liked, and probably why I've always liked Wade's music. He does it for the right reasons. He and I grabbed a pint after and caught up, and I'm happy to report he has a lovely family, a good band, and is going to be mixing some new Jared stuff, which I am excited about. He also has a sweet beard. This was a really good night and I encourage you to check them out! http://www.theatomicaproject.com
Later in the week, the Mrs and I went to a screening of a movie called SUNSHINE CLEANING, which stars the lovely duo of Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. It's a very clever and enjoyable indie flick about two sisters who run a cleaning services that handles crime scenes or deceased homes. Irene loves Amy Adams but I walked out of this movie with a crush on Emily Blunt, who is just great in it. Sure it might be considered a "chick flick" but I think it's more than that. Great supporting cast, especially Alan Arkin. Also, it was shot all in the parts of New Mexico where we did THE SPIRIT, so a lot of fun seeing some familiar locales.
Finally, WATCHMEN. What can I say without opening a can of worms? The reactions amongst our crew were shocking to me. My verdict, it's ok, its good. I don't think it's a great movie in terms of structure, tone and pacing, but I thought the respect into HOW it was adapted was obvious but in the end the director was too committed to the source material and it hurt the movie. But my god, did you see that hilarious sex scene? I lol'd so hard cause it was basically Cinemax (and it missed the point) As we have said for years, a 12 hour cable series was the best option for this, but it's not to be. I hope it does well though, its a noble effort. It's not Superman 4 as Lurch would say...FIGHT TIME!
More in a bit.

Last week, I traveled through the snow to BK to check out my friend Wade Alin play with his band The Atomica Project. I hadn't seen him since he did sound for the last Chemlab tour. Wade like some of us, used to front an industrial band (Christ Analogue, whom the big A played with at the Kidd's debut gig in DC), and now has a project that reflects his current non industrial ways. I've always liked it on record, as we still say, so I was curious to see it live. Man, I'm glad I did cause it's REALLY good live. It's a simple set up with some very talented people, Wade on bass running stuff off his laptop, a keyboardist/DJ a drummer and a wonderful vocalist named Lauren who just has tons of charisma. It's a trip hop kind of sound, but without the bullshit pretention, and I think that's what hit me the most live. There's an honesty to it, that I really liked, and probably why I've always liked Wade's music. He does it for the right reasons. He and I grabbed a pint after and caught up, and I'm happy to report he has a lovely family, a good band, and is going to be mixing some new Jared stuff, which I am excited about. He also has a sweet beard. This was a really good night and I encourage you to check them out! http://www.theatomicaproject.com
Later in the week, the Mrs and I went to a screening of a movie called SUNSHINE CLEANING, which stars the lovely duo of Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. It's a very clever and enjoyable indie flick about two sisters who run a cleaning services that handles crime scenes or deceased homes. Irene loves Amy Adams but I walked out of this movie with a crush on Emily Blunt, who is just great in it. Sure it might be considered a "chick flick" but I think it's more than that. Great supporting cast, especially Alan Arkin. Also, it was shot all in the parts of New Mexico where we did THE SPIRIT, so a lot of fun seeing some familiar locales.
Finally, WATCHMEN. What can I say without opening a can of worms? The reactions amongst our crew were shocking to me. My verdict, it's ok, its good. I don't think it's a great movie in terms of structure, tone and pacing, but I thought the respect into HOW it was adapted was obvious but in the end the director was too committed to the source material and it hurt the movie. But my god, did you see that hilarious sex scene? I lol'd so hard cause it was basically Cinemax (and it missed the point) As we have said for years, a 12 hour cable series was the best option for this, but it's not to be. I hope it does well though, its a noble effort. It's not Superman 4 as Lurch would say...FIGHT TIME!
More in a bit.
In 3D
Where you been?
Ive been around, honestly just trying to enjoy my life, which is the usual fare of 09. Meaning, it's awesome with some stress and drama, new to me obviously, but I'm slowly getting a grip on what has been the weirdest year of my life thus far and it's only fucking March!
I had a lovely weekend, just FYI. Barbara, she of Italian heritage and excellent taste hosted some folks for an Italian Carnavale. Despite the lack of Roger, it was still good to see some folk we had not seen in awhile. I also got there early, had no idea who to speak to, so I approached some brit girls (cause they were handling the food and drinks, you see I am clever) and I created a new gimmick, which is organically weaving the fact that I am engaged early into conversations with young women in order to create a more comfortable situation ("Oh, I'll have a drink before MY FIANCE gets here"). This fucking WORKS. It's like being gay. Sorta. Obviously, by the time the fiance does show up, you're bragging about seeing Oasis at Finsbury in the pouring rain in 2002. But it was a good time with again awesome food, and Jessie filled every pocket she had with stolen MnM's which was then of course used to throw at cars and people while waiting to eat dinner at some really good Mexican place. It was a solid Friday night, kids. There are some pix ill try to grab.
