Thursday night, Ash as BAYE played a set in Brooklyn that, despite the rough set up of the venue, kicked massive fucking ass. He played a solid set of old and recent stuff and even opened with a new song that I LOVED. I am not sure what it was called, but I have asked repeatedly for an mp3 of the song or the set itself and hopefully he will deliver on this shortly. This was the real deal. He had a really good set up in terms of gear and sound and this was probably one of the best things I have seen and hear him do of this kind. Thumbs to Ash, I hope he keeps doing that. Here check out this video, shot by Chewy Music with some of the moments from the awesome gig. Note Bob's head and the occasionaly glimpse of G:
Afterwards, G, B were briefly joined by Bob and Laura as we got the drinks thing going. There we met B’s high school friend who is a Dr, drinks and smokes like a champ and has chest hair like you can’t believe. It’s like silk. I asked him to expose it more. It was comforting to see. Uncomforting was the chick who kept telling us about her parents who were drug runners or something. She bored me into urination and I told her so. This was not helping the evening.
So with a few drinks in, G convinced me to go check out the Hooky DJ set at the Hiro Ballroom, which I hate and was THIS close to not going to. However, G can be charming (especially since we were already on the guest list) when he wants to be and there we were, on the L, en route to the Ballroom. I can’t recall when we got there, sometime in the 1 range, but there was Hooky, DJ’ing some sold shit. The place wasn’t really the crowded, which definitely made this an easier experience, because we were able to go right up to the front and watch the man in action, which of course doesn’t mean much, as G pointed out very quickly. So we downed the Japanese beer and listened to some cool shit like some Stone Roses remixes, and eventually I just decided to go up and talk to the man himself. No one was bothering him or onstage with him at that moment, so I thought why not.
This proved to be a really cool idea cause Hooky and I had a very enjoyable chat about Freebass, how my bass has been delayed because the same guy is making his new one, and our previous encounters which was making him feel old cause I was 19 the first time we met (this is the third time we have met, and he recalled the previous time, which either makes me cool or scary depending on how you read this). This chat was maybe 2 minutes tops, but when you meet your hero and he is nice, charming, makes an effort, throws an arm around you and make you feel comfortable, it’s a great moment. I left the stage and G said ‘that looked like a very enjoyable conversation”. It was. We stayed till the end of the set and then suffered through the next day slightly hungover. Why G takes a picture of Hooky with some Asian dude and not when im up there is beyond me:

But Friday saw G, B and I get together yet again. Mostly to fall asleep on my couch and then grab a slice of Pizza, but also to head over to the Blender Theatre to check out the long anticipated Peter Murphy gig. Man we lucked out here on several levels, even though the air conditioning sucks massively there. This was our first time at the venue, and luckily we had seats so our tired asses could sit. Second, they were filming this for a DVD, so we got a longer, special set that included all the PM solo hits, stuff from the new Bauhaus album which have never been played live before, cool older Bauhaus tracks (Burning from the Inside and She’s In Parties) as well as a cover of Joy Division’s TRANSMISSION. Why would he cover Joy Division? Oh because guess who was there, yes, Hooky, who was the aftershow DJ for the evening.
Now, I fail to mention that earlier that day, Hooky and I had a nice fan/idol message exchange on the Myspace. It was a perfect way to cap off the fun exchange the night before. Now, knowing he was at this venue made me feel like a stalker douche, especially since I was wearing one of my Factory Records T-shirts. So I told the guys there was no way we were going to the DJ set. However, upon hearing the Malcolm McLaren JD/Captain and Tineille mash up that I know Hooky starts every set with, I felt compelled to check it out. So we had one drink and listened for about 45 minutes before heading out. I hid out of site and snuck peeks. It was a very cool space in the basement of the Blender. Very tiny. Then I went home and passed out.
Work related shit kept me from going to B’s on Saturday, which I was pissed off about but I ended up with the legendary ZOE B, niece of Jessica, and all around CUTEST. We hung out with Jess, the baby, and the babie's awesome mom, Chelsea, all evening on Saturday and took them to a lovely dinner. Then I walked this big ball of cuteness around Brooklyn, observe:
What a cute, personable baby and her mother is everything a sister should be. I wish other sisters could learn from Chelsea's example, though I doubt they will. We had a great time and wanted to hang with them some more, but we had our family hit town.
I got some good nephew time in on Sunday. Don't tell his auntie, but he helped me beat GTA. He actually coached me through the final mission. Then we saw WALL-E which is EXCELLENT. It's basically a silent movie for the first half and it is genius. That movie deserves every dime it makes. Kudos to Pixar, it destroyed CARS, which I didn't love. Then we had noodles.
Last night, Irene's mom came to down for a day so we had a big family dinner. The rest of it was whatever though I did cuddle with the dog. Gonna go check out Mr. Eric Powell and the returning 16Volt tonight, which I am VERY excited for. As is the Kidd.
How are YOU?
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