Been doing my thing, last week was cool as G, The Kidd, and I caught up with Bryan Black, and we ventured down to the old hood to check out Mr. Eric Powell and 16Volt's first gig here in NY in about 5 years. This was very similar to the Chemlab experience back in December, including the nice kids from Cyanotic opening. Black is great to hang with, he just had a VERY cute baby named Bowie. Adorable. Here's a pic of me, Black and Sean Cyanotic:

Anyhow, Eric came on and KICKED IT. I'm seriously. His current album, if I haven't mentioned it already, is probably the best of the "coldwave comebacks" over the last 5 years. Hearing the stuff live felt great and not out of place with the hits. His band, which feature 16v Vet Mike Peoples, Steve from Pig, and the same drummer Jared was using last year, who is awesome, was tight and fierce. Great crowd too. Lotta familiar faces like Steve Debello and some old school aggression fans. When people remember you playing CB's, it was worth it ;-)
So after this, a few days later, my back crapped out on me. This is an annual thing. I tried a new chiropractor, and he was ok, and close to the apt, but the pinched nerve really fucked me up and I spent 4th of July weekend laid the fuck out. However, I did get up to go buy the new New Order DVD, which I watched in it's entirety in one sitting. It's pretty good, plus to watch the Hot Too in action is good enough for me. Anyhow, B had his folks in town, so I am not sure we would have gotten too musical, but we picked up the slack this week and I got to play some F-Bass through the clone theory, which is my fave thing to do. Singing is not, and thank you b for introducing me to someone we mutually know who is now referred to as YCS aka You Can't Sing. Fuck, I can't even look at this guy.
While laid out, I did some new "artwork" for Ash (read: he tells me what to do and I do it in 5 minutes). He has some new beats up on his MS, so check that shit out: More of that coming soon. Also, me, IB and Jess, saw WANTED, which I thought was very cool. Not great, and certainly not the comic, but rockin' none the less. Macavoy is a star, but Angie is too thin. I think it could have been harder and nastier, like the comic, but what the hell do I know about making movies based on comics. You know, Todd.
Brought my ass up to Harlem yesterday for the Evan Birthday Bowling Extravaganza. It was actually the first time in a month the Monday Night crew of me, G, Kidd, Lurch and Evan were all together in the same place. Which was nice. Lurch is back from Handsome Camp and looks like the camp did him well. Especially his haircut. In the meantime, here's is out special guest this weekend:

The guest is the one without the beard. Just FYI. We just watched the Jonas Brothers Rock Camp. I'm officially old. So I think that's where I am at at the moment. Upcoming includes going to The Dark Knight premiere on Monday night (thus delaying wrestling for a month straight) and then I hit the road next Monday for a week in Denver, Wyoming and San Diego. They're might be an LA stint after that as well. I'll let you know.
Be well, stay classy, assy.
P.S. you can ask g what the title of this entry means.
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