So it's been a productive weekend here as we we have been diving face first into the writing pool, trying to work out the kinks in what will be the final song we write for the album. We have a song, CREATION PHASE which has been a bit problematic since its inception so long ago. Anyway, being the arrangement guy, I have tried literally a dozen of different versions of the song using all the great parts played by B, Ash, Chas and Robin, but nothing seems to fucking click.
With some time dedicated this week to just sit and work on music, something hit me. I had played B a snippet of a track i was messing around with on the plane to San Diego, and he said "we should work on that instead of Creation Phase". I didn't think anything of it at the time, but the other night it just clicked with me to combine the two tracks. So I put it all together, threw out about 90% of each song but the combined material I had, which is centered around an E-bow that Ash played that B and I both agreed that we couldn't lose, we finally had the parts to write an interesting song
Since then, B and I have been on a whirlwind writing/arranging session over the internet into the wee hours. The song is hitting it's stride and damn it's gonna be kick ass.
Speaking of kick ass, the Cobra's brought their instrumental irony to the city for the first time on a rainy Saturday night and again I was impressed. I already like the songs but it's always better to see them perform it. Despite one technical snafu where the soundguy had their loops up too loudly, the band sounded tight, the songs were sharp and I am most impressed by Ash's comfort on the guitar. He plays with a flair and confidence he didn't have previously and I think his onstage banter is very very enjoyable. the engine room, as you would expect, kept a tight ship running and those two never fail and their tightness allows Ash to go places. I would also like to add that Ash had a between song costume change as he changed onstage to put on what is becoming the new MOGpac trend: A tshirt with yours truly's mug on it. Pix to come. Anyhow, I still wish they would play OCIONIC, but beggars can't be choosers and now it's time for these kids to put a CD out so they can convert the masses.
In between all this, I was able to see a couple of movies, one of which was the worst movie ever, THE WICKER MAN. No, i did not pay to see this and actually wouldn't have seen it at all had Lurch not expressed interest in it around the same time I was offered screening passes. Lurch arrived for the screening straight off the bus from Philly with his BOX, which is actually his dissertation, but watching my man going around the multiplex with this big ass box was hilarity. Hopefully he will not get shot in the stomach any time soon and lose this box. Anyhow, Wicker Man is the worst shit ever, despite a non billed James Franco cameo. Just remember this:

Anyhow, the next night saw Irene and I checking out CRANK, which stars my favourite non Asian action star Jason Statham, who is awesome and appreciates shocking things (as I learned from my adventures in San Diego where we stayed at the same hotel). He is also a nice bloke. Anyhow, the movie is insane, hilarious and while not a good movie by any means, was entertaining as fuck because Statham is simply awesome. This movie is not for everyone, especially my mom, but MOGpac worthy just for the quotes: I'M ALIVE!! I'M ALIVE!!
ANYHOW, i hope you're all well. i feel like I have more to tell you, but I can't remember with the sun beating on my head. However, I will leave you with Kruger baby awesomeness.

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