Saturday was like the first day off the future Mrs and I both had so we made a day out of it. First we shopped for girly clothes with Jessie which was long and tedious though one store played the entire Best Of The Stone Roses which definitely helped. Then we TRIED to go to The Stack for some beer and pretzels but motherfuckers werent open yet, so we went to inoteca for wine (them), beer (me) and some snacks.
After, we did the obligatory wedding planning dinner thing with my folks at this French place I am not feeling anymore (not Les Halles obviously), and then we checked out CORALINE in 3D, which I enjoyed a great deal. The attention to detail was sick and the storytelling was excellent and it was kinda scary. The 3D was super and I can see that this is the wave of the future. I can only imagine seeing something like STAR WARS like this would be amazing. I had few complaints about the movie, mostly that the parents were total dicks before and after. But, it was cool and the 3d trailer for Aliens and Monsters was pretty sweet too. Love 3D.
Sunday, was a chill day, which we needed. Gym, general hanging out and then a fun afternoon with Lurch, Priya, and G, first at Marshall Satck (FINALLY got my pretzels and tots and pints) and then at that place they like which I don't remember the name of, but I like a lot. It's on allen street and rivington across from stack so if you want to go, ask Danny. They had some good shit with bacon. It was here I realized I had been drinking a lot lately, which I am sorta excited about.
I am excited about a great many things, starting with Watchmen this Friday. Then there are some seriously good albums coming out, like Doves, Depeche, Kasabian (if they ever announce it), etc. Plus, I am feeling Star Trek is going to be great.
Sorry this is brief and yes if you noticed, there is a lack of music making in my life at the moment. I am going to try and rectify that very fucking shortly.
In a bit
Ive been around, honestly just trying to enjoy my life, which is the usual fare of 09. Meaning, it's awesome with some stress and drama, new to me obviously, but I'm slowly getting a grip on what has been the weirdest year of my life thus far and it's only fucking March!
I had a lovely weekend, just FYI. Barbara, she of Italian heritage and excellent taste hosted some folks for an Italian Carnavale. Despite the lack of Roger, it was still good to see some folk we had not seen in awhile. I also got there early, had no idea who to speak to, so I approached some brit girls (cause they were handling the food and drinks, you see I am clever) and I created a new gimmick, which is organically weaving the fact that I am engaged early into conversations with young women in order to create a more comfortable situation ("Oh, I'll have a drink before MY FIANCE gets here"). This fucking WORKS. It's like being gay. Sorta. Obviously, by the time the fiance does show up, you're bragging about seeing Oasis at Finsbury in the pouring rain in 2002. But it was a good time with again awesome food, and Jessie filled every pocket she had with stolen MnM's which was then of course used to throw at cars and people while waiting to eat dinner at some really good Mexican place. It was a solid Friday night, kids. There are some pix ill try to grab.
Saturday was like the first day off the future Mrs and I both had so we made a day out of it. First we shopped for girly clothes with Jessie which was long and tedious though one store played the entire Best Of The Stone Roses which definitely helped. Then we TRIED to go to The Stack for some beer and pretzels but motherfuckers werent open yet, so we went to inoteca for wine (them), beer (me) and some snacks.
After, we did the obligatory wedding planning dinner thing with my folks at this French place I am not feeling anymore (not Les Halles obviously), and then we checked out CORALINE in 3D, which I enjoyed a great deal. The attention to detail was sick and the storytelling was excellent and it was kinda scary. The 3D was super and I can see that this is the wave of the future. I can only imagine seeing something like STAR WARS like this would be amazing. I had few complaints about the movie, mostly that the parents were total dicks before and after. But, it was cool and the 3d trailer for Aliens and Monsters was pretty sweet too. Love 3D.
Sunday, was a chill day, which we needed. Gym, general hanging out and then a fun afternoon with Lurch, Priya, and G, first at Marshall Satck (FINALLY got my pretzels and tots and pints) and then at that place they like which I don't remember the name of, but I like a lot. It's on allen street and rivington across from stack so if you want to go, ask Danny. They had some good shit with bacon. It was here I realized I had been drinking a lot lately, which I am sorta excited about.
I am excited about a great many things, starting with Watchmen this Friday. Then there are some seriously good albums coming out, like Doves, Depeche, Kasabian (if they ever announce it), etc. Plus, I am feeling Star Trek is going to be great.
Sorry this is brief and yes if you noticed, there is a lack of music making in my life at the moment. I am going to try and rectify that very fucking shortly.
In a bit